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Your search for "*" yielded 528900 hits

Potential of combining mechanical and physicochemical municipal wastewater pre-treatment with direct membrane filtration

At a full-scale wastewater treatment plant, raw municipal wastewater from the sand trap outlet was mechanically and physicochemically pre-treated before microfiltration (MF) in a large pilot-scale study. MF was performed using a low transmembrane pressure (0.03 bar) without backflushing for up to 159 h (∼6.6 d). Pre-filtration ensured stable MF operation compared with the direct application of raw

Effect of climate data on simulated carbon and nitrogen balances for Europe

In this study, we systematically assess the spatial variability in carbon and nitrogen balance simulations related to the choice of global circulation models (GCMs), representative concentration pathways (RCPs), spatial resolutions, and the downscaling methods used as calculated with LPJ-GUESS. We employed a complete factorial design and performed 24 simulations for Europe with different climate i

A Dual-Colour Architecture for Pump-Probe Spectroscopy of Ultrafast Magnetization Dynamics in the Sub-10-femtosecond Range

Current time-resolution-limited dynamic measurements clearly show the need for improved techniques to access processes on the sub-10-femtosecond timescale. To access this regime, we have designed and constructed a state-of-the-art time-resolved magneto-optic Kerr effect apparatus, based on a new dual-color scheme, for the measurement of ultrafast demagnetization and precessional dynamics in magnet

Livsdugliga data i gränslandet mellan vård, styrdokument och teknik

Biblioteks- och informationsvetenskaplig forskning har visat hur infrastruk-turer och data inte är neutrala utan bidrar till att forma både det som de re-presenterar och sammanhangen där de används. Vi utgår från dessa insik-ter och diskuterar i artikeln en nyhetsrapportering från november 2015 som handlade om en eventuell förändring av abortgränsen i Sverige. Registerda-ta från Svenskt Neonatalt Library and information studies research has shown how infrastructures and data are, contrary to common perceptions, not neutral but take part in sha- ping what they represent and the contexts in which they are used. Starting off from these insights we discuss Swedish media reports from November 2015 about a possible alteration of the abortion limit due to recent findings in neonatal care and rese

Hubble Space Telescope observations of the host galaxies and environments of calcium-rich supernovae

Calcium-rich supernovae (SNe) represent a significant challenge for our understanding of the fates of stellar systems. They are less luminous than other SN types and they evolve more rapidly to reveal nebular spectra dominated by strong calcium lines with weak or absent signatures of other intermediate-and iron-group elements, which are seen in other SNe. Strikingly, their explosion sites also mar

Orosomucoid, carotid plaque, and incidence of stroke

Background and Purpose - Orosomucoid (α-1-acid glycoprotein) is an acute-phase protein that has been implicated in anti-inflammatory, immunomodulating, and angiogenic pathways. Orosomucoid has also been associated with coronary disease and stroke. The relationship between orosomucoid, carotid plaque, and stroke incidence were explored in this study. Methods - Plasma levels of orosomucoid were asse

Iso-acoustic focusing of cells for size-insensitive acousto-mechanical phenotyping

Mechanical phenotyping of single cells is an emerging tool for cell classification, enabling assessment of effective parameters relating to cells' interior molecular content and structure. Here, we present iso-acoustic focusing, an equilibrium method to analyze the effective acoustic impedance of single cells in continuous flow. While flowing through a microchannel, cells migrate sideways, influen

Still More on the 1/f2 Phase Noise Performance of Harmonic Oscillators

Modeling tank losses in a harmonic oscillator by means of an equivalent parallel resistance may lead to an optimistic estimate of phase noise, as recently experienced in a class-D CMOS oscillator. The discrepancy is significant if two conditions are fulfilled: The single-ended portion of the tank capacitance displays a non-negligible loss, and the loop gain of the oscillator is very large; in the

Dramatic Subtlety: Exploring Emotions and Emotion Management in the Courtroom

Traditionally, the law has been considered as devoid of emotions, however we now view the courtroom as an emotional scene. The emotion norms of the courtroom are thus interesting to explore and, as the courtroom work of defense lawyers has received little sociological attention, this will be the focus of this paper. The aim here is to show which emotions are present in the courtroom and how they a

First-time parents' prenatal needs for early parenthood preparation : A systematic review and meta-synthesis of qualitative literature

Objective: contribute to the existing body of knowledge about the specific needs of first-time parents specifically for early parenthood. Method: the databases PubMed, MEDLINE, PSYCINFO, CINAHL, EMBASE, Family Studies Abstracts, and Web of Science, were searched using search terms: prenatal, antenatal, preparation, education, parents, parenthood. The meta-synthesis included 12 articles representin

On Scalable H-infinity Control

Many of the classical approaches to controller synthesis do not scale well for large and complex systems. This is mainly due to computational complexity and the lack of distributed structure in the resulting controllers. It is important that limitations on the information given and processed by sensors and actuators can be incorporated into the design procedure. However, such constraints may great

Outcome of simple decompression of the compressed ulnar nerve at the elbow – influence of smoking, gender, and electrophysiological findings

Background: Compression of the ulnar nerve at elbow is frequently treated with simple decompression. Knowledge about factors influencing results of surgery of the nerve is limited and contradictory. The primary aim was to evaluate outcome of simple decompression of the nerve using a QuickDASH questionnaire, and to investigate any influence of smoking, gender, and preoperative electrophysiological

Integration of new biological and physical retrospective dosimetry methods into EU emergency response plans – joint RENEB and EURADOS inter-laboratory comparisons

Purpose: RENEB, ‘Realising the European Network of Biodosimetry and Physical Retrospective Dosimetry,’ is a network for research and emergency response mutual assistance in biodosimetry within the EU. Within this extremely active network, a number of new dosimetry methods have recently been proposed or developed. There is a requirement to test and/or validate these candidate techniques and inter-c

Cellulose–solvent interactions from self-diffusion NMR

Molecular self-diffusion coefficients were measured in solutions of microcrystalline cellulose (MCC) and dissolving pulp, in 40 wt% aqueous tetrabutylammonium hydroxide (TBAH), using pulsed field gradient stimulated echo NMR. From the cellulose diffusion coefficients, a weight averaged radius of hydration h>w = 6.1 nm for MCC and h>w = 15 nm for pulp were obtained. Water and TBA+ ions show a signi