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An alternative method for calibration of flow field flow fractionation channels for hydrodynamic radius determination : The nanoemulsion method (featuring multi angle light scattering)
This study suggests a novel method for determination of the channel height in asymmetrical flow field-flow fractionation (AF4), which can be used for calibration of the channel for hydrodynamic radius determinations. The novel method uses an oil-in-water nanoemulsion together with multi angle light scattering (MALS) and elution theory to determine channel height from an AF4 experiment. The method
From Pinot to Xinomavro in the world's future wine-growing regions
Predicted impacts of climate change on crops—including yield declines and loss of conservation lands—could be mitigated by exploiting existing diversity within crops. Here we examine this possibility for wine grapes. Across 1,100 planted varieties, wine grapes possess tremendous diversity in traits that affect responses to climate, such as phenology and drought tolerance. Yet little of this divers
MMP7 modulation by short- and long-term radiotherapy in patients with rectal cancer
Background/Aim: Matrix metalloproteinase 7 (MMP7) expression is highly associated with colorectal cancer and modulates tumour growth and invasion. Radiation injury induces inflammation with increases in MMP7 and in transforming growth factor beta (TGFβ). The aim of this study was to investigate the effect on MMP7 and TGFβ. expression in patients with rectal cancer undergoing different regimens of
Challenges of using air conditioning in an increasingly hot climate
At present, air conditioning (AC) is the most effective means for the cooling of indoor space. However, its increased global use is problematic for various reasons. This paper explores the challenges linked to increased AC use and discusses more sustainable alternatives. A literature review was conducted applying a transdisciplinary approach. It was further complemented by examples from cities in
HIMMELI v1.0 : HelsinkI Model of MEthane buiLd-up and emIssion for peatlands
Wetlands are one of the most significant natural sources of methane (CH4) to the atmosphere. They emit CH4 because decomposition of soil organic matter in waterlogged anoxic conditions produces CH4, in addition to carbon dioxide (CO2). Production of CH4 and how much of it escapes to the atmosphere depend on a multitude of environmental drivers. Models simulating the processes leading to CH4 emissi
Spatial and temporal patterns of economic segregation in Sweden’s metropolitan areas : A mobility approach
The statistical resources at hand for segregation research are usually almost exclusively confined to annual or decennial records where the only available spatial information is the individual’s place of residence. This coarse temporal periodicity and spatial resolution provides a very limited account of people’s diurnal lives. Incorporating mobility and temporal dimensions in segregation analysis
Municipal land allocations: a key for understanding tenure and social mix patterns in Stockholm
A socially mixed population is a politically stated ambition in Stockholm, the capital of Sweden. By providing a variety of tenure alternatives – i.e. rental and ownership housing – throughout all neighborhoods it is presumed this objective could be at least partially fulfilled. Since current tenure proportions display a weak balance in many neighborhoods it could consequently be assumed that gove
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Focusing on the frost formation in microchannel heat exchangers, this paper analyzes the effects of frost formation on the thermal performance of microchannel heat exchangers, and summarizes the influence factors that cause the microchannel heat exchangers to form frost, including environmental factors and structure factors. The latest research progress in this issue at home and abroad is reviewed
Höghastighetståg och markvärden : Delrapport 3 i forskningsprojektet “Höghastighetståg: Markvärden och finansiering”
Metamorphic zoning and behaviour of an underthrusting continental plate
Lower continental plates of collision zones are normally inaccessible and their properties inferred by geophysical surveying. By contrast, the eastern margin of the deeply eroded 1-billion-year-old Sveconorwegian Orogen in Scandinavia exposes an underthrusting lower continental plate that records the metamorphic evolution and behaviour during collisional orogeny. A 200 km wide structurally coheren
Linking deformation, migmatite formation and zircon U–Pb geochronology in polymetamorphic orthogneisses, Sveconorwegian Province, Sweden
Recension av Katarina Båth, Ironins skiftningar – Jagets förvandlingar. Om romantisk ironi och subjektets paradox i texter av P.D.A. Atterbom
Adapting small-scale CDM sinks projects to lowincome communities
Optimal Cut-Off Points for the Short-Negative Act Questionnaire and Their Association with Depressive Symptoms and Diagnosis of Depression
Objectives: The behavioural experience method has been extensively used in the literature for the measurement of potential bullying behaviours at work. However, this approach presents limitations when used to classify respondents as targets or non-targets of workplace bullying. Therefore, the present study aimed to: (i) identify optimal cut-off points, reflecting a possible subjectively experience
The CDM, ethics and development
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Large Lakes Dominate CO2 Evasion From Lakes in an Arctic Catchment
CO2 evasion from freshwater lakes is an important component of the carbon cycle. However, the relative contribution from different lake sizes may vary, since several parameters underlying CO2 flux are size dependent. Here we estimated the annual lake CO2 evasion from a catchment in northern Sweden encompassing about 30,000 differently sized lakes. We show that areal CO2 fluxes decreased rapidly wi
Compact 200 kHz HHG source driven by a few-cycle OPCPA
We present efficient high-order harmonic generation (HHG) based on a high-repetition rate, few-cycle, near infrared (NIR), carrier-envelope phase stable, optical parametric chirped pulse amplifier (OPCPA), emitting 6 fs pulses with 9 μJ pulse energy. In krypton, we reach conversion efficiencies from the NIR to the extreme ultraviolet (XUV) radiation pulse energy on the order of ∼10-6 with less tha