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The chair and the performative practice in contemporary church settings. : A study of seating in rooms of worship in the Church of Sweden.

Seating of churches is crucial to how the building is used, experienced and structured. The liturgical practice and contemporary use of seating of chairs play a fundamental part for the participatory performance on a liturgical stage. The long tradition of close interaction between church and nation, society and contemporary material culture, plays part in shaping the design process of the physicaSeating of churches is crucial to how the building is used, experienced and structured. The liturgical practice and contemporary use of seating of chairs play a fundamental part for the participatory performance on a liturgical stage. The long tradition of close interaction between church and nation, society and Contemporary material culture, plays part in shaping the design process of the physica

Experimental set-up for studies of microwave-induced hyperthermia in rats

A low-cost microprocessor-based temperature controller for hyperthermia experiments on rats is described. The system directs a microwave generator, used for heating, by feedback power regulating signals in accordance with the temperature in the animal. The microwave power is pulsed for short on-and-off periods and the temperature recordings are carried out during the off periods. More than 300 hyp

Fabelbruk i svensk tidigmodernitet : En genrehistorisk studie

Den aisopiska fabeln etablerades som genre i den grekiska antiken och nådde Skandinavien under medeltiden. I svensk kultur upplevde fabeln en storhetstid under den tidigmoderna epoken (1500–1800). Monografin Fabelbruk i svensk tidigmodernitet. En genrehistorisk studie tar ett helhetsgrepp om fabelgenrens historia i Sverige under denna 300-årsperiod. I dialog med ny internationell fabel- och genrefEstablished as a genre in Greek antiquity, the Aesopic fable reached Scandinavia during the Middle Ages. In Sweden, the fable experienced its glory days during the early modern epoch (1500–1800). The monograph Fabelbruk i svensk tidigmodernitet. En genrehistorisk studie [Usage of Fable in Swedish Early Modernity. A Genre History] takes a comprehensive look at the history of fable in Sweden during

ILC2 transfers to apolipoprotein E deficient mice reduce the lipid content of atherosclerotic lesions

BACKGROUND: Expansion of type 2 innate lymphoid cells (ILC2s) in hypercholesterolaemic mice protects against atherosclerosis while different ILC2 subsets have been described (natural, inflammatory) based on their suppression of tumorigenicity 2 (ST2) and killer-cell lectin like receptor G1 (KLRG1) expression. The aim of the current study is to characterize the interleukin 25 (IL25)-induced splenic

Adaptation of global land use and management intensity to changes in climate and atmospheric carbon dioxide

Land use contributes to environmental change, but is also influenced by such changes. Climate and atmospheric carbon dioxide (CO2) levels’ changes alter agricultural crop productivity, plant water requirements and irrigation water availability. The global food system needs to respond and adapt to these changes, for example, by altering agricultural practices, including the crop types or intensity

Framing the Feature Film : Multi-Reel Feature Film and American Film Culture in the 1910s

This dissertation addresses the breakthrough of the multi-reel feature film in the United States, and the significance of this process within the wider context of the American film industry and culture in the 1910s. The purpose is to provide a new, and more comprehensive analytical framing of the topic, and to enhance our understanding of how a new central commodity, i.e. the multi-reel feature fi

Application of optical biosensors in small-molecule screening activities

The last two decades have seen remarkable progress and improvements in optical biosensor systems such that those are currently seen as an important and value-adding component of modern drug screening activities. In particular the introduction of microplate-based biosensor systems holds the promise to match the required throughput without compromising on data quality thus representing a sought-afte

Folkrätt och krigsvetenskap

I denna andra upplagas fjorton kapitel – varav tretton publicerats tidigare som artiklar i årgångarna 218-223 (2014-2019) av Kungl Krigsvetenskapsakademiens Handlingar och Tidskrift – behandlas valda spörsmål rörande våldsanvändningens, den nukleära icke-spridningens, rustningskontrollens, underrättelseverksamhetens och cyberoperationers folkrätt, krigets lagar samt förhållandet mellan militär dokThis second edition’s fourteen chapters—thirteen of which have been published previously as articles in volumes 218–223 (2014–2019) of the “Proceedings and Journal of the Royal Swedish Academy of Military Sciences”—deal with selected international law issues concerning the use of force, nuclear nonproliferation, arms control, intelligence and cyber operations, armed conflicts as well as the relati

Nearest neighbor value interpolation

This paper presents the nearest neighbor value (NNV) algorithm for high resolution (H.R.) image interpolation. The difference between the proposed algorithm and conventional nearest neighbor algorithm is that the concept applied, to estimate the missing pixel value, is guided by the nearest value rather than the distance. In other words, the proposed concept selects one pixel, among four directly