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Risk factors associated with use of medication in an elderly population
J-curve association between alcohol intake and varicose veins in Japan : The Shimane CoHRE Study
The effect of alcohol intake on varicose veins (VV) has not been determined by its consumption level. The aim of this study was to investigate the association between alcohol intake and VV in an elderly general population. Using a cross-sectional approach, the Shimane CoHRE Study data, comprising a total of 1060 participants, were analyzed. By multivariate regression analysis adjusted with basic c
Field Investigation of the Thermal Bar in Lake Ladoga, Spring 1991
The thermal bar in Lake Ladoga was studied during one week in May 1991. Temperature and current velocity distributions were measured. The movement of the thermal bar and the horizontal heat transport were examined.The temperature off-shore the thermal bar was found to be constant within a vertical. The velocity distributions were complex and dependent on wind conditions. Calculations of changes in
Research protocol for mechanical complications after central venous catheterisation : a prospective controlled multicentre observational study to determine incidence and risk factors of mechanical complications within 24 hours after cannulation
INTRODUCTION: Central venous catheterisation is a common procedure in intensive care therapy and the use of central venous catheters is essential for treatment of many medical disorders. Although rare, central venous catheterisation is associated with mechanical complications that can be life-threatening if untreated. Real-time ultrasound guidance reduces the incidence of mechanical complications
Histopathological findings in uremic rats and the effect of total parenteral nutrition with a fat emulsion
The role of PEDF in pancreatic cancer
Pigment epithelium-derived factor (PEDF) is an important antiangiogenic and antitumorigenic factor in a variety of cancer forms, including pancreatic cancer. PEDF is mainly secreted as a soluble monomeric glycoprotein. In human pancreatic cancer PEDF levels are decreased, both in the tissue and serum. The decrease is associated with increased tumor angiogenesis, fibrosis, inflammation, autophagy,
Experiences of partners of intensive care survivors and their need for support after intensive care
Background: When a relative with a critical illness is admitted to an intensive care unit (ICU), it can be a life-changing event for the partner. There is a lack of studies that focus on the partners' experiences of the time after intensive care. Aims and objectives: The aim of this study was to explore the experiences of partners of intensive care survivors and their need for support after intens
Body-subject, time-space routines, and place-ballets
Phenomenology strives for the actualization of contact. As a way of study it seeks to meet the things of the world as those things are in themselves and so describe them. Geography studies the earth as the dwelling place of man. As one of its tasks, it seeks to understand how people live in relation to everyday places, spaces, and environments. A phenomenological geography borrows from both fields
European task force on atopic dermatitis position paper : treatment of parental atopic dermatitis during preconception, pregnancy and lactation period
Atopic dermatitis (AD) is a common inflammatory skin disease that affects both children and adults, including a large number of adults of reproductive age. Several guidelines for the treatment of AD exist, yet specific recommendations for the treatment of pregnant or lactating women and for adults planning to have a child are often lacking. This position paper from the European Task force on Atopi
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Human pancreatic islet three-dimensional chromatin architecture provides insights into the genetics of type 2 diabetes
Genetic studies promise to provide insight into the molecular mechanisms underlying type 2 diabetes (T2D). Variants associated with T2D are often located in tissue-specific enhancer clusters or super-enhancers. So far, such domains have been defined through clustering of enhancers in linear genome maps rather than in three-dimensional (3D) space. Furthermore, their target genes are often unknown.
Stress Levels Escalate When Repeatedly Performing Tasks Involving Threats
Police work may include performing repeated tasks under the influence of psychological stress, which can affect perceptual, cognitive and motor performance. However, it is largely unknown how repeatedly performing stressful tasks physically affect police officers in terms of heart rate and pupil diameter properties. Psychological stress is commonly assessed by monitoring the changes in these bioma
Most gene fusions in cancer are stochastic events
Cancer-associated gene fusions resulting in chimeric proteins or aberrant expression of one or both partner genes are pathogenetically and clinically important in several hematologic malignancies and solid tumors. Since the advent of different types of massively parallel sequencing (MPS), the number of identified gene fusions has increased dramatically, prompting the question whether they all have
Precipitating non-aqueous amine systems for absorption of carbon dioxide using 2-amino-2-methyl-1-propanol
The aim of this study was to find a solvent to replace N-methyl-2-pyrrolidone (NMP) in CO2 absorption systems containing the amine 2-amino-2-methyl-1-propanol (AMP), in order to reduce the health risks associated with handling, as NMP is reproductively toxic. Seven organic solvents were investigated: dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO), 3-(dimethylamino)propionitrile (3DMAPN), 1-pentanol (1 P), propylene ca
Artificial neural network models to predict nodal status in clinically node-negative breast cancer
Background: Sentinel lymph node biopsy (SLNB) is standard staging procedure for nodal status in breast cancer, but lacks therapeutic benefit for patients with benign sentinel nodes. For patients with positive sentinel nodes, individualized surgical strategies are applied depending on the extent of nodal involvement. Preoperative prediction of nodal status is thus important for individualizing axil
Babesia-infektion kan vara vanligare i Sverige än vi tidigare trott - Parasiten kan spridas via fästingar och blodtransfusion
Babesia är en malarialiknande parasit som är välkänd inom veterinärmedicinen och som sprids med fästingar till människor samt som möjlig transfusionssmitta. Symtom kan vara feber, trötthet och muskelvärk, men hos immunsupprimerade patienter eller vid rubbad mjältfunktion kan organsvikt och livshotande sjukdom snabbt uppkomma. I USA rapporteras drygt 2 000 fall per år. En ny studie från Sydsverige Babesia is a malaria-like, intraerythrocytic parasite with more than 100 different species. It is a zoonosis and some of the species are transmitted to humans by ticks and also as a possible transfusion-transmitted infection. In Sweden the disease has been well known in veterinary medicine for a long time, but only a few but severe cases have been published in humans during the last decades. Commo
Disabilities within Sweden’s Art and Music Schools : Discourses of inclusion, policy and practice
The aim of this paper is to investigate the discourses that emerge when Sweden’s Art and Music School leaders talk about the inclusion of pupils with disabilities in relation to policy. A starting point is that both earlier studies and policy documents have revealed inclusion problems within Art and Music Schools. The research question is: how are Art and Music School practice, policy and inclusio
Läns- och regionmuseers kompetens och utvecklingsbehov
Competence management in museums
Museums face increasingly complex demands in terms of increasingly diverse audiences, the rapid digital development, and demands on increased collaboration in order to achieve their organisational goals, while resources remain limited. This means that competence management and strategic development of museum organisations and services is ever more important. Yet, there is hardly any empirical rese