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Self-consistent Hartree-Fock and RPA Green's function method indicate no pygmy resonance in the monopole response of neutron-rich Ni isotopes

The random phase approximation (RPA) monopole strength and the unperturbed particle-hole excitation strength are studied, in which the strength in the continuum is properly treated without discretizing unbound particle spectra. The model is the self-consistent Hartree-Fock calculation and the RPA Green's function method with Skyrme interactions. Numerical examples are the Ni isotopes, especially N

Waves of media democratization: A brief history of contemporary participatory practices in the media sphere

The article aims to provide a more historically grounded approach to the relationship between communication and participation, by distinguishing different waves of media democratization. The article first discusses the concept of participation and some of its complexities, and then sketches a series of intense moments of participation in and through the media in (mainly the second half) the 20th a

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Colorectal cancer is the third most common cancer in the Western hemisphere and the incidence increases with increasing age. Most colorectal cancers are localized with or without lymph node metastases. Up to 20% of patients present with metastatic disease, most commonly to the liver. Surgery is the only curative therapy for localized colorectal cancer and adjuvant chemotherapy is usually recommend

Nitrogen 1s NEXAFS and XPS spectroscopy of NH3-saturated Si(001)-2x1: Theoretical predictions and experimental observations at 300 K

In the light of hybrid functional density-functional theory calculations of the core-excited and core-ionized states, this paper discusses original N 1s x-ray photoemission spectroscopy (XPS) and near-edge x-ray absorption fine-structure (NEXAFS) experimental data on the single-domain (vicinal) Si(001)-2x1 surface saturated by NH3 at 300 K. The theoretical approach enables to discuss the vibration

Interval estimation for a binomial proportion: a bootstrap approach

This paper discusses the classic but still current problem of interval estimation of a binomial proportion. Bootstrap methods are presented for constructing such confidence intervals in a routine, automatic way. Three confidence intervals for a binomial proportion are compared and studied by means of a simulation study, namely: the Wald confidence interval, the Agresti-Coull interval and the boots

Copy Number Variation Analysis in Familial BRCA1/2-Negative Finnish Breast and Ovarian Cancer

Background: Inherited factors predisposing individuals to breast and ovarian cancer are largely unidentified in a majority of families with hereditary breast and ovarian cancer (HBOC). We aimed to identify germline copy number variations (CNVs) contributing to HBOC susceptibility in the Finnish population. Methods: A cohort of 84 HBOC individuals (negative for BRCA1/2-founder mutations and pre-scr

Janitors of Knowledge: Constructing Knowledge in the Everyday Life of Wikipedia Editors

Purpose: The aim of this article is to explore how trustworthy knowledge claims in Wikipedia are constructed by focusing on the everyday practices of Wikipedia editors. The article focuses particularly on the role of references to external sources for the stabilisation of knowledge in Wikipedia. Design/methodology/approach: The study is inspired by online ethnography. It includes eleven Wikipedia

Surveillance and Deferred Treatment for Localized Prostate Cancer. Population Based Study in the National Prostate Cancer Register of Sweden

Purpose: To what extent active surveillance and deferred treatment for localized risk prostate cancer are used is unclear. We assessed the use of surveillance and of deferred treatment in a population based, nationwide cohort in Sweden. Materials and Methods: In the National Prostate Cancer Register of Sweden, with a 98% coverage vs the compulsory Swedish Cancer Registry, we identified 8,304 incid

Muscle contraction and force: the importance of an ancillary network, nutrient supply and waste removal

Muscle contraction studies often focus solely on myofibres and the proteins known to be involved in the processes of sarcomere shortening and cross-bridge cycling, but skeletal muscle also comprises a very elaborate ancillary network of capillaries, which not only play a vital role in terms of nutrient delivery and waste product removal, but are also tethered to surrounding fibres by collagen "wir

A measurement of the ratio of the production cross sections for W and Z bosons in association with jets with the ATLAS detector

The ratio of the production cross sections for W and Z bosons in association with jets has been measured in proton-proton collisions at root s = 7 TeV with the ATLAS experiment at the Large Hadron Collider. The measurement is based on the entire 2011 dataset, corresponding to an integrated luminosity of 4.6 fb(-1). Inclusive and differential cross-section ratios for massive vector bosons decaying

In-field determination of nanomolar nitrite in seawater using a sequential injection technique combined with solid phase enrichment and colorimetric detection

A novel sequential injection method for the determination of nitrite at nanomolar level in seawater samples has been developed. The pink azo compound was formed based on the Griess reaction and quantitatively adsorbed onto a Sep-Pak C18 cartridge. The enriched azo compound was rinsed with water and ethanol (28%, v/v) in turn, and then eluted with an eluent containing 26.6% (v/v) ethanol and 0.108m

Forming Chondrules in Impact Splashes. I. radiative Cooling Model

The formation of chondrules is one of the oldest unsolved mysteries in meteoritics and planet formation. Recently an old idea has been revived: the idea that chondrules form as a result of collisions between planetesimals in which the ejected molten material forms small droplets that solidify to become chondrules. Pre-melting of the planetesimals by radioactive decay of Al-26 would help produce sp

Development of Bio-PORec (R) system for polyhydroxyalkanoates (PHA) production and its storage in mixed cultures of palm oil mill effluent (POME)

High PHA production and storage using palm oil mill effluent (POME) was investigated using a laboratory batch Bio-PORec (R) system under aerobic-feeding conditions. Results showed that maximum PHA was obtained at a specific rate (q(p)) of 0.343 C-mol/C-mol h when air was supplied at 20 ml/min. The PHA yield was found to be 0.80 C-mol/C-mol acetic acid (HAc) at microaerophilic condition and the mas

Drying-Rewetting Cycles Affect Fungal and Bacterial Growth Differently in an Arable Soil

Drying and rewetting is a frequent physiological stress for soil microbial communities; a stress that is predicted to grow more influential with future climate change. We investigated the effect of repeated drying-rewetting cycles on bacterial (leucine incorporation) and fungal (acetate in ergosterol incorporation) growth, on the biomass concentration and composition (PLFA), and on the soil respir

Non-toxic amyloid beta formed in the presence of glypican-1 or its deaminatively generated heparan sulfate degradation products

The amyloid beta (A beta) peptides (mainly A beta 40 and A beta 42), which are derived from the amyloid precursor protein (APP), can oligomerize into antibody A11-positive, neurotoxic species, believed to be involved in Alzheimer's disease. Interestingly, APP binds strongly to the heparan sulfate (HS) proteoglycan (PG) glypican-1 (Gpc-1) in vitro and both proteins are colocalized inside cells. In

Long-lasting effects of among- but not within-litter timing of birth in a viviparous lizard

Background: Early developmental conditions can influence within- and among-brood variation in the timing of hatching/birth, which has been shown to affect offspring survival, growth, and reproductive success across a range of species. Problem: How does within- and among-litter variation in the timing of birth affect offspring growth and survival in Egernia whitii? Organism: Egernia whitii, a l

Reactive Task Adaptation Based on Hierarchical Constraints Classification for Safe Industrial Robots

A widespread and flexible use of robots in rapidly changing working environments could be greatly enhanced by human-robot interaction and collaboration. Humans and robots have complementary skills. The robotic worker can relieve the human from repetitive work, and the human can make robot deployment easier by managing nonstandard or particularly skilful operations. Such a scenario, however, requir