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The fate of assimilated carbon during drought: impacts on respiration in Amazon rainforests

Interannual variations in CO2 exchange across Amazonia, as deduced from atmospheric inversions, correlate with El Nino occurrence. They are thought to result from changes in net ecosystem exchange and fire incidence that are both related to drought intensity. Alterations to net ecosystem production (NEP) are caused by changes in gross primary production (GPP) and ecosystem respiration (R-eco). Her

A note on the optimal level of monetary aggregation in the United Kingdom

Weak separability is a key admissibility property in the Divisia approach to monetary aggregation. We test groups of U.K. household sector monetary assets for weak separability using new data underlying the Bank of England's benchmark revision of its household sector Divisia index. Nonparametric tests are used to identify four monetary asset groupings, which are weakly separable over all or almost

Perinatal determinants of type 1 diabetes - A social epidemiological perspective

Background and Aims: While the development of type 1 diabetes (T1D) in childhood is in part genetically conditioned, non-genetic/environmental factors seem to play a decisive role in its aetiology. The incidence of T1D has been increasing rapidly during the last years, and its prevalence is higher in countries of high economical welfare like Sweden. Therefore, both from an aetiological and a publi

Induced subgraph isomorphism: Are some patterns substantially easier than others?

The complexity of the subgraph isomorphism problem where the pattern graph is of fixed size is well known to depend on the topology of the pattern graph. Here, we present two results which, in contrast, provide evidence that no topology of an induced subgraph of fixed size can be substantially easier to detect or count than an independent set of related size. We show that any fixed pattern graph h

Inhibition of WNT5A Signaling and Function in Malignant Melanoma

Popular Abstract in Swedish Hudcancerformen malignt melanom är en utav de cancerformer som är på starkast frammarsch idag, där runt 200,000 människor drabbas varje år runt om i världen. Sjukdomen uppkommer p.g.a. förändringar i arvsmassan (DNA) hos en speciell typ av celler som finns i huden, de så kallade melanocyterna. Under normala förhållanden har dessa celler till uppgift att producera det brThe life-threatening disease of malignant melanoma is one of the fastest growing forms of cancer, affecting an estimated number of 200,000 patients worldwide every year. Although highly curable if detected early, once the melanoma has metastasized there are few treatment options and a median survival rate of only 6-9 months. Consequently, there is an imperative need to identify the factors that dr

Laos in 2009. Recession and Southeast Asian Games

Laos in 2009 was colored by the Southeast Asian Games held in December, and by the effects of the global financial crisis. Growth rates declined as foreign investment, primarily in hydroelectric power and infrastructure, was postponed. Simultaneously, efforts were made to strengthen the reputation of the country internationally.

Mid-Thigh Cortical Bone Structural Parameters, Muscle Mass and Strength, and Association with Lower Limb Fractures in Older Men and Women (AGES-Reykjavik Study)

In a cross-sectional study we investigated the relationship between muscle and bone parameters in the mid-thigh in older people using data from a single axial computed tomographic section through the mid-thigh. Additionally, we studied the association of these variables with incident low-trauma lower limb fractures. A total of 3,762 older individuals (1,838 men and 1,924 women), aged 66-96 years,

Rätt utan Sanning?

The legitimacy of the judiciary hinges on the presumption that truth can be found through the judicial process. Even though a distinction can be made between "truth" in a legal sense and "real truth", the legal truth can only be justified by its anchorage in "real truth". During the last few decades, the previosly all-powerful assumption of the objective nature of reality and knowledge has been ch

Isolation and characterization of two European strains of Ehrlichia phagocytophila of equine origin

We report the isolation and partial genetic characterization of two equine strains of granulocytic Ehrlichia of the genogroup Ehrlichia phagocytophila. Frozen whole-blood samples from two Swedish horses with laboratory-verified granulocytic ehrlichiosis were inoculated into HL-60 cell cultures. Granulocytic Ehrlichia was isolated and propagated from both horses. DNA extracts from the respective st

Crystal structures of cementitious compounds - Part 3: Calcium sulfates

The crystal structures of the following calcium sulfate phases are reviewed: CaSO4.2H(2)O (C (S) over barH(0.5), monoclinic); CaSO4.0.6H(2)O (C (S) over barH(0.6), pseudotrigonal, monoclinic); CaSO4.0.5H(2)O (C (S) over barH(0.5), monoclinic); CaSO4 (111, CS, pseudohexagonal, orthorhombic), CaSO4 (II, CS, orthorhombic). Drawings of the atomic structures, crystal data and literature references are

Europeanisation, Territoriality and Political Time

In European governance, elements from different administrative and political cultures coalesce into one more complex framework. To capture some of the complexity, two central dimensions are addressed: territoriality and political time, understood as horizon, resource, and process. When investigating European governance the question of the institutional organization is important, since it relates t

The Swedish ankle arthroplasty register - An analysis of 531 arthroplasties between 1993 and 2005

Background Whether or not ankles can be replaced with reasonable safety has been the subject of debate. We present the results of a nationwide series of total ankle arthroplasties. Patients and methods All Swedish hospitals that implant or have implanted modern three-component ankle prostheses reported demographic data and date of index and revision surgery to a central register. After the data ha

Partitioning of beta-mannanase and alpha-galactosidase from Aspergillus niger in Ucon/Reppal aqueous two-phase systems and using temperature-induced phase separation

Enzyme partitioning and recovery with a new aqueous two-phase system based on commercially available hydroxypropyl starch Reppal PES 200 and the thermo-separating polymer Ucon 50-HB-5100 was studied. Ucon is an ethylene oxide-propylene oxide random copolymer. A culture supernatant of Aspergillus niger containing extracellular beta-mannanase and alpha-galactosidase was partitioned in two steps. The