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Your search for "*" yielded 533384 hits

Microscopic shock-metamorphic features in crystalline bedrock : a comparison between shocked and unshocked granite from the Siljan impact structure

During the Devonian, 377 Ma ago, the Earth was impacted by a large celestial body, striking ground in the Siljan area in Dalarna, Sweden. The impact created what is today the largest confirmed impact structure in western Europe. Since its formation, the structure has however been heavily eroded, leaving no trace of the original crater. Today, it is instead recognizable due to the central plateau a

L-amino acid sensing by CaSR and Physiological Impact on Mice.

After localizing of the extracellular calcium sensing receptor (CaSR) throughout the gastrointestinal tract, free aromatic L-amino acids have been found to act as positive allosteric modulators suggesting the CaSR is a potential mediator in protein digestion. The binding site for L-amino acids in the CaSR is located in the venus flytrap domain (VFD). Point mutations on residue Thr-145 and Ser-170

Applying lean principles during ramp-up of high technology goods - A case study at Axis Communication AB

Bakgrund: Under de senaste åren har Axis Communications vuxit fram som världsledande gällande både försäljning och produktutveckling på marknaden för digitala övervakningskameror. Hög innovationstakt och ökande volymer gör det till en utmaning att bibehålla Axis kärnvärde om hög kvalité. För att hitta och lösa kvalitetsproblem tidigt förläggs all initial produktion av en ny produkt till konfiguratBackground: Leading the way in developing digital surveillance camera systems Axis Communications has experienced remarkable growth during the last decade and is now considered the industry leader. Maintaining the core value of high quality is challenging with ever-increasing volumes and a high rate of new product introductions. To find and resolve issues with new products, and ensure a smooth tra

Parametric Inference for Stochastic Differential Equations

Stochastic dierential equations (SDEs) proved a fundamental mathematical tool to model dynamics subject to randomness and are nowadays a necessary instrument in e.g. nancial mathematics, neuronal modelling, population growth and physiological modelling. In realistic applications SDEs parameters are unknown quantities that have to be estimated from available data. However inference for SDEs is non-

Marknadsföring i juridisk gråzon - Är den svenska lotterilagen förenlig med EU-rätten vad gäller marknadsföring av utländska spelbolag?

Denna framställning syftar till att besvara frågan om främjandeförbudets förenlighet med Europeiska unionens funktionssätt om frihet att tillhandahålla tjänster samt om den svenska lotterilagen är tillämplig i meningen att marknadsföra utom landet anordnade spel på svenska hemsidor. Redogörelsen för denna uppsats grundar sig på bedömningen om den svenska Lotterilagen är förenlig med EU-rätten. Ar

Spatial analysis for the distribution of cells in tissue sections

Spatial analysis, playing an essential role in data mining, is applied in a considerable number of fields. It is because of its broad applicability that dealing with the interdisciplinary issues is becoming more prevalent. It aims at exploring the underlying patterns of the data. In this project, we will employ the methodology that we utilize to tackle spatial problems to investigate how the cell

Photo-electrochemical communication between thylakoid membranes and electrodes for harnessing sunlight

Development of environmentally friendly and cost-efficient energy sources has been a challenge for modern society since long ago. Sunlight is an infinite and costless source of energy on Earth, so it would be an enormous advantage to efficiently harvest and transform it into electrical energy used in our everyday life. In nature the process, which converts light energy into chemical energy, is cal

Nuets Förnöjsamhet - en grundad teori med utgångspunkt i Nordnorskt vardagsliv

ABSTRACT Author: Ulrika Sandén Title: Contentment in the moment (translated title) Supervisor: Lars Harrysson and Hans Thulesius This is a Classic Grounded Theory study aiming at understanding the everyday life in Polarfjorden, a Northern Norwegian rural and historically isolated area. After four and a half years of observations and interviews three concepts emerged, explaining how old survival

An investigation of how the Emergency Team within UNFPA could achieve a more effective balancing of supply and demand

Bakgrund: Emergency Teamet skickar ut ERH-Kits då en efterfrågan från kunden uppstår, exempelvis efter en katastrofsituation. Emergency Teamet har blivit kritiserade för att inte ha svarat tillräckligt snabbt på efterfrågan och därför har Executive Director för UNFPA gett nya direktiv för att UNFPA ska svara snabbare och skapa bättre förutsättningar för att leverera snabbt i katastrofsituationer. Background: The Emergency Team within UNFPA operates when crisis strikes by distributing ERH-Kits to people in need. The Emergency Team has in the past been criticized of not responding rapidly enough to requests for ERH-Kits and the Executive Director of UNFPA has given new directives that UNFPA needs to become more responsive in its activities and create better prerequisites to deliver fast in e


It seems that people are more disconnected to the objects they own than ever before. What has changed in the last decades? People had tools and the skills to use them, but due to convenience and easy consumable entertainment, do-it-yourself was replaced by do-it-forme. Tasks we would have handled ourselves in the past are now done by a product or a service. This is disabling people. By losing ski

Psykiatrins barriärer - En kvalitativ studie om unga vuxnas erfarenheter av vuxenpsykiatrin

Author: Mia Björklund Title: The barriers of psychiatry - A qualitative study about young adults experience of adultpsychiatry (translated title) Supervisor: Marianne Larsson Lindahl The purpose of this study was to explore young adults experience of adultpsychiatry. The study was based on eight interviews with young adults in the age 23-30. The analyze was done with the assistance of the tidal m

Det svenska medborgarskapet- Kritisk diskursanalys av läroböcker i samhällskunskap

Kritisk diskursanalys av läroböcker i samhällskunskap under perioden 1956-1995. Undersökningen analyserar sambandet mellan det strukturella och det funktionella perspektivet på läroboken med utgångspunkt i begreppsparet kontinuitet/förändring. Analys av hur breda samhällsförändringar generar nya funktioner, alltså ett nytt innehåll, i en förändrad samhällskunskapsbok.

Kampen om läkemedlet - en diskursanalys av debatten om läkemedelsassisterad behandling vid opiatmissbruk

Since the first methadone program was introduced in Sweden during the late 60s, it has been a controversial method of treating opiate addiction. The aim of this study was to, by doing a discourse analysis, come to an understanding how the Swedish maintenance program for opiate addiction was constructed and debated in three big Swedish newspapers during the 2000s. More specifically the aim was to r

Otillbörliga affärsmetoder mellan näringsidkare - Inom leveranskedjan för dagligvaror

Mellan näringsidkare råder i regel möjlighet att välja de affärsmetoder och villkor som passar det specifika affärsförhållandet. Däremot finns det förfaranden som definieras som otillbörliga. Sådana affärsmetoder har enligt Europeiska kommissionen negativ effekt, i synnerhet gentemot små- och medelstora företag (SME:s). Det finns inte någon övergripande EU-lagstiftning som reglerar otillbörliga afIn general traders are able to choose trading practices and conditions that will suit their business relationships. However there are producers that are defined as unfair trading practices. Such practices may cause negative effects, in particular concerning small- and medium sized enterprises (SME:s). There is no existing EU-legislation that regulates unfair trading practices between manufacturers

Egendomsskydd vid brand i flerbostadshus

The purpose with the thesis is to compare reasons to why fire-related spreads occur in apartment buildings and examine the significanse for the extent of property damage. The aim is to provide a basis for judging the risk of property loss and need of improved property safety in case of fire in the apartment buildings. The report has shown that several spreads have occurred through the apartment do

Användning av skyddsanordningar och dess strålningsreducerande effekt mot händerna och ögonen vid fluoroskopi

Bakgrund Radiologiska undersökningar med fluoroskopi ökar dramatiskt vilket innebär stråldosrisker för personal arbetande med fluoroskopi. Syftet med studien är att belysa hur stråldosen som personalen erhåller på händer och ögon vid fluoroskopi kan reduceras med hjälp av skyddsanordningar. Metoden som använts är en litteraturstudie baserat på åtta vetenskapliga artiklar. Resultatet visar att strå

Unga kriminella i samhället - En kvalitativ dokumentanalys om konstruktionen av ungdomsbrottslighet

Abstract Author: Rickard Rudelius and Maria Olsson Title: Youth offenders in society - a qualitative analysis of documents on the construction of juvenile delinquency. Supervisor: Lars B Ohlsson How a social phenomenon is defined is an important scientific question (Blumer, 1970). On that basis, does this study aim to look into how the juvenile delinquency is constructed in the Swedish governmen

An Analysis of the Protection of Traditional Cultural Expressions via Copyright Laws: A Comparative Study of Australia, Canada and India

Recently, a widespread attention has been given to the protection of traditional cultural expressions and traditional knowledge. Their legal protection is even more urgent in the current global society. The focus in this thesis has been given to the copyright protection of traditional cultural expressions (TCEs). The purpose of this thesis is to assess the protection of TCEs under the copyright la