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Simulation of chromatographic processes using MATLAB

This paper deals with the dynamic simulation of chromatographic processes using MATLAB. Three different simulation tools are presented,; BIOPRO2, CPS toolbox and an application using of FEMLAB. Our main application is separation of biomolecules, like proteins, using different kinds of stationary phases. BIOPRO2 has a user-friendly graphical interface and is mainly based on simplified models for fa

Magnetic resonance imaging and MR angiography of endoluminally treated abdominal aortic aneurysms

OBJECTIVES: To evaluate magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) with gadolinium-based contrast medium-enhanced MR angiography (MRA) for the follow-up of endoluminally treated abdominal aortic aneurysms. DESIGN: MRI/MRA, angiography and computed tomography (CT) were performed 1 month after endoluminal stent-graft placement. MRI/MRA was repeated at 6 and 12 months and angiography and CT were added to confi

The Lund Nuclear Microprobe sub-micron set-up. Part II: Beam line, focusing system and scanning

A new beam line for generating a sub-micron beam spot for high-resolution nuclear microprobe applications has been constructed at the Lund Nuclear Microprobe facility. The design and construction of the beam line, the quality test of the four high precision Oxford OM-52 Quadrupole magnets by the grid shadow method and the beam scanning system are presented in this paper. The beam line is designed

Correlated electron tunneling in the single-molecule nanosystems

The original approach to the creation of high-temperature single-electron tunneling systems has been developed based on the use of nanocluster molecules. The morphology and electron tunneling characteristics through single nanocluster molecules organized as highly-ordered monolayer Langmuir-Blodgett films on atomically-flat graphite substrate have been studied experimentally using scanning tunneli

Vertebral deformation in urban Swedish men and women: prevalence based on 797 subjects

Vertebral fracture-deformation, a common feature of osteoporosis, shows considerable age, sex and geographical variation. We present the prevalence in an urban population of south-west Sweden. Lateral spine radiographs of 797 men and women, age 50-86 years, were evaluated by morphomety. The age-standardized prevalence of subjects with vertebral deformation using the deformation criterion -3 SD was

Elevated glucose levels promote contractile and cytoskeletal gene expression in vascular smooth muscle via Rho/protein kinase C and actin polymerization.

Both type 1 and type 2 diabetes are associated with increased risk of cardiovascular disease. This is in part attributed to the effects of hyperglycemia on vascular endothelial and smooth muscle cells but the underlying mechanisms are not fully understood. In diabetic animal models, hyperglycemia results in hyper-contractility of vascular smooth muscle possibly due to increased activation of Rho-k

Consanguinity and genetic diseases in North Africa and immigrants to Europe.

Endemic diseases are caused by environmental and genetic factors. While in this special issue several chapters deal with environmental factors, including infections, the present focus is on genetic causes of disease clustering due to inbreeding and recessive disease mechanisms. Consanguinity is implying sharing of genetic heritage because of marriage between close relatives originating from a comm

Seven Categories of Constitutional Critical Judging: An Interpretation of Nordic Case-Law

In Danish literature from the early 1970s, it was suggested that the freedom of speech should have a preferred position in relation to other constitutional rights. In a case from the Norwe-gian Supreme Court in 1976, judicial review of the constitutionality of legislation was divided in three categories. Constitutional rules about the freedom and security of the individual should be supervised mos

SATB2 in Combination With Cytokeratin 20 Identifies Over 95% of all Colorectal Carcinomas.

The special AT-rich sequence-binding protein 2 (SATB2), a nuclear matrix-associated transcription factor and epigenetic regulator, was identified as a tissue type-specific protein when screening protein expression patterns in human normal and cancer tissues using an antibody-based proteomics approach. In this respect, the SATB2 protein shows a selective pattern of expression and, within cells of e

Activation of extracellular-signal-regulated kinase-1/2 precedes and is required for injury-induced Schwann cell proliferation.

Activation of extracellular-signal-regulated kinase-1/2 (Erkl/2) by phosphorylation to p-Erkl/2, and proliferation of Schwann cells were investigated in the rat sciatic nerve by immunohistochemistry. Axotomy in vivo and culturing of nerve segments in vitro resulted in a rapid (30 min) increase of p-Erkl/2 in Schwann cells with peaks at 2 and 24 h. Proliferation measured by bromodeoxy uridine incor

Application of gain-bandwidth bounds on loaded dipoles

Physical limitations based only on antenna volume, form factor and material parameters are applied to electrically small antennas in the form of single dipoles. The upper bound on the gain-bandwidth product is solely determined by the polarisability matrix that characterises the antenna when it is immersed in a uniform applied static field. The polarisability, and hence the bandwidth, is increased

Strong species dependence of high order photoelectron production in alkali metal atoms

We present a theoretical and experimental study of the production of very high order photoelectrons from alkali metal atoms interacting with intense, midinfrared radiation. The strength of this process shows an unexpectedly strong species dependence. We find that this dependence can be explained via the difference in the cross section for electron-ion scattering from the different atoms. This allo

Clinical and cytogenetic features of a population-based consecutive series of 285 pediatric T-cell acute lymphoblastic leukemias: Rare T-cell receptor gene rearrangements are associated with poor outcome.

Clinical characteristics and cytogenetic aberrations were ascertained and reviewed in a population-based consecutive series of 285 pediatric T-cell acute lymphoblastic leukemias (T-ALLs) diagnosed between 1992 and 2006 in the Nordic countries. Informative karyotypic results were obtained in 249 (87%) cases, of which 119 (48%) were cytogenetically abnormal. Most (62%) of the aberrant T-ALLs were ps

Novel approaches to epilepsy treatment.

The aim of epilepsy treatment is to achieve complete seizure freedom. Nonetheless, numerous side effects and seizure resistance to antiepileptic drugs (AEDs) affecting about 30-40% of all patients are main unmet needs in today's epileptology. For this reason, novel approaches to treat epilepsy are highly needed. Herein, we highlight recent progress in stem-cell-based and gene transfer-based therap

Time transformation and reversibility of Nambu–Poisson systems

A time transformation technique for Nambu–Poisson systems is developed, and its structural properties are examined. The approach is based on extension of the phase space P into P¯ = P×R, where the additional variable controls the time-stretching rate. It is shown that time transformation of a system on P can be realised as an extended system on P¯, with an extended Nambu–Poisson structure. In addi

Using business intelligence to prevent and solve crime in Wallander land

Actor network theory (ANT) and sociomateriality are two influential information systems(IS) entanglement perspectives. El Sawy identified three faces of IS views: connection,immersion, and fusion. To elaborate the three views, we adopt relational emergence theory, based on the philosophy of critical realism, to better describe and explain the shifts in IS from connection to immersion and finally t

Adaptation and vision change the relationship between muscle activity of the lower limbs and body movement during human balance perturbations.

OBJECTIVE: Investigate the relationship between changes in lower limb EMG root mean square (RMS) activity and changes in body movement during perturbed standing. Specifically, linear movement variance, torque variance and body posture were correlated against tibialis anterior and gastrocnemius RMS EMG activity during perturbed standing by vibration of the calf muscles. METHODS: Eighteen healthy pa

Heterogeneity of Collagen VI Microfibrils: Structural Analysis of Non-collagenous Regions.

Collagen VI, a collagen with uncharacteristically large N- and C-terminal non-collagenous regions, forms a distinct microfibrillar network in most connective tissues. It was long considered to consist of three genetically distinct α chains (α1, α2 and α3). Intracellularly heterotrimeric molecules associate to form dimers and tetramers, which are then secreted and assembled to microfibrils. The ide

Down-regulation of endothelial cell estrogen receptor expression by the inflammation promoter LPS.

Endothelial cells express both estrogen receptor (ER) alpha and beta. The objective of this study was to investigate if and how mediators of inflammation regulate endothelial cell ERalpha and ERbeta expression. ERalpha and ERbeta transcript and protein expression were determined by real-time quantitative PCR and Western blotting, respectively, in endothelial cell line bEnd.3 cells stimulated with