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Nätkränkningar: en studie av svenska ungdomars normer och beteenden

Den här rapporten utgår från empirisk data som samlats in inom ramen för det rättssociologiska forskningsprojektet Kränkningar i en digital kontext som finansieras av Brottsofferfonden. Bearbetningen har genomförts av Måns Svensson (projektansvarig) och Karl Dahlstrand, båda verksamma vid Rättssociologiska institutionen vid Lunds universitet. Rapporten har sammanställts på uppdrag av Ungdomsstyrel

The impact of work on the night blood pressure dipping profile.

Objective. The purpose of this study was to elucidate whether ambulatory blood pressure (ABPM) performed during a work day and a non-work day had any impact on the night dipping profile. Study design. A crossover randomized ABPM study in primary healthcare was retrospectively analysed for the occurrence of non-dipping (ND), dipping (D) or extreme (XD) nightly dipping. Non-dippers were defined as s

The Extended Television: Using tangible computing to meet the needs of older persons at a nursing home.

This paper presents a person-centred model and a tangible computing approach to better adapt television media to meet two important needs of older people: social inclusion in their immediate surroundings and better support for one’s own reflections. Method The research project was carried out as a part of the construction, planning and implementation of a new nursing home. The implemented infrastr

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Abstract in Norwegian Thailand har etterhvert utviklet seg til å bli mange skandinaveres turistparadis. Etter tsunamikatastrofen som rammet Sørøst-Asia andre juledag 2004 fikk vi høre at den beste måten å hjelpe den thailandske befolkningen på etter hendelsen var å vende tilbake dit som turister. Den voksende turismen i Thailand har ført med seg en økt økonomisk velstand på mange av øyene solhungr

What is worse: Decreased spatial resolution or increased noise?

Purpose: To investigate the relative importance of spatial resolution and noise on the image quality of clinical radiographs. Methods: The spatial resolution and noise of fifteen digitised lumbar spine radiographs were altered with image processing. Three different MTF curves and three different Wiener spectra were combined into seven different combinations of spatial resolution and noise. These s

Macrocyclic Carbohydrate/Amino Acid Hybrid Molecules - Synthesis and Evaluation as Artificial Receptors

Methods were developed for the synthesis of three different types of macrocyclic carbohydrate/amino acid hybrid molecules. In the synthesis of the first type of macrocycles, a glucosamine derivative was oxidized at C6 and the obtained sugar amino acid was coupled to tripeptides. The resulting hybrids were transformed into dimers and cyclized in a macrolactamization step to obtain C2-symmetric macr