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Modelling stellar streams around the Milky Way

Stellar streams around the Milky Way (MW) have been observed by wide sky surveys, and studied to understand the mass distribution of the MW. This is because streams are formed by a disruption of a globular cluster or a dwarf galaxy under the influence of the gravitational field of the MW. Moreover, the streams can provide an understanding of dark matter because they orbit in the far outer region o

Mår du bra på jobbet?

The purpose of this thesis is to study how work-related stress and the risk of burnout within the social services is perceived by professional caseworkers, who are a social worker that is employed by a government agency. In the study, we interviewed twelve caseworkers working in different municipalities in Sweden. When asking the questions, we used a qualitative method using semi-structured interv

Towards Regenerative (Agri)Cultures. An ethnographic case study of integrated socio-ecological restoration at the Hof Lebensberg community farm, Germany

Agriculture is today the human activity most vulnerable to Climate Change, and one of its leading causes. Regenerative Agriculture offers powerful tools to restore ecosystems, without sacrificing abundant food production; nevertheless, a systematic adoption of such practices is incompatible with the existing economic structures and calls for a radical societal change. This study aims at exploring

Making a stand for memory and place. The role of social leaders in the defense of the territory in the Putumayo (Colombia) and the implications of the violence against them

Five years into the present peacebuilding cycle in Colombia, violence is increasing again. In the Putumayo department, social-ecological conflicts between the state, armed groups and local communities persist. Social leaders, often representing local communities, are targets of violent actions and represent an extremely vulnerable group. In the Putumayo, at least 67 social leaders defending human

SEAS Project

This project is about developing a product that will contribute to an included evacuation on passenger ships. There are many types of evacuation plans for differentships and emergencies. However, not all people, considering to different functionalities, have been included when these evacuations plans were initially designed. Elevators may either be functional or appropriate to use in case of emer

IKBT på agendan: en ny behandlingsmetod på BUP Skåne

Internet KBT (IKBT) har funnits för vuxna sedan slutet av 1990-talet. Under senare år har IKBT utvecklats för barn och ungdomar men forskningen är begränsad. IKBT-programmet ”Ångesthjälpen ung” implementerades på BUP i Region Skåne 2017. Syftet med denna uppsats var att undersöka föräldrarnas uppfattning av programmet ”Ångesthjälpen ung” beroende på deras tillgång till föräldramoduler eller ej, saInternet CBT (ICBT) has been around for adults since the late 1990s. In recent years ICBT has been developed for children and young people but research is limited. The ICBT program "Ångesthjälpen ung" was implemented at Child and adolescent psychiatry in Region Skåne in 2017. The purpose of this essay was to investigate parents' perception of the program "Ångesthjälpen ung"

Vad leder till ett lönsamt förvärv?

Syftet med denna studie är att undersöka ifall det finns ett signifikant samband mellan egenskaper relaterat till sponsorerna och den kortsiktiga avkastningen efter ett förvärv. Teorierna som används är principal-agent-teorin, informationsasymmetri och den effektiva marknadshypotesen. Studiens urval består av 80 SPAC-bolag från den amerikanska marknaden som har utfört ett förvärv mellan 2019-20. MThe purpose of this study is to investigate if there is a relationship between attributes related to SPAC sponsors and the short term return after an acquisition is made. The theories that are used are the principal agent theory, information asymmetry and the efficient market hypothesis. The research sample consists of 80 SPACs listed on the American market that have made an acquisition between 20

What waste are you- Analyzing 46 pilot cities’ MSW management program from the perspective of authoritarian environmentalism

The problem of growing waste and its management is global. The Chinese central government has tried several municipal solid waste (MSW) management pilot programs, but few of them succeeded. In this case study, the 2017 program applied the Target Responsibility System (TRS) to incentive 46 pilot cities to implement the specific requirements by the end of 2020.This thesis analyzes the heterogeneity

”Nej, lilla gumman, så fungerar det inte här” - En kvalitativ intervjustudie om tjänstemäns upplevelser av tystnadskultur inom kommunala verksamheter

Tystnadskultur bland tjänstemän inom kommunala verksamheter har varit ett debatterat ämne i Sverige de senaste åren. Svenska tjänstemän har en unik position i den kommunala verksamheten där de både ska vara opolitiska och samtidigt bidra med objektiv fakta till beslutsunderlaget. Befintlig forskning argumenterar för hur strategisk intern kommunikation kan användas för att skapa ett öppet kommunikaThe experience of a culture of silence among officials in municipal workplaces in Sweden has been a debated topic for the last few years. Swedish officials have a unique position in municipalities where they both must be unpolitical and at the same time contribute objective facts to the decision-making process. Existing research argues that strategic internal communication can be used to create an

Patenthavarens skydd vid intrång - Fokus på skadestånd

Ett patent är en immateriell rättighet som ger innehavaren en ensamrätt till innovationen. Som patentinnehavare kan en av de viktigaste delarna av patentet vara det patentskydd det medför, vilket ämnar skydda mot intrång. Men för att patentskyddet ska kunna ge den tänkta effekten krävs det att sanktionerna, patentskyddet medför, i form av ekonomiska skadestånd är avskräckande, proportionerligA patent is an intellectual property which gives the owner exclusive rights to the innovation. As a patent holder one of the most important things of a patent might be the protection it provides against intrusions. But if the patent is going to be able to provide the intentional effect its required that sanctions it brings, in the shape of financial damages are discouraging and proportionate b

PHITS simulations for CEvNS experiments at ESS

European Spallation Source (ESS) är en forskningsanläggning under byggnad i Lund, där man ska använda sig av en accelerator för att accelerera och skjuta protoner på Volfram. Protonerna kommer ha en sådan enorm energi och hastighet att neutroner slås ut våldsamt. På så sätt skapar man en källa av neutroner som ska bli världens mest kraftfulla neutronkälla. De utgående neutronerna bromsas ner av moRecently the interest for coherent elastic neutrino-nucleus scattering experiments has increased since it is believed that through these experiments, a wide range of new physics, e.g., sterile neutrinos, could be discovered. This experiment is ideally performed at spallation sources and in this project we look into an experiment, which is planned at the European Spallation Source. However, the mea

Killer acquisitions and European merger control in the digital era

The Big Tech companies, more precisely the five American giants: Google, Apple, Facebook, Amazon and Microsoft, have been performing a massive number of startup acquisitions and strengthening their dominant position in the market. In an economical study about mergers in the pharmaceutical sector the term killer acquisition was firstly adopted to define a transaction in which an incumbent, after ac

An even application of plausibility? A legal study of the application of the principle of legal certainty to the plausibility threshold in relation to pharmaceutical patents in European patent law

The plausibility threshold started, and is still, developing through the case law of the EPO. It is used as a tool against speculative patents, as the claimed technical effect of the invention must be made plausible. The plausibility threshold is foremost being used at the EPO in relation to the requirement of an inventive step under Article 56 EPC and the requirement of sufficiency of disclosure


The German meat industry is a popular labour market destination for unskilled Eastern and Middle European workers. The precarious employment and housing conditions, exacerbated by a staggering number of COVID-19 infections, received immense media attention in 2020. Given the urgency of this issue, the German government introduced new measures targeting the sector with special attention paid to sub

Let's Talk about Sex, Baby! - En kvantitativ studie om universitetsstudenters motivation och attityd till tillfälliga sexuella förbindelser kopplat till självkänsla

Syftet med den här studien var att undersöka “hookup-kulturen” eller tillfälliga sexuella förbindelser bland svenska universitetsstudenter. Med self-determination theory och teorin om kognitiv dissonans som grund hypotetiserade vi att ens motivation och attityd till tillfälliga sexuella förbindelser är en avgörande faktor för hur det påverkar självkänslan. I denna studie använde vi ett urval på N=The current study aimed to investigate the phenomenon “hookups”, or casual sex among Swedish university students. With self-determination theory and the cognitive dissonance theory as the foundation we hypothesised that one’s level of motivation and attitude for hooking up would predict how it affects self-esteem. In this study we used a sample of 106 university students who answered a survey with

Winter is coming - Investigating urban design in a Winter city

All around the world is the form of the built environment playing a significant role in either enabling or inhibiting outdoor activities. When it comes to winter and Winter cities, it is a challenge how to enable and encourage outdoor activities and soft mobility as the harsh conditions often make it uncomfortable to spend longer periods of time outdoors. A major urban design challenge in Winter

Skyddszoner intill naturskydd i skogsmark- en angränsande fråga

I detta arbete undersöks skyddszoner intill skyddade områden i skogsmark, hur de kan uppstå, vilken rättslig grund som finns för dessa samt vilka konsekvenser de kan få för fastighetsägare. Arbetet är avgränsat till att undersöka skyddszoner intill naturreservat, nationalparker samt Natura 2000-områden. Naturvård kopplat till äganderätten i skog är idag ett högaktuellt ämne som bland annat resulteThis master thesis aims to investigate buffer zones in forests close to a protected area; how they can occur and what consequences they may have for landowners. Protection of forests due to high nature values is a highly debated topic in Sweden. The debate has led to a governmental investigation concerning the subject. In order to find real cases where a buffer zone has occurred, Swedish authori

Ute och ränner – Elektronisk övervakning av unga lagöverträdare

Denna uppsats syftar till att undersöka vilka effekter ett införande av fotboja som ungdomspåföljd skulle innebära för de unga som i så fall skulle komma i fråga för påföljden. Utgångspunkt tas i det förslag på införande av fotboja för unga som återfinns i SOU 2012:34 Nya påföljder, där påföljden kallas för ungdomsövervakning. Inledningsvis tecknas en översiktlig bild av det rättspolitiska dagsläThe aim of this thesis is to examine the potential effects on youths of an introduction of electronic tagging into the Swedish penal system for juveniles. The proposition of such electronic tagging, presented in SOU 2012:34 Nya påföljder (“New sanctions”) by the name ungdomsövervakning (“youth monitoring”), acts as a starting point for the investigation of the expected effects on youths. First,