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Rostningens påverkan på koffein och klorogensyra - en kartläggning av Soldes kaffe

Kaffe är en av världens viktigaste handelsvaror. Kaffe innehåller flera aktiva biokomponenter med hälsobringande effekter. Studier har visat att kaffekonsumtion kan minska risken för flertalet sjukdomar inklusive hjärt-kärlsjukdomar och typ 2-diabetes. Koffein har visat sig ha positiva effekter mot Parkinsons sjukdom och klorogensyra ha antioxidativa, antiinflammatoriska och tumörhämmande effekter

Designing and evaluating an app prototype for volunteer engagement

En mobilapplikation för volontärarbete i Sverige har möjlighet att förenkla för volontärer, volontärorganisationer samt kan bidra till ett bättre samhälle i helhet.This project investigates the needs of different stakeholders regarding volunteer work in Sweden as well as implementing a prototype for a volunteer app. The main purpose is to design, create and test a mobile application prototype primarily focused on the end users, the volunteers. This is done by accumulating a lot of data and information using a survey that reached out to 111 volunteers and non

Expressing ecosystem model output and Swedish forestry goals with composite indictors

Forest ecosystems provide a wide range of services necessary for maintaining environmental health and human well-being. Ecosystem models help inform how various management strategies respond in different regions to changing climate conditions. They contribute to mitigation and adaptation policy measures and support private forest owners in deciding ideal practices to implement. The complex nature

Power of Your Choice - An Empirical Study of Origin-Specified Electricity Contracts in Sweden

The purpose of this thesis is to study some aspects of origin-specified electricity contracts in Sweden. Consumers may choose a contract for which the electricity is specified to originate from for example renewable resources, or from one exclusive energy source such as solar, wind, hydroelectric or nuclear power. The study is mainly based on data over supplied electricity contracts for households

Goodwill Impairment and Earnings Management in the year of the pandemic

Purpose: The purpose of the research is to analyze managers’ use of accounting discretion in goodwill impairment losses of European firms in 2020 – a year of financial distress caused by the COVID-19 pandemic – and whether the discretion employed reflects earnings management. Methodology: The difference in earnings between impairers and non-impairers is analyzed by employing a Mann-Whitney U-test

Småbolagseffekten bland svenska Nano-Cap

Syftet med denna studie är att undersöka huruvida det existerar en småbolagseffekt på marknadsplatsen Spotlight Stock Market under perioden januari 2011 till april 2021. Detta har vi gjort genom att jämföra skillnader i reell och riskjusterad avkastning mellan marknadsplatsen Spotlight Stock Market, OMX Stockholms Large Cap-lista samt indexet OMXS30. Vi har även undersökt förändringar i småbolagse

Urban Flight & the Pandemic - A study of the drives behind urban emigration in Sweden in relation to the Covid-19 pandemic

In March 2020 the Swedish public health authorities imposed the first of many restrictions on social interaction, as a way to limit the spread of the covid-19 pandemic. Coinciding with this is a new standard to work from home, as well as increased waves of migration out of Sweden’s major cities. This thesis aims to gain an understanding of current trends of urban emigration in relation to the Covi

Heteronormativity at Work: A case study of the workplace experience of queer employees

Queer employees are experiencing heteronormativity in the Swedish workplace. The aim of this thesis is to examine how queer lives are limited at work by the social norms regulating sex, gender and sexuality. The object of this study is an international Swedish industrial company where I have conducted interviews with queer employees. From a poststructural standpoint I am conducting queer research

"Tanken har inte slagit honom att detta var något verkligt": En kvalitativ studie av tilltalades förklaringar till sina gärningar i barnpornografibrott och utnyttjande av barn för sexuell posering

I princip all befattning med barnpornografi är kriminaliserat då detta skildrar olika övergrepp på barn. Utnyttjande av barn för sexuell posering är ett brott likt barnpornografibrott där ett barn förmås att utföra handlingar med sexuell innebörd framför kamera eller andra människor. Intresse för sådant material skapar en efterfrågan som kan bidra till att fler övergrepp dokumenteras och sprids, v

Policies - A Lever for Industry Transformation

Sustainability is a megatrend affecting companies’ strategic development process in many industries, including the dairy industry. The concerns on environmental issues in combination with other societal demands have initiated an industry transformation towards dairy alternatives. While the magnitude remains uncertain, policies are significant in accelerating or inhibiting the shift. However, exist

"Språket är tillgång till allt"

Title: “Language is access to everything” - A qualitative study of SFI-teachers' experience of the transition to digitalized distance education. Authors: Rania Elwan and Fitore Mehmeti Supervisor: Karin Kullberg Assessor: Maria Bergendal Arvidsson The purpose of the study is to investigate from teachers for Swedish for immigrants (SFI) perspective how the transition to digitalized distance ed

“När det gäller våld måste vi göra vårt jobb, med eller utan pandemi” Socialarbetares upplevelser av mäns våld mot kvinnor under Covid-19 pandemin och deras förståelse av riskfaktorer för våld och våldsutsatta kvinnors situation.

Men’s perpetration of intimate partner violence against women is a global problem that prevents social equality and contributes to severe health problems for many women, and the ongoing global covid-19 pandemic has caused an increase in violence against women. The aim of this study was therefore to explore social workers' perspectives on how the covid-19 pandemic affects women subjected to int

Cross-National Differences in Risk Preferences

Purpose: This research aimed to investigate cross-national differences in risk preferences to uncover whether risk appetite, consisting of perceived and actual risk, differs amongst demographics. This paper aims to understand whether Polish and Dutch business students differ in their risk preferences and how this impacts strategic management. Methodology: This research adopts a non-experimental

"Vad ska en kille vara?" En kvalitativ studie om unga mäns upplevelser av samtalsbehandling

Introduktion; Studiens syfte var att undersöka unga mäns upplevelser av att söka och gå i samtalsbehandling. Metod: Studien är kvalitativ med en fenomenologisk ansats. Vi genomförde 8 semistrukturerade intervjuer , 7 valdes ut för att ingå i studien. Deltagarna var unga män, 18-27 år, som hade gått i samtalsbehandling hos en kurator. Intervjuerna transkriberades och analyserades med tematisk analyIntroduction: The aim of this study was to examine young men’s experience of seeking out and participate in therapy. Method: The qualitative study used a phenomenological approach. Eight semi-structured interviews were conducted, seven of which were chosen for the study. The participants were young men in the age of 18 to 27 years old, who had undergone talk therapy with a counselor. The interview

Airbnb in Copenhagen, Denmark: The Short- Term Rent Gap, Gentrification & the Housing Market

Short-term tourists visiting formerly residential areas are a potential source of conflict as the short-term tourists change the place they are visiting and represent an inconvenience to residents. This research uses a mixed methods approach with the short-term rent gap framework introduced by Wachsmuth and Weisler (2018) as the quantitative and an additional online expert interview as the qualita

Personalized Marketing - A study examining factors influencing millennials’ intention to act upon personalized advertisements on Facebook

Purpose: The fundamental aim of this thesis is to investigate how strongly the Personalized Marketing (PM) factors identified in previous literature correlate with millennials’, aged 24 to 40, intention to act upon personalized advertisements on Facebook. Thereafter, the goal was to compare the extent to which the outcomes varied depending on millennials' age group and gender. Methodology: The

Decomposing grade inflation in Sweden's compulsory school

In Swedish media, there has been a heated debate regarding the school system. Since 1992, free schools, which are similar to voucher schools, have been permitted as a competitor to municipal schools. This was combined with a new grading system where knowledge based criteria were implemented as opposed to the previous normally distributed grading system. Due to Sweden’s lack of standardised and cen

”Håller inte jag, så hjälper inte jag någon annan heller” - Upplevelsen av emotionshantering och emotionellt stöd hos socialsekreterare inom barn- och familjeenheten

Emotions play an important role in social work, including child welfare. Child welfare workers interact daily with clients in difficult life situations, in which strong, negative emotions are common. As a professional, a child welfare worker cannot express too many emotions, but is expected to show a calm and objective expression. This makes child welfare workers at risk to experience emotional st

Utveckling av portalrobot

Det här examensarbetet omfattar en uppdatering av hård- och mjukvara för en befintlig kartesisk portalrobot med tillhörande elskåp. Arbetet fokuseras huvudsakligen på att programmera en ny Programmable Logic Controller (PLC) för styrning och körning av roboten. För att möjliggöra körning i flera olika driftlägen implementeras ett nytt robotbibliotek. Examensarbetet undersöker även hur ett Human MaThis Bachelor thesis covers an update on hard- and software for an existent cartesian robot. The work is primarily focused on the programming of a Programmable Logic Controller (PLC) for control and run of the robot. To enable different run modes an implementation of a new robotic library is established. This thesis also explores how a Human Machine Interface (HMI) can be implemented to achieve bo

“Är jag ignorant?”: En kvalitativ intervjustudie om individuell sångundervisning för transpersoner

2017 inkom 153 olika remissyttranden från bland annat Statens skolverk och Statens kulturråd, med förslag för hur transpersoner i Sverige kan få stärkt ställning och levnadsvillkor i Sverige (SOU 2017:92). Mot bakgrund av detta har denna studie för avsikt att kartlägga trans*+sångares och sånglärares uppfattningar om och upplevelser av hur de arbetar tillsammans i individuell sångundervisningen. S153 inquiries were made in 2017 by, among others, The National Agency for Education in Sweden and the Swedish Arts Council in regard to how to improve transgender people’s position and living conditions in Sweden (SOU 2017:92). The purpose of this study is to survey the observations and experiences of trans*+ singers and singing teachers in an educational environment, and how their roles coincide