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Transient Electromagnetic Waves in Nonlinear Media

Popular Abstract in Swedish Denna avhandling behandlar hur elektromagnetiska vågor utbreder sig i olika material. Vanligtvis antar man i elektromagnetiska problem att materialen är linjära, det vill säga om man vet att man får en viss utsignal från materialet vid en given insignal, så förväntar man sig att få två gånger så stor utsignal om man fördubblar insignalen. I avhandlingen försöker vi klarThis thesis is concerned with the propagation of transient electromagnetic waves in nonlinear media. It consists of a General Introduction and five scientific papers. The General Introduction gives a broad overview of nonlinear electromagnetic phenomena. The emphasis is on the representation of the constitutive functional modeling the material's response to electromagnetic excitation, and the met

Demographic data on prostitutes from Bulgaria--a recruitment country for international (migratory) prostitutes

The study was aimed at investigating the conditions and circumstances for the recruitment of prostitutes, as well as their reproductive history, working conditions, knowledge of and attitudes to sexually transmitted diseases (STDs), and use of prophylactic antibiotic therapy of these diseases. Two hundred prostitutes were investigated by in-depth interviews at STD clinics, private practices and ho

Vi och dom och alla dom andra andra på Komvux : Etnicitet, genus och klass i samspel

Popular Abstract in Swedish Syftet med den här avhandlingen har varit att förstå hur grupper av vi och dom skapas och består, framför allt inom utbildning och skola, och särskilt inom gymnasiala Komvux. I vardagligt tal menar människor oftast att dom är invandrare, medan vi är svenskar. Jag har visat att denna uppdelning, som sker nästan automatiskt, är alltför förenklad och svart-vit. Ett undersyThis thesis, set in an educational context (Swedish Komvux, high school adult education), deals with how groups of us and them are constructed, changed and reproduced. In order to understand the processes of us and them I have looked at the interconnections between gender, ethnicity and class utilising participant observations and semi-structured interviews. The main theoretical points of departu

Subjective annoyance attributed to electrical equipments and smells - Epidemiology and stress physiology

Popular Abstract in Swedish Utbredningen av besvär som attribueras till elektrisk utrustning respektive kemikalielukter och andra odörer är ännu ej till fullo fastställd. Vidare saknas kunskap om eventuella bakomliggande faktorer för dessa besvärs uppkomst. Syftet med avhandlingen var att undersöka utbredningen av besvär som attribueras till elektriska faktorer, kemikalier och lukter, samt undersSelf-reported annoyance from electrical equipment has been in evidence since the mid-eighties, and the first reports of illness from everyday chemicals arose already in the 1960?s. However, the extent of the problem or the mechanisms behind the development of environmentally related annoyance has not yet been fully established. Increased vulnerability to stress has been suggested to be a possible

Estimating radar positions using unmanned air vehicle teams engaged in cooperative deception

Standard TDOA (time-difference of arrival) estimation techniques are modified and applied to locate networked enemy radars using a cooperative team of unmanned electronic combat air vehicles (ECAVs). The team is engaged in deceiving the radars, which limits where the ECAVs can fly and requires accurate radar positions to be known. Two TDOA measurements of radar pulses taken by two ECAV pairs are u

Ett massmedium för folket : studier i de allmänna kungörelsernas funktion i 1700-talets samhälle

Popular Abstract in Swedish Var efterlystes brottslingar förr? I kyrkan! Var fick man reda på att äkta män övergivit sina hustrur? I kyrkan! Hur annonserades kommande auktioner? I kyrkan! Var tillkännagavs nya lagar och förordningar? Hur fick människor besked om var viktiga möten skulle äga rum? Hur visste man att landet var i krig och vad som hände under kriser av olika slag? Naturligtvis var detAs from 1686 it was decreed by law that all government regulations, orders, edicts and other information any government official wanted to make public, had to be read out to the people by the clergy from the pulpits of all churches in Sweden and Finland at the end of the sermon. The system of communication remained in full force until the end of the 19th century and was not finally abandoned until

Rotational properties of dipolar Bose-Einstein condensates confined in anisotropic harmonic potentials

We study the rotational properties of a dipolar Bose-Einstein condensate confined in a quasi-two-dimensional anisotropic trap for an arbitrary orientation of the dipoles with respect to their plane of motion. Within the mean-field approximation, we find that the lowest-energy state of the system depends strongly on the relative strength between the dipolar and the contact interactions, as well as

Environmental modelling of visceral leishmaniasis by susceptibility-mapping using neural networks : a case study in north-western Iran

Visceral leishmaniasis (VL) is a potentially fatal vector-borne zoonotic disease, which has become an increasing public health problem in the north-western part of Iran. This work presents an environmental health modelling approach to map the potential of VL outbreaks in this part of the country. Radial basis functional link networks is used as a data-driven method for predictive mapping of VL in

Scavengers of reactive oxygen species, paracalcitol, RhoA and Rac-1 inhibitors and tacrolimus inhibit angiotensin II induced actions on glomerular permeability.

Systemic infusions of angiotensin II (AngII) rapidly induce large, dynamic increases in the permeability of the glomerular filtration barrier (GFB) in rats. After binding to its receptor(s), AngII generates reactive oxygen species (ROS) and produces Ca(2+) influx into cells, leading to activation of a plethora of signaling cascades, including e.g. calcineurin, and small GTPases, such as Rac-1 and

Phase transition to frequency entrainment in a long chain of pulse-coupled oscillators

A long chain of pulse-coupled oscillators was studied. The oscillators interacted via a phase response curve similar to those obtained from pacemaker cells in the heart. The natural frequencies were random numbers from a distribution with finite bandwidth. Stable frequency-entrained states were shown always to exist above a critical coupling strength. Below the critical coupling, the probability t

Use of a geomorphological transfer function to model design floods in small hillside catchments in semiarid Tunisia

In the beginning of the 1990s, the Tunisian Ministry of Agriculture launched an ambitious program for constructing small hillside reservoirs in the northern and-central region of the country. At present, more than 720 reservoirs have been created. They consist of small compacted earth dams supplied with a, horizontal overflow weir. Due to lack of hydrological data and the area's extreme floods, ho

Radiotherapy techniques in current use in Sweden.

A systematic assessment of radiotherapy for cancer was conducted by The Swedish Council on Technology Assessment in Health Care (SBU) in 2001. The assessment included a review of radiotherapy techniques in current use in Sweden. The following conclusions were drawn: Radiotherapy demands adequate knowledge of diagnostic methods, anatomy, cancer biology and of the physical and biological properties

Adsorption of cationic, anionic and hydrophobically modifie polyacrylamides on silica surfaces

The adsorption of modified polyacrylamides (PAM) at the silica surface has been studied by ellipsometry. To study the influence of the type of modification of the polyacrylamide on the adsorption behaviour, we have used cationic, anionic and hydrophobically modified polyacrylamides with varying charge density and degree of hydrophobisation. The adsorbed amount and adsorbed layer thickness were obt

CATCH: decision support for stakeholders in catchment areas

Policy proposals for the management of water resources need to take into account two emerging themes: public involvement in the development of resource use policy and water management on a catchment level. The CATCH-model, a decision support system for catchment-based water management, builds on the use of ‘discourse and deliberation’ within stakeholder groups to define relevant socio-economic par