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Your search for "*" yielded 529937 hits

Faint stars in the Ursa Minor dwarf spheroidal galaxy: implications for the low-mass stellar initial mass function at high redshift

The stellar initial mass function at high redshift is an important defining property of the first stellar systems to form and may also play a role in various dark matter problems. We here determine the faint stellar luminosity function in an apparently dark-matter-dominated external galaxy in which the stars formed at high redshift. The Ursa Minor dwarf spheroidal galaxy is a system with a particu

Association between inflammation and epithelial damage-restitution processes in allergic airways in vivo

BACKGROUND: Associations between allergen challenge-induced sites of epithelial damage and the distribution of leucocytes and extravasated plasma remain unexplored. OBJECTIVE: To study neutrophils, eosinophils, and fibrinogen at allergen challenge-induced patchy epithelial damage-restitution sites in guinea-pig trachea. METHODS: After local challenge tracheal tissue (cryo sections and whole-mounts

Juvenile-hormone-mediated plasticity of aggregation behaviour and olfactory processing in adult desert locusts

In desert locusts Schistocerca gregaria, aggregation behaviour is elicited by aggregation pheromones. In this study, we show that the behavioural response to the major and most potent adult aggregation pheromone component, phenylacetonitrile, is age- and juvenile-hormone-dependent. Furthermore, we show that juvenile hormone influences the responsiveness of olfactory interneurons in the antennal lo

Coulomb excitation of neutron-rich Zn isotopes: First observation of the 2(1)(+) state in Zn-80

Neutron-rich, radioactive Zn isotopes were investigated at the Radioactive Ion Beam facility REX-ISOLDE (CERN) using low-energy Coulomb excitation. The energy of the 2(1)(+) state in Zn-78 could be firmly established and for the first time the 2(+)-> 0(1)(+) transition in Zn-80 was observed at 1492(1) keV. B(E2,2(1)(+)-> 0(1)(+)) values were extracted for Zn-74,Zn-76,Zn-78,Zn-80 and compared to la

Transport equations for moist air at elevated wet bulb temperatures

In meteorological applications psychrometers are used both as a humidity transfer standard and as a measurement instrument. Unfortunately wet bulb temperature, t(wb), is not a thermodynamic property and consequently, in equation linking vapor pressure and temperature, the psychrometer constant, from now on called the psychrometer coefficient, a, must be experimentally evaluated. Both theoretical f

Addressing spouses' unique needs after cardiac surgery when recovery is complicated by heart failure

BACKGROUND: Cardiac surgery places extensive stress on spouses who often are more worried than the patients themselves. Spouses can experience difficult and demanding situations when the partner becomes critically ill. OBJECTIVES: To identify, describe, and conceptualize the individual needs of spouses of patients with complications of heart failure after cardiac surgery. METHODS: Grounded theory

The physical basis of model-free analysis of NMR relaxation data from proteins and complex fluids

NMR relaxation experiments have provided a wealth of information about molecular motions in macromolecules and ordered fluids. Even though a rigorous theory of spin relaxation is available, the complexity of the investigated systems often makes the interpretation of limited datasets challenging and ambiguous. To allow physically meaningful information to be extracted from the data without commitme

An investigation of the problem of two-layered immunohistochemical staining in paraformaldehyde fixed sections

In sections of paraformaldehyde, fixed brain tissue, stained using immunohistochemical methods, the distribution of staining within the sections is not uniform. Whilst stained cells are seen at the top and bottom surfaces, the central thicknesses of the sections contain little or no immunoreactivity. This presents a major problem for quantification, as each section contains a population of cells t

Anionic glycerophospholipids in platelets from alcoholics

Studies on ethanol-exposed animals have revealed changes in anionic phospholipids in brain membranes. The intention of this study was to investigate whether there was a similar effect on man. Assuming platelets to be an adequate model for CNS synaptosomes, concentration and fatty acid composition of anionic phospholipids, phosphatidylserine (PS) and phosphatidylositol (PI) in the platelet membrane

Challenges to medications development in treating alcohol dependence: An international perspective - Summary of a symposium held at the ESBRA Congress, Prague, 13 September 2003

Few medications for treating alcohol dependence exist. Greater partnership is needed between academia and the pharmaceutical industry to develop, licence and market efficacious medications for treating alcohol dependence. Methodologies that span the divide between preclinical and large-scale clinical studies need to be developed in order to provide sufficient information on safety, toleration, dru

The GNAS1 T393C polymorphism and lack of clinical prognostic value in chronic lymphocytic leukemia

Chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL) is a clinically heterogeneous disease with no known single predisposing genetic factor shown in all cases. Recently, a single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) T393C in the GNAS1 gene has been reported to have a clinical impact on CLL progression and overall survival. In order to further investigate the T393C SNP in CLL, we have genotyped 279 CLL cases and correlated

The stability of the cemented tibial component of total knee arthroplasty

Micromotion of the tibial component in 40 knee arthroplasties for gonarthrosis was studied rising Roentgen stereophotogrammetric analysis. The stability of this component was assessed for 2 years' postoperatively. in all arthroplasties, an attempt was made to reconstruct the preoperative posterior slope. Posterior cruciate-retaining (CR) and posterior-stabilized (PS) components showed at 2 years a

Restricted mesh simplification using edge contractions

We consider the problem of simplifying a triangle mesh using edge contractions, under the restriction that the resulting vertices must be a subset of the input set. That is, contraction of an edge must be made onto one of its adjacent vertices. In order to maintain a high number of contractible edges under this restriction, a small modification of the mesh around the edge to be contracted is allow

Highly functional tunnelling devices integrated in 3D

We present a new technology for integrating tunnelling devices in three dimensions. These devices are fabricated by the combination of the growth of semiconductor heterostructures with the controlled introduction of metallic elements into an epitaxial layer by an overgrowth technique. First, we use a new type of tunnelling transistor, namely a resonant-tunnelling permeable base transistor. A simpl

Molecularly imprinted polymer formats for capillary electrochromatography

The research aimed towards the adaptation of molecularly imprinted polymers (MIPs) to the capillary format and the use of these highly selective matrices for capillary electrochromatography (CEC) is reviewed in this article. The MIP is prepared by incorporation of a template molecule into a polymerization protocol. After polymerization and extraction of the template from the resulting polymer a hi

The effects of experimentally manipulated yolk androgens on growth and immune function of male and female nestling collared flycatchers Ficedula albicollis

Hormone-mediated maternal effects may be an important mechanism for adjusting offspring phenotype to particular requirements of the environment. We manipulated the levels of testosterone and androstenedione in the yolk of collared flycatcher Ficedula albicollis eggs to investigate the effects of pre-natal exposure to androgens on growth and immune function. Androgen treatment tended to reduce the

Comparative pharmacology of human adenosine receptor subtypes - characterization of stably transfected receptors in CHO cells

Four adenosine receptor subtypes of the family of G protein-coupled receptors, designated A1, A2A, A2B and A3 are currently known. In this study all human subtypes were stably transfected into Chinese hamster ovary (CHO) cells in order to be able to study their pharmacological profile in an identical cellular background utilizing radioligand binding studies (A1, A2A, A3) or adenylyl cyclase activi