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A Model for the Coordination Between Gender Expression and Intelligibility Grounded in Trans Experiences

This study explored the diverse experiences of five transgender individuals during medical gender-affirmation, and captured their active and dynamic strategies for the avoidance of discrimination. The Coordination between Expression and Intelligibility Demands model was developed through informed grounded theory analysis of the data generated in semi-structured interviews. The model reflects the e

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Abstract in FrenchCet article interroge la nature spontanée de la politisation des ouvrier·ère·s habitant une région russophone ukrainienne. Leur mobilisation face à l’invasion russe récente est d’autant plus paradoxale que la ville en question a toujours été considérée comme « pro-russe », et que la population locale n’a pas ressenti d’intérêt pour la politique. En s’appuyant sur un travail de teCet article interroge la nature spontanée de la politisation des ouvrier·ère·s habitant une région russophone ukrainienne. Leur mobilisation face à l’invasion russe récente est d’autant plus paradoxale que la ville en question a toujours été considérée comme « pro-russe », et que la population locale n’a pas ressenti d’intérêt pour la politique. En s’appuyant sur un travail de terrain mené entre 2

Gender discrimination in Swedish family courts : A quantitative vignette study

Background Gender discrimination of women is often emphasized in work contexts, whereas less focus is on how men are discriminated against in social relationships. Gender discrimination in decisions of family relations, is essential to study as the contact between parent and child is commonly viewed as the most important relationship in people’s life, as well as being the most important aspect of

The problems, promise and pragmatism of community food growing

Alongside associated forms of socially and politically conscious food production, community food growing is routinely connected to a wide range of social and environmental benefits. However, robust evidence in support of these associations remains scant, and while the conversation has shifted in recent years to take account of the sometimes unintended or negative aspects of these activities, no co

Contributions of injury deaths to the changes in sex gaps in life expectancy and life disparity in the Nordic countries in the 21st century

OBJECTIVE: The objective of this study was to provide novel comparative insights on the contributions of injury deaths to the changes in sex gaps in life expectancy (SGLE) and sex gaps in life disparity (SGLD) across Nordic countries.STUDY DESIGN: Retrospective demographic analysis of aggregated mortality data.METHODS: To compute life expectancy (LE)/life disparity (LD), annual data on age- and se

Multidisciplinary treatment of childhood obesity

Childhood obesity is a disease with multifactorial causes and consequences; therefore, childhood obesity needs multidisciplinary assessment and treatment. This chapter outlines the basic concepts for a multidisciplinary team for treating childhood obesity and gives a practical example in the SOFT (Standard Obesity Family Therapy)-model. SOFT is a multidisciplinary treatment validated in an RCT and

Powerful and Vulnerable : Workplace Violence Against Swedish Social Workers, Teachers, and Journalists

This article compares Swedish social workers, teachers, and journalists’ experiences of workplace violence. It addresses similarities and differences between the three professional groups in terms of who exposed them to workplace violence, what it was about, and what triggered it. The article is based on an online survey study, and the findings suggest that consumerrelated violence from target groThis article compares Swedish social workers, teachers, and journalists’ experiences of workplace violence. It addresses similarities and differences between the three professional groups in terms of who exposed them to workplace violence, what it was about, and what triggered it. The article is based on an online survey study, and the findings suggest that consumer-related violence from target gr

Structural changes in model oxide catalysts studied by operando XAFS

Bridging the pressure gap between surface science studies and industrial processes requires a combination of well-studied reactions, model systems as catalysts, and advanced techniques capable of detecting structural changes under realistic pressure conditions. Observations from such studies provide helpful insight into the present phases of the gas-surface boundary and transitions that happen dur

An Exploratory Study of Afghan Tazkera Ownership

The tazkera (national ID) is Afghanistan’s most important identity document and necessary to receive a variety of government services (e.g. education), employment, or even other identity documents such as passports or driver’s licenses. While the most commonly held identification by Afghans, certain groups own tazkeras far less than do others, especially women and rural, displaced and nomadic popu

City Branding to Solve Social Problems? : The Eigendynamik of management concepts

It is well known that management concepts tend to spread from corporate to public organizations. Branding is an example of such a concept, with suggestions that it can address not only economic but also social issues, often referred to as “inclusive branding.” This ethnographic study explores how branding is received and spreads in a Swedish city, and analyzes efforts to use branding to tackle ine

A Challenge for Indexical Reliabilism

The new evil demon problem amounts to a difficult challenge for the externalist about epistemic justification. Many solutions to the problem have been proffered in the almost 40 years since its first appearance in the literature. Among the more promising responses is indexical reliabilism, a combination of two versions of actual world reliabilism where “actual” denotes either the world of utteranc

Moments of Wonder and Armies of Care : Feminist attachments in Drawing the Line, Indian Women Fight Back!

This chapter looks at the way collective practices of comics creation and publicationcan form feminist attachments, with a focus on the comics anthologyDrawing the Line, Indian Women Fight Back! (Kuriyan, Bertonasco, Bartscht, &Burton 2015). Drawing the Line consists of fourteen short comics drawn by agroup of professional and amateur Indian women who reflect upon their experiencesof gendered

Experimental design trade-offs for gene regulatory network inference: An in silico study of the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae cell cycle

Time-series of high throughput gene sequencing data intended for gene regulatory network (GRN) inference are often short due to the high costs of sampling cell systems. Moreover, experimentalists lack a set of quantitative guidelines that prescribe the minimal number of samples required to infer a reliable GRN model. We study the temporal resolution of data vs. quality of GRN inference in order to

Linear Dynamic Network Reconstruction from Heterogeneous Datasets

This paper addresses reconstruction of linear dynamic networks from heterogeneous datasets. Those datasets consist of measurements from linear dynamical systems in multiple experiments subjected to different experimental conditions, e.g., changes/perturbations in parameters, disturbance or noise. A main assumption is that the Boolean structures of the underlying networks are the same in all experi

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A presentation of the results and experiences from a PhD- and excavation project in 1983 concerning the medieval cultural landscape of Bornholm.