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Overexpressed beta cell CART increases insulin secretion in mouse models of insulin resistance and diabetes

Impaired beta cell function and beta cell death are key features of type 2 diabetes (T2D). Cocaine- and amphetamine-regulated transcript (CART) is necessary for normal islet function in mice. CART increases glucose-stimulated insulin secretion in vivo in mice and in vitro in human islets and CART protects beta cells against glucotoxicity-induced cell death in vitro in rats. Furthermore, beta cell

Penetration Depth and Coherence Length in the Superconductor β-PdBi2

Small angle neutron scattering experiments have been carried out in the mixed state to determine the values and anisotropy of the penetration depth and coherence length in the superconductor β-PdBi2. The distortion of the vortex lattice observed on changing the magnetic field direction suggests that the a–c anisotropy of penetration depth in β-PdBi2 is small. With the magnetic field applied along

Att bedriva sociologisk forskning i en tid av byråkratiserad etikprövning

Sverige är ett få länder i världen som reglerar forskningsetik i lag. Men vad händer när en enhetlig lagstiftning inte har hänsyn till olika forskningsdiscipliners särart, och forskningsetiken formaliseras i ämnesövergripande förordningar? Den formella process som etikprövning av forskning har utvecklats till kan innebära en utmaning för möjligheten att bedriva sociologisk forskning, både vad gäll

The development of musculoskeletal radiology for 100 years as presented in the pages of Acta Radiologica

During the last 100 years, musculoskeletal radiology has developed from bone-only radiography performed by everyone to a dedicated subspecialty, still secure in its origins in radiography but having expanded into all modalities of imaging. Like other subspecialties in radiology, it has become heavily dependent on cross-sectional and functional imaging, and musculoskeletal interventions play an imp

Categorisations Impeding and Supporting Universal Design

*Introduction* The adoption of Universal Design in European countries introduces a demand for and ex-pectations of a culture which supports equality and non-stigmatisation, treasuring diversi-ty and striving towards a society for all. *Background*Universal Design comes with a set of values, which create tensions between established practices based on “persons with disabilities” as a distinct, sepa*Introduction* The adoption of Universal Design in European countries introduces a demand for and ex-pectations of a culture which supports equality and non-stigmatisation, treasuring diversi-ty and striving towards a society for all. *Background*Universal Design comes with a set of values, which create tensions between established practices based on “persons with disabilities” as a distinct, sepa

The Imagined Community of Lebanese Youth Activists: Resistance by Other Means

Investigation into youth activists across different fields of social and political engagement reveals a shared political subjectivity and collective self-conceptualization. In assessing Lebanese youth civic and political activism from the perspective of the youth themselves, placing their own subjectivity centrally in the analytical framework, this paper reveals an imagined community, the Civil So

Fibrinogen-like protein 2 in gastrointestinal stromal tumour

Gastrointestinal stromal tumour (GIST), the most common sarcoma of the gastrointestinal tract, can be treated effectively with tyrosine kinase inhibitors, such as imatinib. Cancer immune therapy has limited efficacy, and little is known about the immune suppressive factors in GISTs. Fibrinogen-like protein 2 (FGL2) is expressed either as a membrane-associated protein or as a secreted soluble prote

Not only Trolls are Trolling the Internet: A study on dark personality traits, online environment, and commentary styles

On the Internet, many commentary styles take place on various forums, and abuse is not uncommon. We investigated the personality traits related to individuals’ behaviors on Internet forum posting. The Dark Short Tetrad (SD4) were used to predict (N = 212) three types of commentary styles: Trolling (malicious posting), Lurking (reading/not posting) and Posting (reading/posting). The results showed

Application of material flow analysis for the assessment of current municipal solid waste management in Karachi, Pakistan

This article assesses the status of the solid waste management system (SWMS) in Karachi, the largest city of Pakistan, using the material flow analysis approach, a widely applied method in waste management (WM) studies. It involves a systematic assessment of the material flows of solid waste under the current WM system. A material flow diagram is developed to visualize the input and output waste f

Kenya and Uganda

In this chapter, we describe the post-colonial history of higher education (HE) in Kenya and Uganda to explain why domestic doctoral education is still at a young stage in both countries. We present their national HE frameworks, and thereafter focus on local policy and practice in two public universities: Makerere University in Uganda and the University of Nairobi in Kenya. Our results are informe


The Apache Point Observatory Galactic Evolution Experiment (APOGEE) has built the largest moderately high-resolution (R ≈ 22,500) spectroscopic map of the stars across the Milky Way, and including dust-obscured areas. The APOGEE Stellar Parameter and Chemical Abundances Pipeline (ASPCAP) is the software developed for the automated analysis of these spectra. ASPCAP determines atmospheric parameters

Challenges to knowledge sharing across national and intra-organizational boundaries : Case studies of IKEA and SCA Packaging

The aim of this article is to increase the understanding of how institutional forces and organizational context, in parallel with cognitive issues, impact knowledge sharing within multinational corporations (MNCs). Furthermore, the aim is to elaborate on differences between industries by comparing and contrasting a retail firm with a manufacturing firm. The focus is on IKEA and SCA Packaging and t

Human papillomavirus vaccine efficacy against invasive, HPV-positive cancers : Population-based follow-up of a cluster-randomised trial

Background Human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccination protects against HPV, a necessary risk factor for cervical cancer. We now report results from population-based follow-up of randomised cohorts that vaccination provides HPV-type-specific protection against invasive cancer. Methods Individually and/or cluster randomised cohorts of HPV-vaccinated and non-vaccinated women were enrolled in 2002-2005. H

The PanCareFollowUp Care Intervention : A European harmonised approach to person-centred guideline-based survivorship care after childhood, adolescent and young adult cancer

Background: Long-term follow-up (LTFU) care, although endorsed, is not available for the majority of adult survivors of childhood, adolescence and young adult (CAYA) cancer. Barriers to implementation include lack of time, knowledge, personnel and funding. Sustainable solutions are urgently needed to address the needs of CAYA cancer survivors to improve the quality of life and reduce the burden of


Background: Upright birth positions may reduce the risk for instrumental delivery. The aim of this study was to test, by means of a randomised controlled trial, the hypothesis that the use of a birthing seat during the second stage of labour decreases the number of instrumental deliveries and thus counterbalance any adverse perineal outcome or severe blood loss.Methods: One-thousand and two nullip

How to Take Over and Revise a Medical Ethnology Course in the Post-Everything Era

Nearly all university lectures have faced the challenges of taking over a course from colleagues. Yet the conceptual and practical challenges of this process are rarely discussed in higher education. In this article, I describe my experiences of becoming the course convenor of an existing medical ethnology course and revising it. The first challenge was to make the course my own, while also mainta