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Your search for "*" yielded 532564 hits

Use of combined hormonal contraceptives among women with systemic lupus erythematosus with and without medical contraindications to oestrogen

Objectives. To assess the prevalence of combined hormonal contraceptives (CHCs) in reproductive-age women with SLE with and without possible contraindications and to determine factors associated with their use in the presence of possible contraindications. Methods. This observational cohort study included premenopausal women ages 18-45 years enrolled in the SLICC Registry ≤15 months after SLE onse

Ultra-stable fiber pumped CEP-stabilized dual stage OPCPA system

For the generation of intense few-cycle laser pulses with stable carrier envelope phase (CEP), the approach of optical parametric chirped pulse amplification (OPCPA) is well established. In this contribution we present a compact and robust CEP-stable OPCPA system emitting pulses with energy above 10 μJ at 200 kHz repetition rate and pulse durations of 6.3 fs. Additionally, we present the results o

Green industry development in different types of regions

At the regional level, the imperative of sustainable development often manifests itself in an emphasis on developing green industries. However, regions vary in their preconditions for achieving this. In this paper we link regional preconditions to various pathways for green industry development. This provides the foundation for identifying place-based policy implications for growing green industri

Anthropogenic nitrogen enrichment enhances soil carbon accumulation by impacting saprotrophs rather than ectomycorrhizal fungal activity

There is evidence that anthropogenic nitrogen (N) deposition enhances carbon (C) sequestration in boreal forest soils. However, it is unclear how free-living saprotrophs (bacteria and fungi, SAP) and ectomycorrhizal (EM) fungi responses to N addition impact soil C dynamics. Our aim was to investigate how SAP and EM communities are impacted by N enrichment and to estimate whether these changes infl

Addressees are sensitive to the presence of gesture when tracking a single referent in discourse

Production studies show that anaphoric reference is bimodal. Speakers can introduce a referent in speech by also using a localizing gesture, assigning a specific locus in space to it. Referring back to that referent, speakers then often accompany a spoken anaphor with a localizing anaphoric gesture (i.e., indicating the same locus). Speakers thus create visual anaphoricity in parallel to the anaph

Optimal power and efficiency of single quantum dot heat engines : Theory and experiment

Quantum dots (QDs) can serve as near perfect energy filters and are therefore of significant interest for the study of thermoelectric energy conversion close to thermodynamic efficiency limits. Indeed, recent experiments in [Nat. Nano. 13, 920 (2018)1748-338710.1038/s41565-018-0200-5] realized a QD heat engine with performance near these limits and in excellent agreement with theoretical predictio

Twenty-three unsolved problems in hydrology (UPH)–a community perspective

This paper is the outcome of a community initiative to identify major unsolved scientific problems in hydrology motivated by a need for stronger harmonisation of research efforts. The procedure involved a public consultation through online media, followed by two workshops through which a large number of potential science questions were collated, prioritised, and synthesised. In spite of the divers

ESD Reviews : Climate feedbacks in the Earth system and prospects for their evaluation

Earth system models (ESMs) are key tools for providing climate projections under different scenarios of human-induced forcing. ESMs include a large number of additional processes and feedbacks such as biogeochemical cycles that traditional physical climate models do not consider. Yet, some processes such as cloud dynamics and ecosystem functional response still have fairly high uncertainties. In t

Alpha-1-acid glycoprotein 1 is upregulated in pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma and confers a poor prognosis

Pancreatic cancer is an aggressive malignancy that carries a high mortality rate. A major contributor to the poor outcome is the lack of effective molecular markers. The purpose of this study was to develop protein markers for improved prognostication and noninvasive diagnosis. A mass spectrometry (MS)-based discovery approach was applied to pancreatic cancer tissues and healthy pancreas. In the v

Revisiting Public Support for the Euro, 1999–2017 : Accounting for the Crisis and the Recovery

This article explores the evolution and determinants of public support for the euro since its creation in 1999 until the end of 2017, thereby covering the pre-crisis experience of the euro, the crisis years and the recent recovery. Using uniquely large macro and micro databases and applying up-to-date econometric techniques, the authors revisit the growing literature on public support for the euro

Postoperative outcomes in distal hypospadias : a meta-analysis of the Mathieu and tubularized incised plate repair methods for development of urethrocutaneous fistula and urethral stricture

PURPOSE: To compare the two major complications, namely postoperative urethrocutaneous fistula and urethral stricture, between the Mathieu and tubularized incised plate (TIP) repair methods for distal hypospadias.METHODS: In this meta-analysis, electronic databases were searched for comparative studies on the two techniques. The Oxford Centre for Evidence-based Medicine Levels of Evidence was used

Losing a parent to cancer as a teenager : Family cohesion in childhood, teenage, and young adulthood as perceived by bereaved and non-bereaved youths

OBJECTIVE: The aim of this study was to investigate levels of perceived family cohesion during childhood, teenage years, and young adulthood in cancer-bereaved youths compared with non-bereaved peers.METHODS: In this nationwide, population-based study, 622 (73%) young adults (aged 18-26) who had lost a parent to cancer 6 to 9 years previously, when they were teenagers (aged 13-16), and 330 (78%) n