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Reformationens huvudfrågor och arvet från Augustinus. En studie i Martin Chemnitz' Augustinusreception

Popular Abstract in Swedish Reformationens budskap brukar karakteriseras med hjälp av några "allena": Kristus allena, tron allena, nåden allena och Skriften allena. I denna studie undersöks hur Martin Chemnitz (1522-86) behandlar dessa teman och hur han sätter dem i relation till Augustinus teologi. Martin Chemnitz var en av de mest framstående evangeliska teologerna i generationen efter Martin LuAs a co-author of the Formula of Concord, Martin Chemnitz (1522-86) codified the sola scriptura principle of the Reformation, that the prophetic and apostolic Scriptures are the only rule for all Church doctrine. This principle is clearly expressed in Chemnitz' own theological treatises as well, but in his argumentation one is also confronted with an astonishing number of quotations from the Churc

Anti-infective effects o Lactobacilli in the gastrointestinal tract

Antibiotics constitute the dominant treatment of gastrointestinal infections. However, several serious side-effects are associated with extensive use of antibiotics, including spread of bacterial resistance and allergic reactions as well as potential overgrowth of pathogenic bacteria and viruses. On the other hand, there is a growing body of evidence suggesting that certain bacteria, referred to a

Stimulation of the exocrine pancreas via a third CCK-receptor subtype?

The physiological role of the cholecystokinin1 receptor (CCK1R) and the cholecystokinin/gastrin receptor (CCK2R) in the enzyme release from the exocrine pancreas in various mammal species has been debated. Experiments in pigs have indicated that physiological levels of cholecystokinin-33 (CCK-33) elicit pancreatic enzyme release via CCK2Rs located in the gastro-duodenal region. Since gastrin and C

Cerebral energy metabolism and microdialysis in neurocritical care.

It is of obvious clinical importance to monitor cerebral metabolism-in particular, cerebral energy metabolism and indicators of cellular damage-online at the bedside. The technique of cerebral microdialysis provides the opportunity for continuous monitoring of metabolic changes in the tissue before they are reflected in peripheral blood chemistry or in systemic physiological parameters. The basic

Inflammation-sensitive plasma proteins are associated with increased incidence of heart failure: A population-based cohort study.

BACKGROUND: Although inflammation has been associated with different cardiovascular diseases, the relationships with future heart failure (HF) are unclear. This population-based study explored whether elevated plasma levels of inflammatory proteins are associated with incidence of HF. METHODS: Five inflammation-sensitive plasma proteins (ISPs, fibrinogen, ceruloplasmin, haptoglobin, orosomucoid, a

Towards optimised information about clinical trials; identification and validation of key issues in collaboration with cancer patient advocates.

DELLSON P., NILBERT M., BENDAHL P-O., MALMSTROM P. & CARLSSON C. (2010) European Journal of Cancer Care Towards optimised information about clinical trials; identification and validation of key issues in collaboration with cancer patient advocates Clinical trials are crucial to improve cancer treatment but recruitment is difficult. Optimised patient information has been recognised as a key iss

A common variant upstream of the PAX6 gene influences islet function in man.

AIMS/HYPOTHESIS: Impaired glucose tolerance and impaired insulin secretion have been reported in families with PAX6 mutations and it is suggested that they result from defective proinsulin processing due to lack of prohormone convertase 1/3, encoded by PCSK1. We investigated whether a common PAX6 variant would mimic these findings and explored in detail its effect on islet function in man. METHODS

A Monolithic Digital Clock-Generator for On-Chip Clocking of Custom DSP's

This paper shows a robust and easily implemented clock generator for custom designs. It is a fully digital design suitable for both high-speed clocking and low-voltage applications. This clocking method is digital, and it avoids analog methods like phase locked loops or delay line loops. Instead, the clock generator is based on a ring counter which stops a ring oscillator after the correct number

Inclusive D-*+/- meson cross sections and D-*+/--jet correlations in photoproduction at HERA

Differential photoproduction cross sections are measured for events containing D-*+/- mesons. The data were taken with the H1 detector at the ep collider HERA and correspond to an integrated luminosity of 51.1 pb(-1). The kinematic region covers small photon virtualities Q(2) < 0.01 GeV2 and photon-proton centre-of-mass energies of 171 < W gamma(Cep) < 256 GeV. The details of the heavy quark produ

The ADL-staircase: further validation.

The aim was to psychometrically evaluate the activities of daily living (ADL)-staircase in various age groups. This age stratified, cross-sectional study comprised 826 individuals aged 18-102 years. The factor structure was assessed by means of hierarchical cluster analyses, plots and analyses of nonclassifiable responses. Reliability was assessed in terms of internal consistency. In general, the

Scattering-assisted terahertz gain in semiconductor superlattices in the Wannier-Stark-Ladder regime

Using the second-order perturbation theory we have calculated the scattering assisted gain spectra in GaAs/AlGaAs superlattice under a strong applied electric field in the Wannier-Stark-Ladder (WSL) regime. Nonequilibrium distribution function of quasi-two-dimensional carriers localized in each WSL level and indirect optical transitions between neighboring WSL levels accompanied by the emission or

Clinical data do not improve artificial neural network interpretation of myocardial perfusion scintigraphy.

Artificial neural networks interpretation of myocardial perfusion scintigraphy (MPS) has so far been based on image data alone. Physicians reporting MPS often combine image and clinical data. The aim was to evaluate whether neural network interpretation would be improved by adding clinical data to image data. Four hundred and eighteen patients were used for training and 532 patients for testing th

The long-term cost of multiple sclerosis in France and potential changes with disease-modifying interventions.

ObjectiveTo evaluate the long-term costs and quality of life (QoL) with and without disease-modifying treatments (DMTs) of patients with multiple sclerosis (MS).MethodsData on resource consumption, productivity losses, QoL (utility), and fatigue were collected from 1355 patients registered with a patient association and descriptive analyses was performed.A Markov model was developed to estimate co

Achieving Urban Resilience: Understanding and Tackling Disasters from a Local Perspective

The damage caused by a dramatic worldwide increase in so-called natural disasters is staggering, with the poor in developing countries being most at risk. This paper analyses: (a) the key variables and their causal relations that underlie the complex system of risk and disaster occurrence in slums; (b) the impacts of disasters on slums; (c) the strategies used by local people to cope with risk and

Latitudinal fractionation of polyhrominated diphenyl ethers and polychlorinated biphenyls in frogs in (Rana temporaria)

The flame retardant polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDEs) have become ubiquitous environmental pollutants. The environmental distribution of PBDEs is much less studied than that of the polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs). To compare the environmental fate of the PCBs with their partial substitute, the PBDEs, common frogs (Rana temporaria)were collected along a similar to1500-km-long latitudinal grad

Obesity and familial obesity and risk of cancer.

Obesity is associated with a risk of at least 20 different cancers. We aimed at defining cancer risks in prospectively recruited patients with a novel subgroup, those with a family history of obesity. We defined a cohort of 30 020 patients who had been hospitalized since 1964. Cancer risks in these patients were followed through 2006. Standardized incidence ratios were calculated for cancer using