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Your search for "*" yielded 532593 hits

Predicted Heat Strain (PHS) model and the sweat loss in an extremely hot climate

Introduction: The aim was to study if the evaporative water loss can be predicted enough accurately for hydration recommendations by ISO 7933 – Predicted Heat Strain (PHS) model during a student laboratory exercise in an extremely hot environment.Method: Twelve young healthy students (8 males and 4 females), unacclimatized to heat, were exposed in a climatic chamber at 50˚C, 30% relative humidity

Innervation of the skin of the forearm in diabetic patients: relation to nerve function

Complications of diabetes include sensory and autonomic neuropathy. The aim of the present paper was to study the degree of sensory and autonomic neuropathy and correlate these findings with the distribution and density of neuropeptidergic nerve fibers in the skin of the forearm of diabetic patients and healthy controls. We investigated 30 diabetics (24 type 1 and 6 type 2) and compared them with

Airborne contact dermatitis from formaldehyde released from heated plastic polymers.

A 55-year-old woman developed an airborne dermatitis on her face. Patch testing was performed and showed positive reactions to formaldehyde, thiuram mix, carba mix, and nickel sulphate. She operated a machine at work in which polyacetal granules were heated. The presence of formaldehyde in the pyrolysis smoke from the polymer was confirmed by chemical analysis.

Interactions between tachykinins and CGRP in human skin

Substance P (SP), neurokinin A (NKA) and calcitonin gene-related peptide (CGRP) coexist in nerve fibres in the skin. CGRP causes erythema upon intracutaneous injection. The erythema is independent of axon reflexes and release of mast cell histamine. SP is known to produce a flare reaction that is dependent on axon reflexes and release of mast cell histamine. The flare reaction to NKA is known to d

Night and Organization Studies

In this essay, I want to shed light on the phenomena of night and nightwork as important topics which have been so far overlooked in organization studies. Inspired by insights of new materialism (Barad), I propose and investigate night as ‘time-space’, and present intertwined dimensions (temporal, spatial, social, material, etc.) of intra-actions between human beings and night. To better understan

Management of incidental gallbladder cancer in a national cohort

Background: Incidental gallbladder cancer is a rare event, and its prognosis is largely affected by the tumour stage and treatment. The aim of this study was to analyse the management, treatment and survival of patients with incidental gallbladder cancer in a national cohort over a decade. Methods: Patients were identified through the Swedish Registry of Gallstone Surgery (GallRiks). Data were cro

In vivo demonstration of microscopic anisotropy in the human kidney using multidimensional diffusion MRI

Purpose: To demonstrate the feasibility of multidimensional diffusion MRI to probe and quantify microscopic fractional anisotropy (µFA) in human kidneys in vivo. Methods: Linear tensor encoded (LTE) and spherical tensor encoded (STE) renal diffusion MRI scans were performed in 10 healthy volunteers. Respiratory triggering and image registration were used to minimize motion artefacts during the acq

Dual effects of CGRP-antagonist on allergic contact dermatitis in human skin.

There is increasing evidence of an interaction between the nervous and the immune systems. The aim of this study was to investigate the rôle of calcitonin gene-related peptide (CGRP) in the modulation of the elicitation of immediate and delayed, immunological and non-immunological reactions in human skin. CGRP (13 pmol and 39 pmol), and the CGRP-antagonist, CGRP/8-37/, (50 pmol and 500 pmol) were

Heterozygous, a1-antitrypsin deficiency may be associated with cold urticaria.

Proteins of the serpin family (serine protease inhibitor) control key steps in the inflammatory, coagulation and complement systems. C1‐inhibitor deficiency predisposes to hereditary angioneurotic oedema, and other serpins control proteolytic enzymes that may cause complement activation or the forming of oedema. We investigated whether deficiency of proteins of the serpin family may predispose to


Samverkansinlärning/Supplemental Instruction (SI) är en pedagogisk metod som syftar till att öka genomströmningen i svåra kurser. Metoden uppstod i USA vid University of Missouri Kansas City i mitten på 1970-talet och har därefter spridits till mer än 1500 högre lärosäten i ett trettiotal länder (Martin, 2008). Kort kan SI sägas vara ett studentdrivet komplement till ordinarie undervisning vid hög

Effects of intravenous nutrition on lipoprotein metabolism, body composition, weight gain, and uremic state in experimental uremia in rats

The effect on serum lipids, lipoprotein fractions, body composition, weight gain and uremic state of including fat in intravenous nutrition was evaluated in rats with chronic uremia. Uremic rats were given high energy (1385 body, low nitrogen (0.6 g body total parenteral nutrition (TPN) for 12 d with either glucose or glucose plus 30% lipids (Intralipid)

Dietary Glycemic Index and Load and the Risk of Type 2 Diabetes : A Systematic Review and Updated Meta-Analyses of Prospective Cohort Studies

Published meta-analyses indicate significant but inconsistent incident type-2 diabetes(T2D)-dietary glycemic index (GI) and glycemic load (GL) risk ratios or risk relations (RR). It is nowover a decade ago that a published meta-analysis used a predefined standard to identify validstudies. Considering valid studies only, and using random effects dose-response meta-analysis(DRM) while withdrawing sp

Differences in ocular media transmittance in classical frog and toad model species and its impact on visual sensitivity

The transmittance properties of the cornea, lens and humours of vertebrates determine how much light across the visible spectrum reaches the retina, influencing sensitivity to visual stimuli. Amphibians are the only vertebrate class in which the light transmittance of these ocular media has not been thoroughly characterised, preventing large-scale comparative studies and precise quantification of

New U–PB baddeleyite ages of mafic dyke swarms of the west African and amazonian cratons : Implication for their configuration in supercontinents through time

Eight different generations of dolerite dykes crosscutting the Paleoproterozoic basement in West Africa and one in South America were dated using the high precision U–Pb TIMS method on baddeleyite. Some of the individual dykes reach over 300Â km in length and they are considered parts of much larger systems of mafic dyke swarms representing the plumbing systems for large igneous provinces (LIPs).

India-China comparative research : Technology and science for development

The need to study the effects of technology and science in development has been increasingly emphasized in recent years. At the same time, India and China have emerged on the world scene as large developing countries with rich, often contrasting, experiences of the application of technology and science to development. Comparative research on the Indian and Chinese experiences thus carries a great

Green warbler phylloscopus nitidus ringed at blåvand : Molecular confirmation of a Danish first and European eighth vagrant record

On 27 May 2015, a Green Warbler Phylloscopus nitidus was caught and ringed at Blåvand Bird Observatory, the westernmost point in Denmark. The species is challenging to identify on morphological basis alone, and the bird’s identity was confirmed with phylogenetic analyses of mitochondrial DNA sequences. This constitutes the first record of Green Warbler in Denmark, the third record in Fennoscandia