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More or Less about Data - Analyzing Load Demand in Residential Houses

Load demand in residential houses is a significant contributor to peak load problems experienced by utilities. The knowledge about demand variation in households is fairly limited as well as the use of various tools to analyze the demand. Many utilities have recently installed interval (hourly) metering at their residential customers. The availability of hourly data is a significant progress, howe

International benchmarking of e-learning at Lund University, Sweden - Aims and results

In 2008-2009 Lund University, Sweden, took part in two European benchmarking projects on eLearning, E-xcellence+ (EADTU) and Benchmarking eLearning exercise2009 (ESMU) as part of the University’s policy for quality assurance and quality enhancement of education. Among the aims were · to adopt, as the first Swedish university, a benchmarking process according to quality criteria of eLearning formul

Hyperelastic constants from a modified hardness test using energy balance obtained from FE-analysis

In order to simplify the hyperelastic characterisation of rubber materials, an extension of the standard hardness test is proposed. A number of indentation depths are chosen for the hardness test and the indentation forces for these depths are recorded. By this modification, hyperelastic constants can be derived from the test, providing more information from the test by a small extra effort. Equiv

Au wetting and nanoparticle stability on GaAs(111)B

Au nanoparticles and Au films for growth of nanowires on the GaAs(111)B surface have been studied by a combination of experimental and theoretical techniques. If Au is present in either form, annealing to temperatures relevant for nanowire growth results in the formation of a thin Au wetting layer. Based on density functional theory calculations and experimental data, a structural model is propose

Renewable Energy in Energy-Efficient, Low-Pollution Systems

Popular Abstract in Swedish Tillgången på energi har varit av stor betydelse för utvecklingen av det det moderna industrisamhället. Samtidigt skapar energianvändningen ett flertal miljöproblem med lokal, regional och global utbredning. Syftet med denna avhandling är att studera olika strategier för att minska miljöpåverkan från det svenska energisystemet och bedöma strategiernas tekniska och ekonoEnergy use accounts for the dominating fraction of total sulphur dioxide (SO2), nitrogen oxide (NOx), volatile organic compounds (VOCs) and carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions. In this thesis, different strategies for reducing these emissions are evaluated, using a bottom-up approach. The thesis is divided in two parts. Part I (two articles) deals with how energy efficiency improvements and the increas

The recognition of foreign administrative decisions in Sweden

This contribution describes some basic features of the procedure relating to the recognition of foreign administrative decisions under Swedish law. After some comments on the general legal and theoretical framework relating to administrative decisions in Swedish law, the article discusses the preconditions for service of documents, including international aspects. The subsequent section discusses