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Quality assurance of texture web materials using cellular neural networks

The paper present a parallel implementation of an image processing algorithm for the on-line, non-destructive quality assurance of the non-woven, fibrous web materials. The task of the algorithm is to compute the material microstructure descriptors. The premise underlying this work is that the microstructure determines the performance of the material and characterization of the microstructure may

Plasma C4d Correlates With C4d Deposition in Kidneys and With Treatment Response in Lupus Nephritis Patients

Objective: To examine whether C4d plasma levels correlate with treatment response and C4d kidney deposition in systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) with lupus nephritis (LN). Methods: C4d plasma levels were analyzed by a unique assay specifically detecting C4d arising from complement activation and C4 plasma levels were quantified with competitive ELISA. SLE patients with LN (71) and active SLE pati

Identification of the major rabbit and guinea pig semen coagulum proteins and description of the diversity of the REST gene locus in the mammalian clade Glires

The seminal vesicle secretions of guinea pig and rabbit were analyzed for semen coagulum proteins. Using SDS-PAGE we discovered a previously not fully recognized semen coagulum protein, Svp5, in the guinea pig and a single predominant component, SVP200, in the rabbit. Potential genes of these proteins were identified in genome databases by their homology with human and murine genes. The structure

A Large Committed Long-Term Sink of Carbon due to Vegetation Dynamics

The terrestrial biosphere shows substantial inertia in its response to environmental change. Hence, assessments of transient changes in ecosystem properties to 2100 do not capture the full magnitude of the response realized once ecosystems reach an effective equilibrium with the changed environmental boundary conditions. This equilibrium state can be termed the committed state, in contrast to a tr

Influence of alternating V-rows tube layout on thermal-hydraulic characteristics of twisted elliptical tube heat exchangers

An innovative alternating V-rows triangular tube layout was devised for the twisted elliptical tube heat exchangers to enhance heat transfer between adjacent tubes. Under the same tube circumference, altogether eleven twisted elliptical tube heat exchangers with two tube layouts, diverse aspect ratios of twisted elliptical tubes and different twisted pitches were constructed and simulated, includi

Grand canonical simulations of ions between charged conducting surfaces using exact 3D Ewald summations

We present a useful methodology to simulate ionic fluids confined by two charged and perfectly conducting surfaces. Electrostatic interactions are treated using a modified 3D Ewald sum, which accounts for all image charges across the conductors, as well as the 2D periodicity, parallel to the surfaces. The energy expression is exact, and the method is trivial to implement in existing Ewald codes. W

Asymptotic number of Z3Δ cells covering C(1) surface on uniform grid and complexity of recursive-partitioning simulation of septal tissue regions

The exact asymptotic computational complexity for a problem of indexing cells on a uniform grid intersecting with a union of C(1) surfaces has been proven. The computational complexity of the recursive partition indexing algorithm, utilized for simulation of septated tissues, is derived and the algorithm is demonstrated as being asymptotically optimal.

Breast percent density : Estimation on digital mammograms and central tomosynthesis projections

Purpose: To evaluate inter- and intrareader agreement in breast percent density (PD) estimation on clinical digital mammograms and central digital breast tomosynthesis (DBT) projection images. Materials and Methods: This HIPAA-compliant study had institutional review board approval; all patients provided informed consent. Breast PD estimation was performed on the basis of anonymized digital mammog

CNN paradigm based multilevel halftoning of digital images

-An algorithm for displaying gray level images using a small number of flxed quantization levels is proposed. The algorithm, called multilevel halftoning, is based on the Cellular Neural Networks (CNN) paradigm. It tracks the CNN transient outputs and selects the image which is subjectively perceived to be the best when reduced to the allowed number of gray levels. The selection criterion is based

Who counts as an employer in Sweden?

In this article, the concept of the employer is analysed for Swedish conditions from a variety of perspectives. The special difficulties that face the private sector are charted, as are the principles of the legal subject in triparty contracts with temporary employment agencies, platform work, and umbrella companies. Found to go hand in hand with the concept of employee, the concept of the employe

Early migration of stemless and stemmed humeral components after total shoulder arthroplasty for osteoarthritis-study protocol for a randomized controlled trial

Background: Glenohumeral osteoarthritis can, in the most severe cases, require surgery with insertion of a shoulder arthroplasty. A design with a stem in the humeral bone canal is currently regarded as the standard treatment option in patients who have an intact rotator cuff function, but complications related to the stem including humeral fractures can have devastating consequences. By using a st

Story-dismantling, story-meandering, and story-confirming : Organizational identity work in times of public disgrace

This study aims to enhance our understanding of organizational identity work (OIW), building upon previous studies’ emphasis on the usefulness of understanding OIW in terms of storytelling. The paper offers an extended vocabulary for making sense of alternative narration forms. Based on an in-depth study of a humanitarian organization in Sweden, the discursive OIW struggles of employees in times o

Pippi mellan världar : En bildretorisk studie

Blickens kreativitet står i fokus i doktorsavhandlingen Pippi mellan världar (2020). Här introducerar jag nymaterialistiska tankegångar i en bildretorisk studie. Jag betonar särskilt lyssnarens/betraktarens egen medskapande roll när hon kreativt orienterar sig i sin omvärld. Med exempel hämtade ur svenska och tyska bokutgåvor visar jag hur bokillustrationer och pärmbilder framhäver det lekfullt no

Towards clean material cycles: Is there a policy conflict between circular economy and non-toxic environment?

Lately, the idea of ‘non-toxic’ (or ‘clean’) material cycles has become increasingly popular as a starting point for the consideration of circular economy strategies among leading regulating actors, such as the European Commission (2017). However, it should be apparent that, by default, circular economy aspirations awaken a potential policy conflict between increased circulation of resources and r

Information Technology and Medical Technology Personnel's Perception Regarding Segmentation of Medical Devices : A Focus Group Study

Objective: Segmentation is one way of improving data protection. The aim of this study was to investigate Information Technology (IT) and Medical Technology (MT) personnel's perception in relation to ongoing segmentation of medical devices and IT infrastructure in the healthcare sector. Methods: Focus group interviews with 9 IT and 9 MT personnel in a county council in southern Sweden were conduct