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Oxidation of some Late Transition Metal Surfaces: Structural Studies from UHV to Atmospheric Pressure

Popular Abstract in Swedish Så gott som alla metaller reagerar vid normala omständigheter med syret i luften och oxideras, vilket förändrar materialets egenskaper. T.ex. rostar järn efter hand, något som alla bilägare är bittert medvetna om. Oxider behöver dock inte vara negativa, utan kan även fungera som barriärer mot fortsatt korrosion, isolerande skikt i mikroelektronikkomponenter m.m. FöljaktThe oxidation of Rh, Pd and Pt is studied under conditions ranging from ultra high vacuum to ambient pressures, with emphasis on a complete understanding of the geometry of the various oxide structures found. The investigations use a combination of various experimental methods, including high resolution core level spectroscopy, low energy electron diffraction, surface x-ray diffraction and scannin

Marine applications of fuel cell technology

Due to potential benefits of high energy conversion efficiency and low noise/pollution, fuel cells have attracted many application areas. In general, fuel cells can be applied on-board ships as emergency power supply, electric energy generation, power output for propulsion or where appropriate, a combination of these uses. In this paper, a brief summary is presented for various fuel cells and thei

Measuring leadership talent and training leadership ability

This paper is a part of a doctoral study named “Leadership in a crisis”. This paper proposes a way to a) measure the human talent leadership and b) training the ability for leadership, regarding individuals as well as leadership teams. The same simulation should be used for measuring and training. The simulation system uses intelligent agents based on HLA, IEEE 1516, for easy scaling, interoperabi

Product Standards for Multiple-Function Products in Product Policy

Emergence of multiple-function products (MFPs) poses a variety of challenges and risks for achieving sustainable consumption and production as well as fair consumer society and universal design. We overviewed MFPs from these viewpoints and then, focusing on product standard as a means to create mechanisms to reduce environmental loads from products, elucidated advantages and limitation of five app

Nordic perspectives on competition in innovation markets

Abstract in UndeterminedThe Nordic countries have been slow EU integrators. Some of them are not even members of the Union. Little does it matter. Competition law has been at the forefront of the vivid Nordic academic debate for years. A result: The establishment of a solid network among researchers at the Nordic universities.In 2012 the Network came together in Lund, Sweden to address how trade a

Synthesis, conformational analysis, and biological evaluation of peptides from E. coli P pilus proteins

Many bacteria utilize hairlike protein appendages (pili) to attach themselves to mucosal cell surfaces in the host organism. The pilus is assembled from protein subunits synthesized inside the bacteria and transported to the outer cell wall for incorporation into the growing pilus. During the transport the pilus proteins are attached to a chaperone that protects them from aggregation and proteloty

Miljömedvetna medborgare och grön politik

Nationella beslut om miljöåtgärder påverkar människors vardagsliv på många olika sätt. Med antagandet av kretsloppslagen följde att varje hushåll skulle sortera sina hushållssopor för att gå till återvinning inom industrin eller till förbränning och energiproduktion. Miljömärkning och energimärkning av produkter gör det möjligt för konsumenten att göra informerade val så att miljöpåverkan på natur