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Your search for "*" yielded 532918 hits

Design, development and application of a bioelectrochemical detection system for meat tenderness prediction.

The analytical method described, based on antibody-antigen bio-recognition and the measuring system for amperometric detection, was designed for accurate, easy to use and cost effective quantification of calpastatin, a meat tenderness biomarker. The novel assay for calpastatin quantification was integrated in a portable electrochemical device known as the Tendercheck system and was used to analyze

ICUD-EAU International Consultation on Bladder Cancer 2012: Urinary Diversion

Context: A summary of the 2nd International Consultation on Bladder Cancer recommendations on the reconstructive options after radical cystectomy (RC), their outcomes, and their complications. Objective: To review the literature regarding indications, surgical details, postoperative care, complications, functional outcomes, as well as quality-of-life measures of patients with different forms of ur

Green qualities in the neighbourhood and mental health - results from a longitudinal cohort study in Southern Sweden

Background: Poor mental health is a major issue worldwide and causality is complex. For diseases with multifactorial background synergistic effects of person-and place-factors can potentially be preventive. Nature is suggested as one such positive place-factor. In this cohort study we tested the effect of defined green qualities (Serene, Space, Wild, Culture, Lush) in the environment at baseline o

Systematic trend of water vapour absorption in red giant atmospheres revealed by high resolution TEXES 12 mu m spectra

Context. The structures of the outer atmospheres of red giants are very complex. Recent interpretations of a range of different observations have led to contradictory views of these regions. It is clear, however, that classical model photospheres are inadequate to describe the nature of the outer atmospheres. The notion of large optically thick molecular spheres around the stars (MOLspheres) has b

Search for the Standard Model Higgs boson in the two photon decay channel with the ATLAS detector at the LHC

A search for the Standard Model Higgs boson in the two photon decay channel is reported, using 1.08 fb(-1) of proton-proton collision data at a centre-of-mass energy of 7 TeV recorded by the ATLAS detector. No significant excess is observed in the investigated mass range of 110-150 GeV. Upper limits on the cross-section,times branching ratio of between 2.0 and 5.8 times the Standard Model predicti

Detection of Hearing Loss in Audiological Frequencies from Transient Evoked Otoacoustic Emissions

Transient evoked otoacoustic emissions (TEOAEs) have been analyzed for objective assessment of hearing function and monitoring of the influence of noise exposure and ototoxic drugs. This paper presents a novel application of the Hilbert-Huang transform (HHT) for detection and time-frequency mapping of TEOAEs. Since the HHT does not distinguish between signal and noise, it is combined with ensemble

Metal releases from a municipal solid waste incineration air pollution control residue mixed with compost.

The influence of 10 wt.% mature compost was tested on the heavy metal leachate emissions from a calcium-rich municipal solid waste incineration air pollution control residue (MSWI APC). Apart from elongated columns (500 and 1250 mm), an otherwise norm compliant European percolation test setup was used. More than 99% of the metals Al, As, Cd, Cr, Cu, Fe and Ni were left in the APC residue after lea

Minne och manipulation : om det kollektiva minnets praktiker

Boken är ett resultat av tre symposier ordnade av Centrum för Europaforskning vid LU och NGO ” Citizens without Boundaries”, Syftet med symposierna var att inbjuda forskare och allmänheten till diskussion om det kollektiva minnets praktiker med fokus på hur de påverkar vår förmåga att kritiskt förhålla oss till historiska fakta och vårt sätt att se på den Andre. Under det första symposiet avhandl

In-group ratings are affected by who asks and how: interactive effects of experimenter group-membership and response format.

In three experiments, participants rated how well a number of adjectives described their in-group (e.g. kind-hearted, helpful, intelligent, efficient, etc.). In Experiment 1, females were found to rate their ingroup (females) more favorably when reporting verbally to female (rather than male) experimenters. This finding was further explored in two subsequent experiments where response format (writ

Zero-phonon line broadening and satellite peaks in nanowire quantum dots: The role of piezoelectric coupling

We investigate the influence of the one-dimensional character of the phonon modes in a catalytically grown GaAs nanowire on the absorption spectrum of an embedded quantum dot, focusing on the on the contribution from the piezoelectric coupling. In general, the reduced dimensionally of the phonons leads to spectral side peaks and a zero-phonon line broadening due to the energetically lowest (acoust

Risk of Kaposi Sarcoma Among Immigrants to Sweden

Kaposi sarcoma (KS) is a locally aggressive endothelial tumour that is classified into 4 clinico-epidemiological forms: classic KS affecting lower limbs in elderly Mediterranean or East European men; endemic KS occurring in extremities among Equatorial African middle-aged men and children; iatrogenic KS involving lower limbs in immunosuppressive patients; and AIDS-associated (epidemic) KS observed

Methods for phenotypic evaluation of crustose lichens with emphasis on Teloschistaceae

We present the methods for phenotype evaluation, which give good chances to identify taxa larger according to the anatomical and morphological features. The basic idea is to evaluate characters having regard to completeness and reproducibility. We composed a list of about 100 basic characters and propose standardized ways of measuring them. We also present a list of morphological and anatomical te

Evolution of cyanobacterial symbioses in Ascomycota.

Two fifths of the species in Ascomycota are lichen-forming, of which 10% and 3-4% have cyanobacteria as the primary and secondary photobionts respectively. To study the evolution of cyanobacterial symbioses, the phylogenetic relationships within the Ascomycota have been reconstructed. Phylogenetic analyses were made using direct optimization of nuclear SSU and LSU rDNA sequences under the parsimon

Structural and magnetic properties of GaSb:MnSb granular layers

The results of structural and magnetic characterization of GaMnSb layers grown on GaSb(0 0 1) and GaAs(1 1 1) substrates are presented. The presence of hexagonal, highly oriented MnSb inclusions embedded in GaSb matrix has been demonstrated. The lattice parameters of these inclusions were the same as those for bulk MnSb for the layers grown on GaSb(1 0 0) substrate while for the layers grown on Ga

Tomosynthesis in pulmonary cystic fibrosis

Popular Abstract in Swedish Tack vare den snabba tekniska och digitala utvecklingen under senare år har tomosyntes etablerats som ett nytt och spännande verktyg inom röntgendiagnostiken. Metoden är en vidareutveckling av gammaldags tomografi (skiktröntgen), men är lättare att utföra, ger bättre bilder och dessutom är stråldosen betydligt lägre. Vid tomosyntes gör röntgenröret ett svep över den krThe aims of this thesis were to investigate whether chest tomosynthesis might be used in pulmonary cystic fibrosis, to design and validate a tomosynthesis scoring system, and to determine the effective dose from chest tomosynthesis in children. In a prospective study starting in 2008 clinical chest radiography or computed tomography (CT) were supplemented with a tomosynthesis examination of the l

RF Characterization of Vertical InAs Nanowire MOSFETs with f(t) and f(max) above 140 GHz

We present RF characterization of vertical gateall- around InAs nanowire MOSFETs integrated on Si substrates with peak f(t) = 142 GHz and f(max) = 155 GHz, representing the record for vertical nanowire transistors. The devices has an L-g approximate to 150 nm with a g(m)=700 mS/mm for a nanowire diameter of 38 nm and an EOT = 1.4 nm. The high values of f(t) is achieved through electron beam lithog

Smoking impairs human papillomavirus (HPV) type 16 and 18 capsids antibody response following natural HPV infection

The natural history of oncogenic human papillomavirus (HPV) infections results from interactions of the virus, the host, and multiple cofactors. We studied the association between humoral immune response to HPV and smoking in 191 HPV infected women prospectively. Two follow-up samples (first and last) were analysed for serum cotinine levels, IgA and IgG antibodies to HPV16 and 18, and Chlamydia tr

Svensk bröllopsdiktning under 1600- och 1700-talen

Recension av: Stina Hansson, Svensk bröllopsdiktning under 1600- och 1700-talen. Renässansrepertoarernas framväxt, blomstring och tillbakagång (Göteborg: Institutionen för litteratur, idéhistoria och religion, Göteborgs universitet, 2011). 526 s.