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Your search for "*" yielded 526866 hits

The Relationship between Insurance Market Activity and Economic Growth

This research examines the short- and the long-run relationship between insurance market activity and economic growth for a panel data set of 80 countries for the period 2001-2012. Insurance market is investigated as a whole and separately as life and non-life insurance sectors. The countries with different level of economic development are considered. The data is tested for stationarity and unit

Positivism and Muslim Minority Law in Europe: Rethinking Legal Pluralism

How can we reconcile Muslim minority law with state law in the European Union and its member states? This essay seeks to analyse and dismantle the concepts of ‘secular’ law and ‘religious’ minority law in the context of the European Union and within the theoretical framework of Sociology of Law. France and the UK shall serve as locations for contextualised comparison, assisting us in making sense

Är piller lösningen? - En studie om ADHD-medicineringens möjligheter och hinder för personer med både en ADHD-diagnos och ett beroende av alkohol eller narkotika.

The aim with this study is to investigate the disadvantages and advantages with ADHD medication for adults with both an ADHD diagnosis and an addiction to alcohol or drugs. In our study we have used qualitative methods through semi structured interviews with professionals from different organizations, including Addiction Centres, Probation, Social Services and treatment centres. The result showed

Ung i fattig familj - Beslut och bedömning utifrån barnperspektiv vid handläggning av ekonomiiskt bistånd

The aim of this study was to show the relevance of child-perspectives in the welfare services in Malmö municipality. A group of social secretaries directed to families with children who are current cases in more than one instance of the social services have been asked to discuss child perspective and the needs of children. The outcomes of the interviews are analyzed from street-level bureaucracy t

EmoTouch: Nästa generations analysverktyg för mobilapplikationer

This thesis explores the possibility to develop a tool for mobile analytics, which maps user behavior with the intent to detect frustration. The project was carried out in cooperation with the company Tactel AB. They see a great commercial potential in a tool that can provide application publishers with information about users’ frustration levels in real-time. The objective of the project was to d

Transnational Entrepreneurs: Implications of the dual background on opportunity recognition

Transnational entrepreneurs are migrant business owners, traveling abroad for business purposes and engaged in business activities, based on ties to a foreign country. Operating in two countries exposes the entrepreneur to more sources of information and can increase the ability of the entrepreneur to make connections and discover opportunities. Using dual habitus and theory of practice as the mai

Urban prosperity without growth? : sustainable city development with focus on human flourishing

The world is urbanising at an unprecedented rate. Cities are perceived to be potential solutions as well as causes of the many problems our society faces. On the one hand, cities are considered the driving forces of prosperity through innovation, wealth creation and growth. On the other hand, cities are perceived to be the roots of urgent environmental and social issues. In fact, the very notion o

Samverkan mellan aktörer för en miljövänlig försörjningskedja

Studiens syfte är att öka förståelsen för hur den köpande organisationens val av samarbetsstrategi kan påverka Green Supply Chain Managements genomslagskraft i försörjningskedjan. Teorin definierar begreppet Green Supply Chain Management och redogör för vilka hinder och drivkrafter som kan återfinnas vid miljöarbete. I den teoreriska referensramen definieras armlängdsstrategin samt relationsstrate

Den uteblivna dialogen

Denna uppsats är skriven med syftet att undersöka Malmö stads arbete med symmetrisk och dialogisk kommunikation med sina medborgare i sociala medier. Med uppsatsen hoppas vi nyansera bilden av de organisatoriska krav som ställs på organisationer för att kunna bedriva symmetrisk tvåvägskommunikation. För att uppnå vårt syfte har vi med ett hermeneutiskt förhållningssätt utfört textanalyser av MalmöThis study intends to research the city of Malmö’s work with symmetrical and dialogical communication with its citizens in social media. With this study, we hope to nuance the image of the organizational demands put on organizations to be able to manage symmetrical two-way communication. To reach our purpose, we have with a hermeneutical approach conducted document analyses of the city of Malmö’s

Arvet efter apartheid- En studie av Sydafrikas skolsystem

Apartheid is officially abolished in South Africa since 1994. However, it still exists in the country today. The aim of this thesis is to examine how the heritage of apartheid still affects South Africa today, 20 years after it was abolished, and to show that racism is still very much a part of daily life in South Africa although it can be more or less disguised nowadays. My focus in this thesis i

Choosing Sustainable Transport : unraveling the factors of human behavior that influence Sony Mobile Communication employees and Emporia shoppers transport mode decisions

Transportation is a necessary part of our daily lives and the environment would greatly benefit if the majority of people used sustainable transport. The current mechanisms set in place to change people’s behaviors, however, have lacked an in depth psychological understanding of how people make transport decisions. The aim of this thesis is to explore the world of psychology and behavior and to at

Iterative Learning Control for Milling with Industrial Robots in Advanced Manufacturing

The demand of today for advanced manufactured parts with high precision is due to the increasing complexity of technologies. The parts are typically made by CNC (Computer Numerical Control) machines, which are expensive and comparably big. By using industrial robots that are significantly cheaper, reduced costs can be achieved, which is particularly beneficial for small and medium enterprises. Rob

Open source på IT-företag

Open source är idag ett vida känt begrepp och det finns numera ett open source alternativ till nästan varje mjukvara av proprietär sort. Med en växande användarbas och en kostnad som nästan alltid är obefintlig är det naturligt att företag ser open source som ett alternativ till att köpa proprietär mjukvara. Genom denna uppsats undersöker vi därför vilka egenskaper hos open source som är viktiga o