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Miljöfonder eller hållbara fonder, vilka presterar bäst?

During the last couple of years the United Nations has increased its focus on sustainability and combating climate issues through Agenda 2030 and the Paris Agreement. Simultaneously, new investments in sustainable funds and environmental funds have increased greatly. As more investments are targeting sustainable funds and environmental funds, this thesis aims to investigate if there are any statis

Det paradoxala biblioteket : folkbiblioteken och den fria åsiktsbildningen i ett osäkert informationsklimat

Folkbiblioteken i Sverige har ett lagstadgat uppdrag att bidra till en stärkt demokrati genom kunskapsförmedling och fri åsiktsbildning. Uppdraget med att bidra till den fria åsiktsbildningen tolkas ofta som att biblioteken ska förhålla sig opartiska till sina användare och sina samlingar. Nya förhållanden i informationsklimatet har skapat nya utmaningar för den fria åsiktsbildningen, såsom desinfPublic libraries in Sweden have a statutory task to contribute to a strengthened democracy through the dissemination of knowledge and the free formation of opinion. The latter is often understood as libraries being impartial to their users and collections. New conditions in the information climate have brought new challenges for the free formation of opinion, such as disinformation and polarizatio

Den senaste pusselbiten i nyemissionspusslet

Examensarbetets titel: Den senaste pusselbiten i nyemissionspusslet Seminariedatum: 3/6 - 2021 Kurs: FEKH89 - Företagsekonomi: Examensarbete i Finansiering på kandidatnivå, 15 högskolepoäng. Författare: Amanda Bengtsson, Olle Saanum & Frida Wennberg Handledare: Maria Gårdängen Fem nyckelord: SEO, abnormal avkastning, operationell prestation, window of opportunity och pecking order theory. ForsTitle: The Latest Piece of The New Issues Puzzle Seminar date: 3/6 - 2021 Course: FEKH89 - Business Administration: Bachelor’s degree Project in Financial Management Undergraduate Level, 15 credits. Authors: Amanda Bengtsson, Olle Saanum & Frida Wennberg Advisor: Maria Gårdängen Keywords: SEO, abnormal return, operative performance, window of opportunity & pecking order theory. Research

Fantasiflykt : fantasins betydelse i läsfrämjande insatser för barn och unga 1980–2020

In this master thesis, I analyse a wide array of texts on children’s and youths reading and reading promotion in Sweden during 1980–2020, in order to assess how the concept of imagination is depicted and valued. The source material consists of official documents on reading promotion, such as commission reports, strategy plans, and surveys; a variety of texts dealing with children’s and youths read

Förskolebibliotek eller läshörna? En kvalitativ studie baserad på hur sju kommuner i Region Skåne arbetar med läs- och språkfrämjande verksamhet i förskolan.

My thesis is about how to define the concept of the preschool library and in what way it differs from other reading promotion and language development activities in preschool. Furthermore, I investigate how the preschool could work with preschool libraries as a long-term and permanent solution in the reading promotion and language development assignment in preschool. The question of why the presch

An Exploratory Study of Sourcing Options for Alternative Materials to Leather - A Case Study at IKEA of Sweden

Abstract Title: An exploratory study of sourcing options for alternative materials to leather. Authors: Akashdeep Maheshwari and David Marriaga Diaz – Master Students in Logistics & Supply Chain Management. Division of Engineering Logistics. Lunds Tekniska Högskola (LTH), Lund University. Thesis supervisors: Caroline McGarvey – Sustainability Manager / Material and Innovation Deployment Lead

Analysing the quality of PlaneRCNN plane parameters using a structure from motion system

This report aims to compare the plane parameters given by the PlaneRCNN network with those created by using a Structure from Motion (SfM) solution on the same data. Several datasets are used, and the results from PlaneRCNN are evaluated by using the camera matrices from the SfM solution and applying these along with scaling and coordinate transformations. We use and explain RANSAC, neural networks

"Jag som man borde ha samma svaghetsrättigheter som en kvinna har" - En kvalitativ studie om hur före detta familjehemsplacerade kvinnor och män konstruerar genus.

Foster placements are the most common form of placement for children and every year about 20,000 girls and boys are placed. Although we expect that society treats women and men equally, they are often treated differently based on stereotypical gender norms. The aim of this study was to examine how gender is constructed in women's and men's stories about their time in foster care, in matter

Control Design for an Energy-Sharing Module of Next-Generation Thermal Energy System ectogrid™

Today, heat and electricity production are two main sources of greenhouse gas emissions. A big share of the overall energy consumption is used to provide buildings with heating and cooling. Smart-energy solutions of heating and cooling could therefore be a more sustainable solution contributing to the green transition of the energy system. ectogrid™ is a new generation of a cooperative heating and

Pre-Trial Detention and Its Alternatives in Cambodia: A Critical Study of National Practice, Criminal Procedure Code, and Its Adherence to International Human Rights Standards

The unnecessary and disproportionate use of pre-trial detention is a global issue that affects developed and developing countries alike. According to World Prison Brief, Cambodia has ranked 12th (among 217 countries) making it become a country with one of the highest percentages of pre-trial detainees: 71.8 percent to be exact. The excessive and unnecessary use of pre-trial detention in the Kingdo

Crowdsourcing as a resource in archival institutions : a study of archivists’ views on usefulness and reliability in user generated metadata

The aim of this thesis is to identify archivists’ attitudes towards crowdsourcing to see how they relate to modern archival theory and science. The study focuses on reliability, functionality and potential in user generated metadata. Crowdsourcing in the archival profession is connected to our increased internet use and the general digitalization of society, but it is also a result of a paradigm s

"Vem vill lyssna på det här?": En studie om hur altruism påverkar musikskapande

Studien syftar till att undersöka vilka svårigheter och utmaningar altruister och icke-altruister har i musikskapande för att kunna fånga upp elever med olika personlighetsdrag och kunna handleda dem i sitt musikskapande i skolan. Studien baseras på tidigare forskning på området samt kvalitativa intervjuer med tio musiker med varierad ålder och könstillhörighet som skriver egen musik. Av dessa tioThe study aims to investigate what differences and challenges altruists and non altruists face when they write music, and to be able to catch students with different personality traits to help them with their songwriting in school. This study is previous studies in this area and qualitative interviews with ten musicians who all write their own music. Six of these ten are altruists and four are non

Cognitive Orientation to daily Occupational Performace approach:s påverkan på aktivitetsutförande hos strokepatienter

Bakgrund: Stroke är en av de vanligaste orsakerna till kroniska funktionsnedsättningar. Stroke kan orsaka dödsfall men också leda till motoriska och kognitiva funktionsnedsättningar, som i sin tur kan påverka deras aktivitetsutförande i vardagen samt ge en känsla av försämrad delaktighet. Syftet: Att kartlägga vilka effekter interventionen The Cognitive Orientation to daily Occupational PerformanBackground: Stroke is one of the most frequent causes to chronic disabilities. Stroke can cause death but also cause impairment of motor and cognitive functions, this can affect their daily occupational performance and give a sensation of lessened participation. Purpose: To review the effects of the intervention Cognitive Orientation to Daily Occupational Performance (CO-OP) on everyday occupatio

Intervjustudie av personer med ledarpositioner inom startup-företag, om hur de påverkats av och hanterat personalförändringar

Syftet med denna studie var att undersöka hur personer som leder startup-team rapporterar att teamet påverkats av personalförändringar, och hur de hanterat dessa inom företaget. Eftersom startup tenderar att präglas av mycket personalförändringar och förväntas leverera snabba resultat, finns där ett särskilt intresse att kunna hantera personalförändringar så effektivt som möjligt. Framförallt ämnaThe purpose of this study is to investigate how people who manage startup teams report that the team is affected by team member change and how such change is handled within a company. Even though frequent team member changes are common in startups, fast results and efficient working are still expected, therefore there is big interest in handling team member changes as efficiently as possible. The