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Mikroinfluencers och produktengagemang- En kvantitativ undersökning av trovärdighetens påverkan på köpprocessen

Titel: Mikroinfluencers och produktengagemang: En kvantitativ undersökning av trovärdighetens påverkan på köpprocessen Seminariedatum: 2024-01-10 Ämne/Kurs: FEKH29, Examensarbete i marknadsföring på kandidatnivå, 15 högskolepoäng Författare: Ruth Landström, Oscar Syrén, Olle Wallinder Handledare: Veronika Tarnovskaya Nyckelord: Influencer marketing, mikroinfluencers, engagemangsnivå, trovärdiTitle: Micro-Influencers and Product Involvement: A Quantitative Study of the Impact of Credibility on the Buying Decision Process Date of seminar: 2024-01-10 Course: FEKH29, Bachelor's degree project in marketing undergraduate level, 15 ECTS Authors: Ruth Landström, Oscar Syrén, Olle Wallinder Advisor: Veronika Tarnovskaya Key terms: Influencer marketing, micro-influencers, involvement l

Gaze behaviors during serve returns in tennis : A comparison between intermediate- and high-skill players

The authors studied gaze behaviors in high- and intermediate-skill tennis players while they performed tennis serve returns. Participants returned 40 serves in 4 serve locations while wearing a mobile eye tracker. The ball's flight path was deconstructed into 3 distinct locations (i.e., ball before bouncing on surface, the bounce area, and ball after bouncing on surface), and gaze behaviors along

Identifying biomarkers deciphering sepsis from trauma-induced sterile inflammation and trauma-induced sepsis

OBJECTIVE: The purpose of this study was to identify a panel of biomarkers for distinguishing early stage sepsis patients from non-infected trauma patients.BACKGROUND: Accurate differentiation between trauma-induced sterile inflammation and real infective sepsis poses a complex life-threatening medical challenge because of their common symptoms albeit diverging clinical implications, namely differ

Electronic structure of thin epitaxial Be films on Si(111)

We show that single crystal films of Be can be grown on Si(111) substrates, exhibiting nearly identical surface electronic bandstructure to that found on the pristine Be(0001) surface of bulk Be. Segregation of silicon atoms into the film causes strong doping of the surface states. For sufficiently thin films, the quality and uniformity are sufficient to observe well-defined quantum well states. I

FOXL2 Mutation Status in Sex Cord-stromal Tumors Cannot be Predicted by Morphology

Granulosa-cell tumors (GCTs) are the most common type of malignant ovarian sex cord-stromal tumor (SCST). The histopathologic diagnosis of these tumors can be challenging. A recurrent somatic mutation of the forkhead box L2 (FOXL2) gene has been identified in adult GCT. In this retrospective single-center study of 44 SCST, a morphologic review together with analysis of FOXL2 C134W was evaluated in

Insight into jet-regeneration composite cooling technology employed in scramjet : Significance of relative positions of two jet holes

Due to the further increase in hypersonic vehicle speed, the scramjet faces supersonic combustion and aerodynamic heating, and the conventional single cooling method like regenerative cooling has been unable to meet the heat dissipation requirements of scramjet. The composite cooling system has become the hotspot of recent research. Jet cooling has a good cooling effect at high heat flux, so the j

Study of the smoke toxicity characteristics in an inclined tunnel

Fire smoke is one of the most important factors causing casualties, but also has the potential to bring some harm to the surrounding environment. In this work, the longitudinal temperature profile and the pollutant toxicity of a ceiling jet induced by a wall-attached fire with different tunnel slopes, were numerically and experimentally investigated by using a 1:8 reduced-scale inclined tunnel. Th

Pennan mot pistolen: En kritisk studie av brottet involverande av en underårig i brottslig verksamhet

Från och med den 1 juni 2023 är det straffbelagt att involvera en underårig i brottslig verksamhet genom 16 kap. 5 a § brottsbalken. Kriminaliseringen vidtas enligt propositionen Skärpta straff för brott i kriminella nätverk i syfte att skydda samhället från att underåriga involveras i kriminella nätverk samt att markera allvaret i detta. När en ny straffrättslig reglering utarbetas finns det föFrom 1th of June this year, it is punishable to involve a minor in crime, according to Chapter 16, Section 5 a of the Swedish Penal Code. The government enacted the criminalization with the aim of protecting society from minors being involved in criminal networks and emphasizing the seriousness of this issue. When a penal provision is composed, there are several factors that the legislator shoul

Psykologiska riskfaktorer relaterade till suicidförsök hos överskuldsatta individer i Sverige

Överskuldsättning är ett växande samhällsproblem men kopplingen till suicidförsök är inte välbeforskad. Föreliggande tvärsnittsstudie syftade till att undersöka psykologiska faktorer som är relaterade till suicidförsök hos överskuldsatta individer i Sverige. Deltagarna bestod av 641 överskuldsatta individer, inklusionskriterierna var att deltagarna skulle vara skuldsatta och varit föremål för inkaOver-indebtedness is a growing societal issue, however, the connection to suicidal behaviour is not well-researched. This cross-sectional study aimed to investigate psychological factors that are related to suicide attempts among 641 over-indebted individuals in Sweden. Inclusion criteria were being indebted and having been subject to debt collection measures and/or seizure orders by the Swedish E

Autonomi, socialt stöd och work-life balance relation till arbetstillfredsställelse

Medarbetarnas trivsel på arbetsplatsen har en direkt koppling till både arbetsmiljöns och organisationens utveckling. En ogynnsam arbetssituation kan leda till en ohälsosam arbetsmiljö med resultat som hög frånvaro samtidigt som en gynnsam arbetssituation där medarbetare upplever en hög arbetstillfredsställelse visat sig minska frånvaron i arbetet. En organisations framgång är därmed starkt beroenThe well-being of the employees in the workplace directly correlates with the development of both the work environment and the organization as a whole. An unfavorable work situation can lead to an unhealthy working environment, resulting in high absenteeism, whereas a favorable work situation where employees experience high job satisfaction has been shown to reduce absenteeism. Therefore, the succ

The ABC of happiness : Validation of the tridimensional model of subjective well-being (affect, cognition, and behavior) using Bifactor Polytomous Multidimensional Item Response Theory

Background: Happiness is often conceptualized as subjective well-being, which comprises people's evaluations of emotional experiences (i.e., the affective dimension: positive and negative feelings and emotions) and judgements of a self-imposed ideal (i.e., the cognitive dimension: life satisfaction). Recent research has established these two dimensions as primary parts of a higher order factor. Ho

Sustainable meetings – communicating to enhance the industry’s resilience

There are many definitions of resilience, but in general it refers to the ability of a system, which may be a community, society, or economic system that are exposed to extreme disturbances, persistent stress, or hazards to resist, absorb, accommodate, adapt to, transform and recover from effects of the situation in a timely and efficient manner (PreventionWeb n.d.;). Sustainability is focused on

Land cover classification using machine-learning techniques applied to fused multi-modal satellite imagery and time series data

Land cover classification is one of the most studied topics in the field of remote sensing, involving the use of data from satellite sensors to analyze and categorize different land surface types. There are numerous satellite products available, each offering different spatial, spectral, and temporal resolutions. Consequently, several methodologies have been developed to efficiently determine land

Shared reading för patienter med anorexia nervosa: En reflexiv tematisk analys av deltagares och läsledares upplevelser

Shared reading är en läsfrämjande metod som, inom ramen för ett forskningsprojekt, har varit en del av behandlingen dagvård för patienter med anorexia nervosa. Föreliggande studie undersökte deltagarnas och läsledarnas upplevelser av shared reading. Sju semistrukutrerade intervjuer genomfördes, fem med deltagare och två med läsledare, och analyserades med reflexiv tematisk analys. Analysen av inteShared reading is a literature-promoting method that, as part of a research project, has been incorporated into the day care treatment for patients with Anorexia nervosa. The present study explored the experiences of participants and reader leaders involved in Shared reading. Seven semi-structured interviews were conducted, five with participants and two with reader leaders, and were analyzed usin

Superdeformation in the N = z Nucleus 36Ar : Experimental, deformed mean field, and spherical shell model descriptions

A superdeformed rotational band has been identified in 36Ar, linked to known low-spin states, and observed to its high-spin termination at Iπ = 16+. Cranked Nilsson-Strutinsky and spherical shell model calculations assign the band to a configuration in which four pf-shell orbitals are occupied, leading to a low-spin deformation β2 ≈ 0.45. Two major shells are active for both protons and neutrons,

Workshop 1 report : Regulatory regimes: National and comparative regulation of public transport

This workshop considered whether there was a need for a fourth way (or ways) to organise and regulate public transport to complement the three existing models of classic regulation, deregulation and limited competition (including competition for the market). This was particularly viewed from the perspective of what constitutes a good (public) transport authority. The evidence was based on five sou

Enabling battery circularity : Unlocking circular business model archetypes and collaboration forms in the electric vehicle battery ecosystem

Achieving battery circularity is crucial for meeting the targets of net-zero emission vehicles by 2030 and enabling climate-neutral transportation by 2050. To facilitate this transition, firms operating in the electric vehicle (EV) battery ecosystem must reassess their value creation, capture, and delivery methods. Although EV battery second life presents a promising solution for circularity, many

International Society of Urological Pathology (ISUP) Consensus Conference on Current Issues in Bladder Cancer : Working Group 3: Subcategorization of T1 Bladder Cancer

Emerging data on T1 bladder cancer subcategorization (aka substaging) suggests a correlation with oncological outcomes. The International Society of Urological Pathology (ISUP) organized the 2022 consensus conference in Basel, Switzerland to focus on current issues in bladder cancer and tasked working group 3 to make recommendations for T1 subcategorization in transurethral bladder resections. For