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Tumor genome wide DNA alterations assessed by array CGH in patients with poor and excellent survival following operation for colorectal cancer

Genome wide DNA alterations were evaluated by array CGH in addition to RNA expression profiling in colorectal cancer from patients with excellent and poor survival following primary operations. DNA was used for CGH in BAC and cDNA arrays. Global RNA expression was determined by 44K arrays. DNA and RNA from tumor and normal colon were used from cancer patients grouped according to death, survival o

Analysis of the apparent nuclear modification in peripheral Pb–Pb collisions at 5.02 TeV

Charged-particle spectra at midrapidity are measured in Pb–Pb collisions at the centre-of-mass energy per nucleon–nucleon pair s NN =5.02 TeV and presented in centrality classes ranging from most central (0–5%) to most peripheral (95–100%) collisions. Possible medium effects are quantified using the nuclear modification factor (R AA ) by comparing the measured spectra with those from proton–proton

Biogeografisk uppföljning 2015 av dagfjärilar inom habitatdirektivet

Rapporten sammanfattar fjärilsinventeringar utförda under 2015 inom Biogeografisk uppföljningsom drivs av Naturvårdsverket. I fjällen kunde trots kallt och ostadigt väder 24 ytorinventeras och totalt noterades 12 högnordiska blåvingar på 6 ytor och 4 dvärgpärlemorfjärilarpå 3 ytor. Inventeringen gav dessvärre inget fynd av fjällsilversmygare detta år. Svartfläckigblåvinge sågs med 180 individer på

Aqueous two-phase systems : A general overview

Phase separation in solutions containing polymer mixtures is a very common phenomenon; in fact, miscibility of the polymer mixtures is an exception. Most hydrophilic polymer pairs are incompatible in aqueous solutions yielding two coexisting phases in equilibrium with each other, with each of the phases containing predominantly water and one of the polymer types. It is worth noting that the associ

Primary screening for increased fracture risk by the FRAX® questionnaire—uptake rates in relation to invitation method

Summary: The aim of the study was to evaluate the feasibility and most efficient way of offering middle-aged Swedish women a primary fracture screening program via a questionnaire. Two out of five invited women returned the FRAX questionnaire and those contacted directly by mail were most prone to respond. Purpose: Osteoporosis and its associated fractures are increasing, and this study aims to ex

Gamma-Glutamyl Transferase, Intestinal Alkaline Phosphatase and Beta-Hexosaminidase Activity in Duodenal Biopsies from Chronic Alcoholics

BACKGROUND/AIMS: Gamma-glutamyl transferase (GGT) and intestinal alkaline phosphatase (IAP) are present in the brush border of mucosal absorptive cells in the small intestine. There are few studies on the effect of alcohol consumption on these enzymes. Increased intestinal GGT in biopsy specimens from the duodenum has been described in chronic alcoholics. In experimental animals alcohol effects va

Stimulated reductive dechlorination identified with induced polarization - a new opportunity to monitor in situ remediation of chlorinated solvents?

Theme; 1. Dealing with contamination of soil, groundwater and sedimentDevelopments in technologies, policies, concepts, regulation, managementTitle of session; 1a. Assessment and monitoringSubject: New investigation and monitoring techniques Titel: ”Stimulated reductive dechlorination identified with induced polarization - a new opportunity to monitor in situ remediation of chlorinated solvents?”P

Patents, Morality and Biomedical Innovation in Europe : Historical overview, current debates on stem cells, gene editing and AI, and de lege ferenda reflections

This paper discusses the existence and scope of the morality exception from patentability, in Article 53 (a) of the European Patent Convention. The analysis will look into the history of the provision, debate its rational and interpretation by reference to three examples of technology areas: stem cell research; gene editing and AI/big data analytics.Bioscience innovation has always generated heate

The European Butterfly Indicator for Grassland species: 1990-2015

This report presents the sixth version of the European Grassland Butterfly Indicator, one of the EU biodiversity indicators of the European Environment Agency.The indicator is based on more than 9200 transects in national Butterfly Monitoring Schemes covering 22 countries across Europe, most of them active in the European Union. In 2015, counts were made in more than 4500 transects.Butterflies rep

Audio description : Accessing meaning-making in popular scientific texts

The paper focuses on the production and reception processes in audio description of a Swedish multimodal popular scientific journal Forskning och Framsteg (Research and Progress). The contents of the journal are made accessible for blind and visually impaired audiences by producing an audio version. When interpreting the printed version and transforming it into an audio version, the processes of r

Combining Planar Laser-Induced Fluorescence with Stagnation Point Flows for Small Single-Crystal Model Catalysts: CO Oxidation on a Pd(100)

A stagnation flow reactor has been designed and characterized for both experimental and modeling studies of single-crystal model catalysts in heterogeneous catalysis. Using CO oxidation over a Pd(100) single crystal as a showcase, we have employed planar laser-induced fluorescence (PLIF) to visualize the CO2 distribution over the catalyst under reaction conditions and subsequently used the 2D spat

Is Vtb ≃ 1?

The strongest constraint on Vtb presently comes from the 3 × 3 unitarity of the CKM matrix, which fixes Vtb to be very close to one. If unitarity is relaxed, current information from top production at Tevatron still leaves open the possibility that Vtb is sizably smaller than one. In minimal extensions of the standard model with extra heavy quarks, the unitarity constraints are much weaker, and th