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Crystal structures of cementitious compounds - Part 3: Calcium sulfates

The crystal structures of the following calcium sulfate phases are reviewed: CaSO4.2H(2)O (C (S) over barH(0.5), monoclinic); CaSO4.0.6H(2)O (C (S) over barH(0.6), pseudotrigonal, monoclinic); CaSO4.0.5H(2)O (C (S) over barH(0.5), monoclinic); CaSO4 (111, CS, pseudohexagonal, orthorhombic), CaSO4 (II, CS, orthorhombic). Drawings of the atomic structures, crystal data and literature references are

Europeanisation, Territoriality and Political Time

In European governance, elements from different administrative and political cultures coalesce into one more complex framework. To capture some of the complexity, two central dimensions are addressed: territoriality and political time, understood as horizon, resource, and process. When investigating European governance the question of the institutional organization is important, since it relates t

The Swedish ankle arthroplasty register - An analysis of 531 arthroplasties between 1993 and 2005

Background Whether or not ankles can be replaced with reasonable safety has been the subject of debate. We present the results of a nationwide series of total ankle arthroplasties. Patients and methods All Swedish hospitals that implant or have implanted modern three-component ankle prostheses reported demographic data and date of index and revision surgery to a central register. After the data ha

Partitioning of beta-mannanase and alpha-galactosidase from Aspergillus niger in Ucon/Reppal aqueous two-phase systems and using temperature-induced phase separation

Enzyme partitioning and recovery with a new aqueous two-phase system based on commercially available hydroxypropyl starch Reppal PES 200 and the thermo-separating polymer Ucon 50-HB-5100 was studied. Ucon is an ethylene oxide-propylene oxide random copolymer. A culture supernatant of Aspergillus niger containing extracellular beta-mannanase and alpha-galactosidase was partitioned in two steps. The

Mechanisms for Targeting of Proteins to Secretory Lysosomes of Haematopoietic Cells

Popular Abstract in Swedish Kroppens immunförsvar, vars uppgift är att skydda oss mot infektioner, består av ett antal olika celltyper som till stor del finns i blodet. Immunförsvaret kan indelas i två delar; ett medfött försvar som är likadant hos alla individer och ett försvar som byggs upp under individens livstid. Det senare utformas olika beroende på vilka bakterier och virus som individen utThe cells of the innate immune system are essential for the host's first line defence against infection. Among these cells the neutrophil granulocyte has a central role by the production of antibiotic proteins and peptides. These are targeted for storage in secretory lysosomes and other neutrophil granules for subsequent release by regulated secretion in an inflammatory process. However, the granu

Optimized density gradient separation of leukocyte fractions from whole blood by adjustment of osmolarity

Some of the compounds used for density gradient separation of blood cells have high osmolarities at the concentrations needed to create the required specific densities. Several mixed media use a combination of hyperosmolar shrinkage and red cell aggregation to improve cell separation. Due to the characteristics of Percoll density gradient medium the density and osmolarity of the gradient can be co

Terrence Malick

Essä om Terrence Malicks karriär och särpräglade berättarteknik.

Changes of cartilage and bone markers after intraarticular glucocorticoid treatment with and without postinjection rest in patients with rheumatoid arthritis

Background: Joint immobilisation improves the therapeutic effect of intra-articular glucocorticoid injection for knee synovitis. This may be due to retarded steroid resorption by immobilisation, a procedure that also could influence cartilage and bone metabolism. Objective: To evaluate changes in cartilage and bone turnover after intra-articular glucocorticoid treatment for knee synovitis with and

Cell chromatography: Separation of different microbial cells using IMAC supermacroporous monolithic columns

Supermacroporous monolithic columns with CU2+-IDA ligands have been successfully used for chromatographic separation of different types of microbial cells. The bed of monolithic matrix is formed by a cryogel of poly(acrylamide) cross-linked with methylenebis(acrylamide) and has a network of large (10- 100 mu m) interconnected pores allowing unhindered passage of whole cells through the plain cryog

A comparison of the Gauss-Newton and quasi-Newton methods in resistivity imaging inversion

The smoothness-constrained least-squares method is widely used for two-dimensional (2D) and three-dimensional (3D) inversion of apparent resistivity data sets. The Gauss-Newton method that recalculates the Jacobian matrix of partial derivatives for all iterations is commonly used to solve the least-squares equation. The quasi-Newton method has also been used to reduce the computer time. In this me

Concentration-dependent effects of native and polymerised alpha 1-antitrypsin on primary human monocytes, in vitro

Background: alpha1-antitrypsin (AAT) is one of the major serine proteinase inhibitors controlling proteinases in many biological pathways. There is increasing evidence that AAT is able to exert other than antiproteolytic effects. To further examine this question we compared how various doses of the native (inhibitory) and the polymerised (non- inhibitory) molecular form of AAT affect pro-inflammat

Human granulocytic ehrlichiosis - A clinical case in Scandinavia

A clinical case of human granulocytic ehrlichiosis in Scandinavia is presented. The patient developed high fever, myalgia, headache and dyspnoea. Doxycycline treatment resulted in a dramatic improvement. Laboratory confirmation Included a fourfold change in anti-Ehrlichia equi IFA titre and a positive PCR confirmed by gene sequence analysis.