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X-ray investigation of subsurface interstitial oxygen at Nb/oxide interfaces

We have investigated the dissolution of a natural oxide layer on a Nb(110) surface upon heating, combining x-ray reflectivity, grazing incidence diffuse scattering, and core-level spectroscopy. The natural oxide reduces after heating to 145 degrees C partially from Nb2O5 to NbO2, and an enrichment in subsurface interstitial oxygen by similar to 70% in a depth of 100 A is observed. After heating to

Atopy patch test reactions to Malassezia allergens differentiate subgroups of atopic dermatitis patients.

Background The yeast Malassezia is considered to be one of the factors that can contribute to atopic dermatitis (AD). Objectives To investigate the reactivity to Malassezia allergens, measured as specific serum IgE, positive skin prick test and positive atopy patch test (APT), in adult patients with AD. Methods In total, 132 adult patients with AD, 14 with seborrhoeic dermatitis (SD) and 33 heal

A plant-wide aqueous phase chemistry module describing pH variations and ion speciation/pairing in wastewater treatment process models.

There is a growing interest within the Wastewater Treatment Plant (WWTP) modelling community to correctly describe physico-chemical processes after many years of mainly focusing on biokinetics. Indeed, future modelling needs, such as a plant-wide phosphorus (P) description, require a major, but unavoidable, additional degree of complexity when representing cationic/anionic behaviour in Activated S

No serious late cardiac effects after adjuvant radiotherapy following mastectomy in premenopausal women with early breast cancer

PURPOSE: To assess cardiac mortality, coronary artery disease, myocardial dysfunction, and valvular heart disease in women younger than 65 years of age, at least 10 years after adjuvant radiotherapy following mastectomy in early breast cancer. METHODS AND MATERIALS: Ninety women (45-64 years old) with Stage II breast cancer without relapse, included in the South Sweden Breast Cancer Trial (premeno

Attosecond control of ionization by wave-packet interference

A train of attosecond pulses, synchronized to an infrared (IR) laser field, is used to create a series of electron wave packets (EWPs) that are below the ionization threshold in .helium. The ionization probability is found to strongly oscillate with the delay between the IR and attosecond fields twice per IR laser cycle. Calculations that reproduce the experimental results demonstrate that this io

Amplitude-integrated EEG (aEEG) predicts outcome after cardiac arrest and induced hypothermia.

Objective To evaluate the use of continuous amplitude-integrated EEG (aEEG) as a prognostic tool for survival and neurological outcome in cardiac arrest patients treated with hypothermia. Design Prospective, observational study. Setting Multidisciplinary intensive care unit in a university hospital. Intervention Comatose survivors of cardiac arrest were treated with induced hypothermia for 24 h. A

Do corridors promote dispersal in grassland butterflies and other insects?

Ecological corridors are frequently suggested to increase connectivity in fragmented landscapes even though the empirical evidence for this is still limited. Here, we studied whether corridors, in the form of linear grass strips promote the dispersal of three grassland butterflies, using mark-recapture technique in an agricultural landscape in southern Sweden. We found no effects of the presence o

Transport of diluted volatile organic compounds through pervaporation membranes

Over the years, pervaporation has been widely investigated as a technique for separation of liquid mixtures and recovery of organic compounds from diluted solutions. So far, the research has focused on applications in wastewater treatment, in pharmaceutical industry, for removing the products from fermentation broth in bioreactors and for aroma recovery. When it comes to pervaporation of aroma com

Industrial implementation of on-line performance monitoring tools

This paper treats implementation of on-line procedures forautomatic performance monitoring. Two on-line detectionprocedures, one that detects oscillations in control loopsand one that detects sluggish control loops, are first summarized.The implementation aspects of these procedures are then discussedand experiences of their use in various industrial products aredemonstrated.

Dosage Compensation by Gene-Copy Silencing in a Triploid Hybrid Fish

In mammals, the increase in gene dosage, in the form of polyploidy or involving chromosomal fragments, has deleterious effects [1]. Regulation of appropriate gene product amounts has to be warranted by complex dosage-compensation mechanisms. Lower vertebrates, on the other hand, cope very well with ploidy increase [2 4], implying either effective compensation or a lack of necessity for such mechan

Comparison of waveforms in conventional 12-lead ECGs and those derived from EASI leads in children

To investigate the possibility of simplifying electrocardiogram (ECG) recording in children, we compared waveforms in conventional 12-lead ECGs to those derived from EASI leads in 221 children of various ages. The conventional 12-lead ECGs and the ECGs using EASI electrode positions were collected simultaneously. We developed and determined the value of age-specific transformation coefficients for

A novel equilibrium extraction technique employing hollow fibre liquid phase microextraction for trace enrichment of freely dissolved organophosphorus pesticides in environmental waters

A new design of equilibrium hollow fibre liquid phase microextraction (HF-LPME) was developed for the determination of three freely dissolved organophosphorus pesticides (OPPs), i.e. diazinon (O,O-diethyl-O-2-isopropyl-4-methyl-6-pyrimidyl thiophosphate), chlorpyrifos (O,O-diethyl-O-[3,5,6-trichloro-2-pyridyl] phosphorothioate), and fenthion (O,O-dimethyl-O-4-methylthio-m-tolyl phosphorothioate) a

Laminin alpha1 domains LG4-5 are essential for the complete differentiation of visceral endoderm.

The heterotrimeric basement membrane protein laminin-111 is essential for early mouse embryogenesis. Its beta1 and gamma1 chains are crucial for endoderm differentiation and for the formation of basement membranes, whereas alpha1 chain null mice only lack the extraembryonic Reichert's membrane. Nevertheless, mice deficient in the cell-binding alpha1 globular domains 4-5 (LG4-5) have a more severe

The CD44(+)/CD24(-) phenotype is enriched in basal-like breast tumors

Introduction Human breast tumors are heterogeneous and consist of phenotypically diverse cells. Breast cancer cells with a CD44(+)/CD24(-) phenotype have been suggested to have tumor-initiating properties with stem cell-like and invasive features, although it is unclear whether their presence within a tumor has clinical implications. There is also a large heterogeneity between tumors, illustrated

Long-Ranged Attractive Forces Induced by Adsorbed Dendrimers: Direct Force Measurements and Computer Simulations

Interaction forces between charged interfaces in the presence of oppositely charged dendrimers are studied by experiment and simulation. The experiments involve direct force measurements with all atomic force microscope (AFM) between two negatively charged colloidal particles in the presence of adsorbed, positively charged globular dendrimers. The simulations are carried out by treating the macroi

Evaluating the biogas potential of the dry fraction from pretreatment of food waste from households.

At the waste handling company NSR, Helsingborg, Sweden, the food waste fraction of source separated municipal solid waste is pretreated to obtain a liquid fraction, which is used for biogas production, and a dry fraction, which is at present incinerated. This pretreatment and separation is performed to remove impurities, however also some of the organic material is removed. The possibility of real

A liquid hexavalent combined vaccine against diphtheria, tetanus, pertussis, poliomyelitis, Haemophilus influenzae type B and hepatitis B: review of immunogenicity and safety

To reduce the number of injections needed to comply with paediatric vaccination requirements, a liquid, hexavalent vaccine (DTaP-IPV-PRP-T-HBs; Hexavac((R)); Aventis Pasteur MSD) has been developed for primary and booster vaccination of infants and toddlers. In extensive clinical studies, Hexavac((R)) has been shown to be highly immunogenic. Seroconversion or seroprotective titres of antibodies ag