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Your search for "*" yielded 524918 hits

Tales of uniqueness : Value creation in rural tourism development

The aim of this dissertation is to analyse value creation in a rural tourism development project. In order to analyse value creation, I investigate how participants of a rural tourism development project define and understand uniqueness of that particular rural area as a lever to developing a touristic offer. The empirical research question guiding this work is: How do participants of a rural tour

Sexual conflict and ecology : Species composition and male density interact to reduce male mating harassment and increase female survival

Sexual conflict is a pervasive evolutionary force that can reduce female fitness. Experimental evolution studies in the laboratory might overestimate the importance of sexual conflict because the ecological conditions in such settings typically include only a single species. Here, we experimentally manipulated conspecific male density (high or low) and species composition (sympatric or allopatric)

Attitudes and donation behavior toward positive and negative charity appeals

This article tries to clarify whether negative charity appeals (i.e., advertisements emphasizing the bad consequences of not helping) or positive charity appeals (i.e., advertisements emphasizing the good consequences of helping) are more effective. Previous literature does not provide a single answer to this question and we suggest that one contributing reason for this is that different studies h

Facilitated sequence assembly using densely labeled optical DNA barcodes : A combinatorial auction approach

The output from whole genome sequencing is a set of contigs, i.e. short non-overlapping DNA sequences (sizes 1-100 kilobasepairs). Piecing the contigs together is an especially difficult task for previously unsequenced DNA, and may not be feasible due to factors such as the lack of sufficient coverage or larger repetitive regions which generate gaps in the final sequence. Here we propose a new met

State Learning and Role Playing : International environmental cooperation in the Arctic Council

Den här avhandlingen undersöker staters interaktion som en social läroprocess, i syfte att förstå hur stater lär sig om miljönormer. Detta sker genom en konstruktivistisk ansats och mer specifikt ett roll-teoretiskt perspektiv, där en roll förstås som statens repertoar av beteende, jämsides dess funktion i en social interaktionskontext. Rollen formas av ego- och alterförväntningar, det vill säga bThis study investigates state interaction as a social learning process, where the ultimate aim is to enhance an understanding on how states learn of environmental norms. An entry into the domain on such learning processes is offered through a Constructivist approach and more specifically through the employment of a role theoretical perspective; a role here is signified as a state's repertory of be

Psykologin som vetenskap : Vetenskapsteoretiska och forskningsmetodologiska grunder

Att vetenskapsteori och metodlära hänger ihop är utgångspunkten för denna bok. På ett unikt sätt kombinerar den vetenskapsteori med en grundläggande genomgång av olika typer av psykologisk forskningsmetodik. Med hjälp av konkreta exempel, tillämpade på psykologins ämnesområde, levandegörs vetenskapsteoretiska frågeställningar och abstrakta metodbegrepp.Boken ger en bred belysning av traditionell o

Genome-wide interaction study of smoking behavior and non-small cell lung cancer risk in Caucasian population

Non-small cell lung cancer is the most common type of lung cancer. Both environmental and genetic risk factors contribute to lung carcinogenesis. We conducted a genome-wide interaction analysis between single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) and smoking status (never- versus ever-smokers) in a European-descent population. We adopted a two-step analysis strategy in the discovery stage: we first cond

Search for doubly charged Higgs boson production in multi-lepton final states with the ATLAS detector using proton–proton collisions at √s=13TeV

A search for doubly charged Higgs bosons with pairs of prompt, isolated, highly energetic leptons with the same electric charge is presented. The search uses a proton–proton collision data sample at a centre-of-mass energy of 13 TeV corresponding to 36.1 fb - 1 of integrated luminosity recorded in 2015 and 2016 by the ATLAS detector at the LHC. This analysis focuses on the decays H± ±→ e±e±, H± ±→

Expanding the Scope of Strategic Communication : Towards a Holistic Understanding of Organizational Complexity

The purpose of this article is to contribute to the discussion concerning the present position and future directions of strategic communication by look- ing into the past and offering some proposals and a vision of how to develop and advance the field further. Research in strategic communication has mostly focused on communication professionals working in commu- nication departments or agencies as

Interregional migration of business owners : who moves and how does moving affect firm performance?

Business owners play an important role in driving regional economic growth, and policy-makers seek to attract and retain such entrepreneurs by most means available. This paper analyses migration patterns, the factors that influence the propensity to move and assesses the relationship between firm performance and individual migration both before and after the move. The results show that (1) known e

The 2p4 3s, 3p and 3d configurations of thirteen times ionized titanium, ti xiv

The spectrum of Ti XFV has been observed in the wavelength region 80-550 Å using the fast ion beam spectroscopy method. 47 lines have been identified as transitions between the 2p4 3s, 3p, and 3d configurations in the 360-540 Å interval. The level identifications are supported by comparisons between observations and Hartree-Fock calculations along the F I isoelectronic sequence.

Lifetime of the 3s3p1p term in s v

The lifetime of the 3s3p1P term in Mg-like S V has been determined by beam-foil spectroscopy in combination with detailed analyses of cascading processes by means of the ANDC technique. One of the most important cascade transitions was found to be seriously blended by a strong S VII transition. An earlier proposed method for appling the ANDC formalism to correct for blending has been tested for th

Ageing and Work in Sweden : Background Paper on Sweden, presented for the ‘Millennium Project’ conference in Tokyo, December 4th -6th, 2000, organized by the Japanese Ministry of Labour : Studies in the older workforce and the labour market

Sweden experienced a dramatic shakeout of the older workforce in the first half of the 1990s as part of the economic crisis 1991-94. The labour force participation rates and, even more pronounced the employment rates for the older workforce sank dramatically. However, when the Swedish economy recovered in the latter half of the 1990s the employment rates for the older workers, both for men and wom