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Betydelsen av öppenhet, deltagande och ansvar i utformningen av megaprojekt En analys av policyprocessen kring ESS-projektet mellan 1990-2008

This thesis consists of three parts: one normative, one empirical and one constructive, with the intention to explore the enforcement of accountability in megaprojects. The thesis aims to evaluate the level of accountability in the policy process of the European Spallation Source, ESS between 1990 and 2008. In order to make a comparison possible, a norm is created concerning how a policy process

Gender Equality in Malaysia: Islamic Feminism and Sisters in Islam

This thesis aims to analyze the work of Islamic feminist in Malaysia as well as explores the role of traditional Malay custom adat, and the relationship between non-governmental organizations and the state. It uses Sisters in Islam as a case study to discuss the Islamic feminist movement in Malaysia. This study uses books, journals, news papers, internet documents and interview information to ana

Målstyrning via policydokument Garanti för rationalitet och effektivitet eller symbolpolitik för meningsskapande?

The aim of this thesis is to develop two idealtypes of politics to help serve as instruments in understanding and analysing the view on politics held by top civil servants in the municipality of Lund Sweden. The two ideal types developed here are symbolic sense making politics and rational instrumental politics. These two ideal types were applied to material from a qualitative survey to help bring

Femicides in Guatemala - A study of gender based violence and the construction of female identities.

Femicides, the crime where women are murdered because they are women are increasing in Guatemala. Everyday two women are brutally killed in the country, without almost any efforts to stop it or find the perpetrators. It is my opinion that conceptions and notions surrounding the gender identities are crucial in trying to understand the murders, motives and impunity which the murders are characteri


This thesis looked into the protection and occupational development process under the Thai government shelter and the extent to which it has assisted and supported the victims of human trafficking, both Thai and non-Thai, in psychosocial rehabilitation, therapy, and vocational training and development. I used the capability theory and empowerment approach as a framework of analysis to assess quali


The once landlocked position of Laos has developed into a strategic edge that it can leverage on for economic and social development, as it is situated right at the crossroads of the north-south and east-west economic corridors of the Greater Mekong Subregion (GMS). Due to global geopolitical developments, Laos began integration with the region and the world to support economic development through

Analytisk dimensionering av räddningstjänsten i Skåne Nordväst

This report is a part of the process of enhanced cooperation between fire rescue services in the region of North West Scania. The aim of the report is to study and analyze how the fire rescue service should be structured, in terms of rescue units and personnel, if no account is to be taking to the current organization. Two types of accident are considered in the report, traffic accidents and build

Individuella skillnader vid beslutsfattande: Effekten av maximering, subjektivt välbefinnande och övervägda valmöjligheter på konsolideringen av ett beslut

Syftet med föreliggande studie var att undersöka individuella skillnader i konsolideringen av ett beslut. Med teorin Differentiering och Konsolidering (Diff-Con) som utgångspunkt, testades hypoteser om en skillnad i konsolidering av ett beslut mellan deltagare med höga respektive låga tendenser till maximerande, subjektivt välbefinnande (SVB) och antal övervägda alternativ i en beslutssituation. 5

Lettland-EU medlemskap, etnicitet och identitetskonstruktion

This paper examines whether membership in the European Union has contributed to democratic stability and integration in an ethnic diverse society. By studying the Latvian multicultural society, before and after membership in the EU, the author is looking for evidence of enhanced ethnic stability in the country brought through European integration. The author will analyze what the consequences have

Saddam Hussein Krigsälskare eller rationell aktör? - Studiet av en diktators beslutsfattande

Vår uppsats omfattar en fallstudie med flera analysenheter (olika tidpunkter) under den 25-årsperiod då Saddam innehade den totalitära makten i Irak. Ämnet berör Saddam som beslutsfattare, hur han valt att agera vid olika krissituationer. De politiska besluten kommer att diskuteras utifrån Yacoov Vertzbergers teori om beliefsystem och Graham Allison´s Rational Actor Model. Mycket har skrivits o

Fysiska och institutionella miljöns betydelse i ADL för personer med demens -Arbetsterapeuters erfarenheter-

En demenssjukdom är en hjärnskada som påverkar hjärnans olika funktioner främst kognitiva, beroende på vilken del av hjärnan som är drabbad. Demenssjukdomar påverkar aktivitetsutförandet och därmed även hälsa och välbefinnande. Risken för att få en demensdiagnos ökar med stigande ålder. Befolkningen ökar och blir allt äldre. Detta leder till att trycket på vårdapparaten ökar eftersom allt fler beh

Politisk representation och etisk komplexitet - Den politiska representantens spänningsfulla uppdrag

This article discusses desirable political representation within the framework of representative democracy. In the desirable representation it is the responsibility of the politician to balance authoritative decision making with responsiveness towards the voters. The article intends to make visible the ethical complexity within representative democracy. Ethically the commission to represent is fur

Inget stöd, FN:s död - FN:s behov av andra aktörer för framgångsrik medling i mellanstatliga konflikter

I en tid då allt fler röster höjs angående FN:s ineffektivitet har vi valt att undersöka hur organisationen behandlar medlingsuppdrag i mellanstatliga konflikter. Utifrån den pågående konflikten på Cypern och kriget mellan Iran och Irak på 1980-talet ser vi hur FN som tredje part har agerat dels utifrån ett systemperspektiv och dels på medlingsnivå. De valda konflikterna grundar sig i liknande frå

Kampen om Din Världsbild - En Diskursanalys av Ekelunddebatten från Sydsvenska Dagbladets Kultursidor

Abstract Due to the success of the Populist Party Sverigedemokraterna in the Swedish election of 2006, the daily paper Sydsvenska Dagbladet published a number of columns written by well-known academics, writers and debaters. Their aim was to address the question of why this happened in the election and what it is in the Swedish society today that brought forward these trends. The first and the la

Corporate Social Responsibility Reshaping International Casting? A Minor Field Study on CSR in a Chinese Context and the Role of Multinational Corporations.

The purpose of this thesis is to study how Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) may change the role of corporations in an international political context. As a case study on this theme, part of the thesis is focused on how CSR may influence areas concerning human rights in China. The study is undertaken from a discourse theoretical approach and is hence stressing the dialectical constituting rela

Infrias brukarstyrelsernas demokratilöften? - en komparativ fallstudie om brukarstyrelser i grundskolor

This thesis examines and evaluates user boards in Swedish public schools from a democratic perspective. In order to evaluate whether the democratic values are fulfilled five different democratic ideals are selected to serve as a theoretical fundament. These ideals derive from the Swedish Government Official Reports that preceded the reform of user boards in schools, and are identified as the follo

Auditsystem - intressenter och medvärden

This report aims to identify and categorize suitable audit users and furthermore establish with values these users experience. The aim of the report has been fulfilled by analyzing interviews carried out with several companies using audits as a part of their risk management process. In addition to this, theories concerning management have been studied.

Hur kan erfarenheter från olycksundersökningar nyttiggöras på lokal nivå samhället? - utifrån ett MTO-R (Människa, teknik, organisation och riskhantering) perspektiv

The theme in this report has been how to benefit experience from accident investigations. The demand on the municipality to perform accidet investigations is relatively new, and maybe they aren?t clear what the demands means. This causes that there might be a problem to benefit experience from accident investigations, for improving the overall safety in the municipality. The main purpose of this r


In the third world, (the case here is Nepal) where biomedical practice doesn't sufficiently meet the demand of people for health services, the next alternative for people is to consult the traditional healers. It is not known how many types of health problems are solved by these healers, however, it has been found that a significant number of people visit them when they have health problems. I