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Rates of Extreme Neonatal Hyperbilirubinemia and Kernicterus in Children and Adherence to National Guidelines for Screening, Diagnosis, and Treatment in Sweden

Importance: Neonatal hyperbilirubinemia can cause lifelong neurodevelopmental impairment (kernicterus) even in high-resource settings. A better understanding of the incidence and processes leading to kernicterus may help in the design of preventive measures.Objectives: To determine incidence rates of hazardous hyperbilirubinemia and kernicterus among near-term to term newborns and to evaluate heal

Tio år med WHO:s checklista för säker kirurgi. Nu kommer den nya svenska versionen – checklistan 2.0

The WHO Checklist for Safe Surgery has been in use in Swedish healthcare since 2009. Based on national and international experiences, we have developed the original checklist, with the aim to keep its strengths and remove the weaknesses. The most obvious difference is that each section of the original checklist has been split into a pure checklist and corresponding instructions. It is now also mor

Negotiating Languages. An Introduction to the Writings of Seymour Mayne

Seymour Mayne’s literary output is imbued with Canadian-fashioned multiculturalism. Additionally, an indefatigable search for his Jewish roots and Yiddish texts as preservers of ethnic memory involved his fictions and word-sonnets in a restorative approach. In spite of his academic profession, Mayne has a keen eye for landscape, nature and ecological implications. His subtlety resides in the mello

Size and tinning of local recurrence predicts metastasis in soft tissue sarcoma growth rate index retrospectively analyzed in 134 patients

Our study combined size and timing of the first local recurrence to create a growth rate index (GRI- ratio of size (cm) to timing (mo)) which we analyzed for an association with metastasis. We analyzed 134 locally recurrent tumors from a series of 460 adult patients with soft tissue sarcoma of the extremities and trunk wall who were diagnosed and treated between 1964 and 1990, with a median follow

Factor VIII : Long-established role in haemophilia A and emerging evidence beyond haemostasis

Factor VIII protein (FVIII) as a coagulation replacement factor has for decades been used as the standard of care for management of people with haemophilia A. It is effective for treatment of bleeding events, as prophylaxis to prevent bleeding events and preserve joint function, and to support surgery in people with haemophilia A. Despite long experience in treating haemophilia A, we are only begi

Elements of Peircean phenomenology : From categories to signs by way of grounds

It is curious facts that Peirce scholars tends to take the three Peircean categories for granted, whereas Peirce himself claimed they must be derived by means of phenomenology, later rebaptized phaneroscopy. As I have suggested elsewhere, this is the essential difference between Peircean and Husserlean phenomenology, which are in other respects identical, whether or not there is a historical conne

The effect of Zr loading in Zr/TiO 2 prepared by pressurized hot water on its surface, morphological and photocatalytic properties

Zr/TiO 2 anatase photocatalysts with 0.5, 1, 2, 5 and 7.5 mol.% Zr were prepared using pressurized hot water crystallization and their photocatalytic activity was explored in acid orange 7 photodegradation. Parent TiO 2 was also prepared and tested. From all tested photocatalysts, 2 mol.% Zr/TiO 2 showed the highest photoactivity, and 7.5 mol.% Zr/TiO 2 showed the lowest photoactivity. The po

Nonrenewable Resources, Strategic Behavior and the Hotelling Rule : An Experiment

We use a laboratory experiment to investigate a novel reason for the lack of empirical support for the Hotelling rule for nonrenewable resources. Specifically, we test whether producers with large resource stocks focus less on the dynamic component of their extraction decision, making them shift extraction to the present and focus more on strategic behavior. Exploiting exogenous variation in stock

The influence of wages on public officials' corruptibility : A laboratory investigation

Previous studies have proposed a link between corruption and wages in the public sector. The present paper investigates this link using a laboratory experiment. In the experiment, public officials have the opportunity to accept a bribe and can then decide between a neutral and a corrupt action. The corrupt action benefits the briber but poses a large negative externality on a charity. The results

Bonding schemes for polar intermetallics through molecular orbital models : Ca-supported Pt-Pt Bonds in Ca10Pt7Si3

Exploratory synthesis in the area of polar intermetallics has yielded a rich variety of structures that offer clues into the transition in bonding between Zintl and Hume-Rothery phases. In this article, we present a bonding analysis of one such compound, Ca10Pt7Si3, whose large Ca content offers the potential for negative formal oxidation states on the Pt. The structure can be divided into a subla

Assessing compliance with Paleolithic diet by calculating Paleolithic Diet Fraction as the fraction of intake from Paleolithic food groups

Background: Dietary compliance assessments are absent in clinical studies on Paleolithic diet. We therefore developed a ‘Paleolithic Diet Fraction’ (PDF), calculated as the fraction of intake from Paleolithic food groups, to assess compliance with Paleolithic diet in a previously reported study. Methods: 29 male patients with ischemic heart disease, impaired glucose tolerance and waist circumferen

Health and wellbeing sector actors embrace collaboration and even competition on-campus

The purpose of this study is to understand how multiple actors from the same business sector perceive operating on a campus setting. The main focus is on the relationships between tenants on-campus, as well as on identifying potential derived from the location on-campus. The study is a qualitative case study of two health and wellbeing campuses in Finland. The cases share some key characteristics,

Tinkering with Space: The Organizational Practices of a Nascent Social Venture

The article seeks to further our understanding of the process of organizing nascent social ventures. It builds upon current research on the political and collaborative nature of the social entrepreneurial process, and takes an ANT-inspired processual approach to follow the organizational practices carried by a nascent social venture in its efforts to mobilize stakeholders, bring about collaboratio

Ultraviolet Absorption Cross Sections of KOH and KCl for Nonintrusive Species-Specific Quantitative Detection in Hot Flue Gases

An understanding of potassium chemistry in energy conversion processes supports the development of complex biomass utilization with high efficiency and low pollutant emissions. Potassium exists mainly as potassium hydroxide (KOH), potassium chloride (KCl), and atomic potassium (K) in combustion and related thermochemical processes. We report, for the first time, the measurement of the ultraviolet

Peers at work : Evidence from the lab

This paper reports the results of a lab experiment designed to study the role of observability for peer effects in the setting of a simple production task. In our experiment, participants in the role of workers engage in a team real-effort task. We vary whether they can observe, or be observed by, one of their co-workers. In contrast to earlier findings from the field, we find no evidence that low

Getting the basic nature of systemic corruption right : A reply to Marquette and Peiffer

In reply to Marquette and Peiffer's article “Grappling With the ‘Real Politics’ of Systemic Corruption: Theoretical Debates Versus ‘Real-World’ Functions,” this article employs three criticisms: Marquette and Peiffer's call to grapple with the “real politics of corruption” does not bring much new to the table, is conceptually flawed, and risks serving as an excuse for corrupt elites to pursue “bus

Climate impact of housing companies - a hybrid LCA approach

The study estimates greenhouse gases generated bysuburban housing companies with the use of a hybrid LCAmodel where IO-LCA methodology is used together withprocess data. The aim of the research was to learn whichactivities associated with housing companies generate mostgreenhouse gases, as well as by whom the emissions could bediminished. In addition, the applicability of hybrid life cycleassessme

17p12 Influences Hematoma Volume and Outcome in Spontaneous Intracerebral Hemorrhage

Background and Purpose-Hematoma volume is an important determinant of clinical outcome in spontaneous intracerebral hemorrhage (ICH). We performed a genome-wide association study (GWAS) of hematoma volume with the aim of identifying novel biological pathways involved in the pathophysiology of primary brain injury in ICH. Methods-We conducted a 2-stage (discovery and replication) case-only genome-w

Det könade patientskapet : Om det biopsykosociala perspektivets frånvaro när smärtpatienter möter allmänläkare

Approximately 20% of the population experience long-term pain. Women are generally more affected than men. Currently, pain researchers advocate a biopsychosocial perspective, which emphasises the importance of addressing psychological and social factors as well as biomedical ones in clinical practice. However, previous research shows that this holistic perspective is not always materialized in med