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"Tack!" sa han med ett leende: om översättningen av anföringsuttryck med bestämning i hög- och lågprestigelitteratur

I denna uppsats undersöks översättningen av anföringsuttryck med bestämning inom hög- och lågprestigelitteratur. Fokus ligger på anföringsuttryck innehållande anföringsverbet said som åtföljs av en bestämning av någon form, till exempel ett sättsadverb, eftersom Gellerstam (1996) har formulerat en hypotes om att den här sortens dialogformel har ett lägre stilvärde på svenska än på engelska. Uppsat

Nyttjandet av organisationsstöd inom e-handel

I takt med att e-handeln växer i Sverige visar undersökning på att statliga myndigheter arbetar för att upprätta standard för e-handel inom offentlig sektor. I offentlig sektor har vi valt att intervjua en kommun som använder sig av denna standard(SFTI). Inom privat sektor har vi valt att intervjua tre medelstora företag som arbetar med e-handel. Vi kopplar samman dessa intervjuer med teori för e-

The Role of the Smartphone in the Current Service Interaction - An Explorative Study of the Perceptions of Sales Personnel in Retail Stores

Given the recent predominant role of technology and the extensive use of smartphones in today’s society, the mobile device has become a major part of consumers’ daily lives. As a result, the lines between humans and technology have become blurred, where the effectiveness of interpersonal interactions at the service encounter in retail stores has been questioned. The researchers thus identified a k

Under konstruktion - Om konstruktionen av sex och samlevnad i en grundskola

Denna studie syftar till att undersöka hur grundskollärare i årskurs 1-6 konstruerar kunskapsområdet sex och samlevnad i relation till utveckling av deras sex och samlevnadsundervisning. Jag har ställt mig följande frågor: (1) Hur ser konstruktionen av sex och samlevnadsämnet ut hos grundskollärare i årskurserna 1-6 under påbörjat utvecklingsarbete av sex och samlevnadsundervisningen?, (2) Vad kan

The Effect of the Syrian Refugee Crisis on Rental Prices in Lebanon

The massive inflow of Syrian refugees in 2011 led to Lebanon becoming the country with the highest density of refugees worldwide. This thesis analyses the effect of the Syrian refugee inflow on rental prices in Lebanon. Data was gathered from four different municipalities in the area of Beirut and Mount Lebanon: Beirut, Bourj Hammoud, Jal-El-Dib and Jounieh. The data provides for the years 2007 to

Involving While Evolving: A case study of Alfa Laval’s internal CSR communication

There is an increasing need for companies to showcase and communicate their Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) initiatives to stakeholders, yet the majority of former research on CSR communication provides little insight into how CSR is communicated to internal stakeholders. This thesis aims to understand from an employee and managerial perspective how a Swedish CSR frontrunner communicates its

The developed market currency tango: Carry trade and hedging during 2014 – 2019. VECM and DCC approach

In this study carry trade activity in AUD, CAD, EUR and YEN vis the USD between 2014 – 2019 was analysed. The first approach employs a VECM, analyse evidence of carry trade recorded in the exchange rate pairs Futures, Forwards and Spot. Results show evidence of carry with the USD being the target currency, while the others being the funding currency. However, the AUD shows specific traits of carry

Utbildning och ekonomisk tillväxt

This report focuses on the topic of economic growth and education. The aim is to investigate the potential relationship between education and economic growth amongst the OECD member states. Together with theoretical perspectives and earlier research I conduct an empirical study aiming to identify if a higher degree of education has a positive impact on economic growth. Education is measured in tot

Remittances and Household Expenditure in Jamaica

More than 50 percent of Jamaican households are remittances receiving. Remittances generally form a source of supplemental household income by helping households cover expenses such as utilities,healthcare, education etc. Studies have focused on its reaction to economic shocks, structural changes, its use as insurance or safety net or generally just observing trends. This study employs propensity

Emissions Trading Mechanism to Mitigate Climate Change? : A case study in the Korean Emissions Trading Scheme focusing on the political-economic context behind the implementation and the policy design of the scheme

This thesis investigates the political-economic context that underlies the Korean Emissions Trading Scheme (KETS). The idea of trading carbon as a commodity in the carbon market has been embraced by many regions to reduce carbon emissions and to mitigate climate change. The government of South Korea has started to implement the emissions trading mechanism since 2015 to curtail the national greenho

What sustains entrepreneurial self-efficacy after entrepreneurial training? An insight into dynamic training transfer based on entrepreneurial mastery experiences

Entrepreneurial education is widely acknowledged to enhance entrepreneurial activity and is employed as a means to fight poverty and to create economic prosperity. Entrepreneurial selfefficacy, defined as a person’s belief in their entrepreneurial capabilities, has been identified as a central construct in the process of business creation and is recognized as intended outcome of entrepreneurial tr

Savages, Victims, Saviours: A comparative textual analysis of media framing of the Rohingya crisis by The New York Times and The Global New Light of Myanmar between 2017-08-01 and 2017-09-30

The successive waves of violence since May 2012, have put Myanmar in the international spotlight. The crisis in the Rakhine state has quickly become a global concern broadly discussed in the media. This paper examines how the Rohingya crisis is framed in Burmese and Western news media agencies by comparing the media coverage by The Global New Light of Myanmar and The New York Times between 2017-08

Skolungdomars psykiska ohälsa en kvalitativ studie om förebyggande insatser

Syftet med denna uppsats är att ta reda på hur skolpersonal arbetar för att förebygga psykisk ohälsa hos skolungdomar. Uppsatsen behandlar personalens syn på orsaker till psykisk ohälsa, ansvarsfördelningen inom personalen samt vilka åtgärder skolan vidtar för att förebygga psykisk ohälsa hos skolungdomarna. Kvalitativa semi-strukturerade intervjuer genomfördes med olika personalkategorier på en h

Det förgängliga verket - En studie om graffitikonstnärens respekträtt

Graffiti är en mycket gammal konstart som länge associerats med kriminalitet men som på senare tid kommit att erkännas som en etablerad konstart. Graffitikonstverk blir dock ofta föremål för ändring eller förstörelse och har därför ansetts vara av naturen förgängliga verk. Syftet med denna uppsats är att undersöka hur graffitikonstnärens respekträtt står sig i förhållande till ingrepp från andraGraffiti is a very old art form that, for a long period of time, has been associated with criminality. Nevertheless, graffiti has nowadays come to be recognized as an art form. Graffiti artworks do, however, often become subject to distortion, mutilation or other modifications and are understood to be, by nature, perishable pieces of art. The purpose of this essay is to examine to what extent th

Att vara torr i ett blött samhälle - En narrativ analys om att välja nykterhet i ett samhälle med alkoholtradition

The aim of this thesis was to analyze how drug- and alcohol-free people make sense of their experiences from living in a society with drinking culture. The method for this study consisted of qualitative interviews with five abstainers. A constructivist approach was used, i.e. the narratives in this thesis were seen as subjective narratives, constructed by the storyteller. The framework of this the

“Mitt ansvar är ju naturligtvis mot familjen men i huvudsak mot barnet, att se till barnets bästa” En kvalitativ studie gällande anmälningsplikt hos förskollärare

Due to insufficient knowledge on preschool teacher reporting obligations, studies show that fewer reports are made regarding children that might need help. The aim of the study was to illustrate how preschool teachers interpret and apply the law on reporting obligations in preschool activities and to illustrate the collaboration between preschool and social services. What does preschool teachers t

Arbetsvägran i religionsfrihetens namn - när viker arbetsledningsrätten?

En ökad mångfald kan leda till att religiösa frågor i arbetslivet får en ökad aktualitet och att en individs rättigheter och krav då ställs mot arbetsgivarens verksamhetsintresse och dennes rätt att leda och fördela arbetet. En arbetstagares vägran att utföra en viss arbetsuppgift på grund av religion eller samvete måste då vägas mot arbetsgivarens arbetsledningsrätt och andra eventuellt motståendAn increased diversity in the work force has caused religious questions to become increasingly important and this may lead to a conflict between an individual’s rights and demands and the employers’ managerial prerogative. An employee’s refusal to perform a duty, based on religious or conscientious beliefs, must then be weighed against the employer’s managerial rights and other possible conflictin

Hur motivation påverkar återgång i arbete

Bakgrund: Sjukskrivning kan innebära personligt lidande och kostnader för samhället. Individens attityder och förväntningar har betydelse för hur lång sjukskrivningen blir. Den förändringsprocessen arbetsåtergång innebär behöver anpassas till de omständigheter som finns i individens liv. Detta kan vara yttre omständigheter som den sociala situationen och arbetets art, men även individens inre föruBackground: Sick leave can lead to personal suffering and costs for society. Individual’s attitudes and expectations have an impact on the duration of sick leave. The changing process that return to work implies needs to be adapted to the individual’s circumstances. These can be circumstances such as social situation and the nature of the work , but can also depend on the individual’s precondition

När har all Sveriges skog brunnit ned? En studie över svenska skogsbränder under åren 1998 till 2018.

This thesis uses a data material from the Swedish Civil Contingencies Agency (MSB) to analyze forest fires in Sweden between 1998 and 2018. The thesis also uses weather data (precipitation and average temperature) as explanatory variables in two different regression models. The purpose of this thesis is to make predictions for the number of forest fires and the total burned down hectare of forest