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Your search for "*" yielded 531692 hits

A measurement of the ratio of the production cross sections for W and Z bosons in association with jets with the ATLAS detector

The ratio of the production cross sections for W and Z bosons in association with jets has been measured in proton-proton collisions at root s = 7 TeV with the ATLAS experiment at the Large Hadron Collider. The measurement is based on the entire 2011 dataset, corresponding to an integrated luminosity of 4.6 fb(-1). Inclusive and differential cross-section ratios for massive vector bosons decaying

In-field determination of nanomolar nitrite in seawater using a sequential injection technique combined with solid phase enrichment and colorimetric detection

A novel sequential injection method for the determination of nitrite at nanomolar level in seawater samples has been developed. The pink azo compound was formed based on the Griess reaction and quantitatively adsorbed onto a Sep-Pak C18 cartridge. The enriched azo compound was rinsed with water and ethanol (28%, v/v) in turn, and then eluted with an eluent containing 26.6% (v/v) ethanol and 0.108m

Forming Chondrules in Impact Splashes. I. radiative Cooling Model

The formation of chondrules is one of the oldest unsolved mysteries in meteoritics and planet formation. Recently an old idea has been revived: the idea that chondrules form as a result of collisions between planetesimals in which the ejected molten material forms small droplets that solidify to become chondrules. Pre-melting of the planetesimals by radioactive decay of Al-26 would help produce sp

Development of Bio-PORec (R) system for polyhydroxyalkanoates (PHA) production and its storage in mixed cultures of palm oil mill effluent (POME)

High PHA production and storage using palm oil mill effluent (POME) was investigated using a laboratory batch Bio-PORec (R) system under aerobic-feeding conditions. Results showed that maximum PHA was obtained at a specific rate (q(p)) of 0.343 C-mol/C-mol h when air was supplied at 20 ml/min. The PHA yield was found to be 0.80 C-mol/C-mol acetic acid (HAc) at microaerophilic condition and the mas

Drying-Rewetting Cycles Affect Fungal and Bacterial Growth Differently in an Arable Soil

Drying and rewetting is a frequent physiological stress for soil microbial communities; a stress that is predicted to grow more influential with future climate change. We investigated the effect of repeated drying-rewetting cycles on bacterial (leucine incorporation) and fungal (acetate in ergosterol incorporation) growth, on the biomass concentration and composition (PLFA), and on the soil respir

Non-toxic amyloid beta formed in the presence of glypican-1 or its deaminatively generated heparan sulfate degradation products

The amyloid beta (A beta) peptides (mainly A beta 40 and A beta 42), which are derived from the amyloid precursor protein (APP), can oligomerize into antibody A11-positive, neurotoxic species, believed to be involved in Alzheimer's disease. Interestingly, APP binds strongly to the heparan sulfate (HS) proteoglycan (PG) glypican-1 (Gpc-1) in vitro and both proteins are colocalized inside cells. In

Long-lasting effects of among- but not within-litter timing of birth in a viviparous lizard

Background: Early developmental conditions can influence within- and among-brood variation in the timing of hatching/birth, which has been shown to affect offspring survival, growth, and reproductive success across a range of species. Problem: How does within- and among-litter variation in the timing of birth affect offspring growth and survival in Egernia whitii? Organism: Egernia whitii, a l

Reactive Task Adaptation Based on Hierarchical Constraints Classification for Safe Industrial Robots

A widespread and flexible use of robots in rapidly changing working environments could be greatly enhanced by human-robot interaction and collaboration. Humans and robots have complementary skills. The robotic worker can relieve the human from repetitive work, and the human can make robot deployment easier by managing nonstandard or particularly skilful operations. Such a scenario, however, requir

Motorfordonsförares väjningsbeteende gentemot cyklande

Under hösten 2008 genomfördes fältstudier i projektet Motorfordonsförares väjningsbeteende gentemot cyklande. Denna rapport utgör en redovisning av projektet och dess resultat. Syftet med projektet har varit att vid interaktioner mellan motorfordonsförare och cyklande studera de inblandades väjningsbeteende vid olika utformningar av cyklandes passage över gator. Fältstudierna har genomförts i formUnder hösten 2008 genomfördes fältstudier i projektet Motorfordonsförares väjningsbeteende gentemot cyklande. Denna rapport utgör en redovisning av projektet och dess resultat. Syftet med projektet har varit att vid interaktioner mellan motorfordonsförare och cyklande studera de inblandades väjningsbeteende vid olika utformningar av cyklandes passage över gator. Fältstudierna har genomförts i form

The very low mass multiple system LHS 1070. A testbed for model atmospheres for the lower end of the main sequence

Context. LHS 1070 is a nearby multiple system of low mass stars. It is an important source of information for probing the low mass end of the main sequence, down to the hydrogen-burning limit. The primary of the system is a mid-M dwarf and two components are late-M to early L dwarfs, at the star-brown dwarf transition. Hence LHS 1070 is a valuable object to understand the onset of dust formation i

Surgical evaluation of a recombinant factorVIII prepared using a plasma/albumin-free method: Efficacy and safety of Advate in previously treated patients

Evaluation of factor F(V)III replacement in patients with haemophilia A undergoing surgery is critical for FVIII concentrates, yet large scale, multi-center prospective studies, particularly using continuous infusion, are generally lacking for new products. This study evaluated efficacy and safety of a newly developed recombinant FVIII (rAHF-PFM) administered by bolus or continuous infusion in hae

Is Increased Thrombin Activation in Patients With Abdominal Aortic Aneurysms Dependent on Area or Volume of Aneurysm Thrombus Mass?

Objectives: Does thrombin activation seen in patients with abdominal aortic aneurysms (AAA) relate to the thrombus surface area or volume within the aneurysm? Patients and methods: A total of 130 patients with AAA were analyzed regarding levels of the complex between activated protein C-protein C inhibitor (APC-PCI) and AAA morphology. Analysis of APC-PCI complex was made using a sandwich immunofl

Different arbuscular mycorrhizal inoculants affect the growth and survival of Podocarpus cunninghamii restoration plantings in the Mackenzie Basin, New Zealand

There is increasing interest in the use of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF) for ecological restoration, as AMF can improve plant nutrition and growth. However, some AMF can have negative effects on plant growth. It is therefore critical that restoration strategies incorporate appropriate AMF. This research investigated differences in growth and survival of Podocarpus cunninghamii (mountain tōtar

Vacuum ultraviolet circularly polarized coherent femtosecond pulses from laser seeded relativistic electrons

We have demonstrated the generation of circularly polarized coherent light pulses at 66 nm wavelength by combining laser seeding at 263 nm of a 375 MeV relativistic electron bunch with subsequent coherent harmonic generation from an elliptical undulator of APPLE-II type. Coherent pulses at higher harmonics in linear polarization have been produced and recorded up to the sixth order (44 nm). The du

New Intraoperative Techniques to Improve Advanced Aortic Root Surgery

Study I: Thirteen patients underwent a modified Ross operation in which the free-standing pulmonary autograft was supported externally by a Dacron vascular prosthetic jacket (DVPJ). The tailor-made DVPJ prevented dilatation of the neo-aortic root significantly following a median follow-up of 47 months compared to a cohort of l3 matched patients undergoing conventional Ross operation. Study II: A

Gender differences in facial imitation and verbally reported emotional contagion from spontaneius to emotinally regulated processing levels

Previous studies on gender differences in facial imitation and verbally reported emotional contagion have investigated emotional responses to pictures of facial expressions at supraliminal exposure times. The aim of the present study was to investigate how gender differences are related to different exposure times, representing information processing levels from subliminal (spontaneous) to suprali