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Needs, barriers and facilitators for a healthier lifestyle in haemodialysis patients : The GoodRENal project

Background: Malnutrition, sedentary lifestyle, cognitive dysfunction and poor psychological well-being are often reported in patients on haemodialysis (HD). Aims: We aimed to explore needs, barriers and facilitators—as perceived by patients, their carers, and healthcare professionals (HCPs) for increasing the adherence to the diet, to physical activity and cognition and psychological well-being. M

”Se upp för nålen!” Intraoperativa stick- och skärskador bland operationssjuksköterskor: En enkätstudie

Bakgrund: Stick- och skärskador är vanligt bland operationspersonal. I samband med en stick- och skärskada startar en process som kan bli långdragen i form av oro i väntan på resultat och i värsta fall livslång sjukdom. Att uppmärksamma stick- och skärskador, vanliga moment när det sker och i vilken grad skadorna rapporteras är viktigt för att ett förbättringsarbete ska kunna planeras och implemen

Personal pronouns and person perception – Do paired and nonbinary pronouns evoke a normative gender bias?

Research on gender-fair language aims to identify language inclusive to a multitude of individuals, for example, increasing the visibility of women by using paired pronouns (he/she) instead of generic masculine forms (he). However, binary presentations like he/she might come with unwanted side effects and evoke what we label as normative gender bias. A normative gender bias is defined as when word

Modelling the organisational socialisation of volunteers in English associational golf clubs

Research question: The research considers the organisational socialisation process for volunteers in associational golf clubs. Research methods: Constructivist grounded theory method was used, with qualitative data collected through 28 semi-structured interviews with volunteers at English associational golf clubs. Results and Findings: The article develops a model for the organisational socialisat

Refined parameters of the HD 22946 planetary system and the true orbital period of planet d

Context. Multi-planet systems are important sources of information regarding the evolution of planets. However, the long-period planets in these systems often escape detection. These objects in particular may retain more of their primordial characteristics compared to close-in counterparts because of their increased distance from the host star. HD 22946 is a bright (G = 8.13 mag) late F-type star

Receiving a gift and feeling robbed : a phenomenological study on parents’ experiences of Brief Admissions for teenagers who self-harm at risk for suicide

Background: Brief Admission by self-referral is a preventive intervention here intended for individuals who recurrently self-harm and have a history of contact with emergency psychiatric services. Individuals with access to Brief Admission are empowered to self-admit to inpatient care for up to three days per stay and are encouraged to do so before experiencing crisis. Brief Admission was implemen

Aleister Crowley, "Hymn to Lucifer" (undated) and The Book of Thoth (1944)

This chapter studies Aleister Crowley’s undated poem “Hymn to Lucifer” and an extract from The Book of Thoth (1944), which deals with the tarot card The Devil. “Hymn to Lucifer” alludes to the state of humankind in the Garden of Eden before the fall, a condition that is described in negative terms and portrayed as restrictive and stagnant. Even if it happens at the price of death, the Devil repres

Capturing time variation within systemic risk estimation

Systemic risk can be defined as the risk to the whole financial system. Financial institutions may contribute more or less to this risk, and measuring the systemic risk contributions of institutions is of central importance for regulators. This is important since it makes it possible to determine to what extent different institutions contribute to the overall systemic risk of the financial system

Market Reaction to Environmental Controversies: The role of perceived behaviour

The rising importance of ESG related issues has been witnessed both by recent literature and surveys. In this paper, we first analyse whether environmental controversies have a significant impact on the involved companies’ stock returns. Secondly, we investigate whether companies’ perceived environmental behaviour influences the market’s reaction. We contribute to the literature by using the envir

Netsourcing strategies for vendors : A resource-based and transaction cost economics perspective

This paper discusses Netsourcing strategies for vendors, a little explored area of outsourcing research, using both a resource-based (RBV) perspective and a transaction cost economics (TCE) perspective. Using both theories and an infrastructural view of Information Technology service, we present a conceptual model of vendor sourcing decisions. We then present a number of propositions based on case

Nonlinear Forward-Backward Splitting with Momentum Correction

The nonlinear, or warped, resolvent recently explored by Giselsson and Bùi-Combettes has been used to model a large set of existing and new monotone inclusion algorithms. To establish convergent algorithms based on these resolvents, corrective projection steps are utilized in both works. We present a different way of ensuring convergence by means of a nonlinear momentum term, which in many cases l

Examining the potential for early detection of spruce bark beetle attacks using multi-temporal Sentinel-2 and harvester data

Forests are invaluable terrestrial ecosystems with considerable economic, ecological, and environmental benefits. Bark beetles have been recognized as one of the major causes of forest disturbance, and climate change can exacerbate their impact, leading to more tree mortality. Early detection of bark beetle attacks is vital to reduce forest loss and devastating consequences. This study examines th

On emergence and forcing in information systems grounded theory studies : The case of strauss and corbin

Grounded theory method (GTM) (Glaser and Strauss, 1967; Strauss and Corbin, 1990; Charmaz, 2006) is characterized by the continuous interplay between the collection and analysis of data in order to generate theory that is firmly grounded in empirical phenomena (Glaser and Strauss, 1967; Strauss and Corbin, 1998). The method is now an accepted research approach in the information systems (IS) disci