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One Hospital's Response to the Institute of Medicine Report, "Dying in America"

BACKGROUND: In response to the Institute of Medicine (IOM) report, Dying in America, we undertook an institution wide effort to improve the experience of patients and families facing serious illness by engaging leadership and developing a program to promote the practice of generalist palliative care.MEASURES: The impact of the program was measured with process measures related to its' three parts.

What is in the Syringe? : Principles of early integrated palliative care

What's in the Syringe? offers a succinct overview of the psychological skills of outpatient palliative care, teaching clinicians how to help patients live well and acknowledge end of life as patients meet five challenges of serious illness. It explores how to help patients develop prognostic awareness, through which they pair hopes and worries and see themselves with clarity and empathy. The book

Airborne SARS-CoV-2 RNA detected during deliveries with unmasked patients

Background: Healthcare workers in obstetric clinics may be exposed to airborne SARS-CoV-2 when treating patients with COVID-19.Method: In this study, performed during the midst of the pandemic, air samples werecollected in delivery rooms during childbirth and analysed for SARS-CoV-2 RNA content.Result: Six of 28 samples collected inside delivery rooms were positive for SARS-CoV-2, but none in ante

ALBA : Adaptive Language-Based Assessments for Mental Health

Mental health issues differ widely among individuals, with varied signs and symptoms. Recently, language-based assessments have shown promise in capturing this diversity, but they require a substantial sample of words per person for accuracy. This work introduces the task of Adaptive Language-Based Assessment (ALBA), which involves adaptively ordering questions while also scoring an individual’s l

The Hidden Presupposition of Christian Faith. A Study on Divine Revelation as Understood in View of its Manifestation within the Flux of History.

My intention in this thesis is to analyze the Second Vatican Council’s understanding of divine revelation christologically. Within the frame of this analysis, I further wish to examine the hypothesis that the post-conciliar concept of revelation holds a constructive potential applicable within Swedish theological discourse. As a result of this, the following main question, enabling a christologica

"Den mest splittrande frågan": En queerekumenisk undersökning av Kyrkornas världsråds syn på sexualitet

In the ecumenical global discourse, sexuality is often said to be “the most divisive issue”. Despite this, there have been and still are many ongoing conversations on this matter. One significant example is the document Conversations on the Pilgrim Way: Invitation to Journey Together on Matters of Human Sexuality, which was produced by the World Council of Churches and released in 2022. This mast

"Kärleken vi bar kunde inte hjälpa": En kvalitativ undersökning av grifteal efter suicid i Svenska kyrkan

I den här uppsatsen har elva griftetal samlats in. Dessa griftetal har hållits i Svenska kyrkan någon gång under åren 2016-2021. Griftetalen har den gemensamma nämnaren att de har hållits efter att den avlidne begått suicid. Syftet med uppsatsen har varit att undersöka vilka existentiella frågor som uppstår vid sorg och som behandlas i griftetalen vid suicid. Syftet har även varit att studera hur For this magister thesis eleven funeral sermons read during funerals in the Church of Sweden between 2016 and 2021 were collected and analysed. The funeral sermons were read at funerals where the deceased had committed suicide. The purpose of this thesis was to examine existential questions asked by people in mourning. Also, the aim of this thesis was to study how theology can answer these questio

40 - En analys av sakral text i språkfilosofiskt ljust

Religion är en del av många människors liv. En högst personlig och på vissa sätt en oföränderlig tradition med budskap från en högre makt som omöjligt kan förändras eller omtolkas. Mitt syfte med denna uppsats är att skapa en diskussion om hur och i så fall på vilket sätt en religiös text övergår till att betraktas som profan. Jag är inte ute efter att skapa ett nytt normativ utan min uppsats bör

A Model for the Coordination Between Gender Expression and Intelligibility Grounded in Trans Experiences

This study explored the diverse experiences of five transgender individuals during medical gender-affirmation, and captured their active and dynamic strategies for the avoidance of discrimination. The Coordination between Expression and Intelligibility Demands model was developed through informed grounded theory analysis of the data generated in semi-structured interviews. The model reflects the e

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Abstract in FrenchCet article interroge la nature spontanée de la politisation des ouvrier·ère·s habitant une région russophone ukrainienne. Leur mobilisation face à l’invasion russe récente est d’autant plus paradoxale que la ville en question a toujours été considérée comme « pro-russe », et que la population locale n’a pas ressenti d’intérêt pour la politique. En s’appuyant sur un travail de teCet article interroge la nature spontanée de la politisation des ouvrier·ère·s habitant une région russophone ukrainienne. Leur mobilisation face à l’invasion russe récente est d’autant plus paradoxale que la ville en question a toujours été considérée comme « pro-russe », et que la population locale n’a pas ressenti d’intérêt pour la politique. En s’appuyant sur un travail de terrain mené entre 2

Gender discrimination in Swedish family courts : A quantitative vignette study

Background Gender discrimination of women is often emphasized in work contexts, whereas less focus is on how men are discriminated against in social relationships. Gender discrimination in decisions of family relations, is essential to study as the contact between parent and child is commonly viewed as the most important relationship in people’s life, as well as being the most important aspect of

The problems, promise and pragmatism of community food growing

Alongside associated forms of socially and politically conscious food production, community food growing is routinely connected to a wide range of social and environmental benefits. However, robust evidence in support of these associations remains scant, and while the conversation has shifted in recent years to take account of the sometimes unintended or negative aspects of these activities, no co

Contributions of injury deaths to the changes in sex gaps in life expectancy and life disparity in the Nordic countries in the 21st century

OBJECTIVE: The objective of this study was to provide novel comparative insights on the contributions of injury deaths to the changes in sex gaps in life expectancy (SGLE) and sex gaps in life disparity (SGLD) across Nordic countries.STUDY DESIGN: Retrospective demographic analysis of aggregated mortality data.METHODS: To compute life expectancy (LE)/life disparity (LD), annual data on age- and se