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Your search for "*" yielded 531636 hits

Patient-reported quality of life and hand disability in elderly patients after a traumatic hand injury - A retrospective study

Background: Hand injuries occur at any age and cause disability in hand and arm function as well as impaired quality of life, but no study has focused on hand disability and quality of life in the elderly after a hand injury. Globally, the population over 60 years of age is expected to double by 2050 and more hand injuries are estimated among the elderly population. Our goal is to obtain more info

Artificial neural networks improve and simplify intensive care mortality prognostication: a national cohort study of 217,289 first-time intensive care unit admissions

Purpose We investigated if early intensive care unit (ICU) scoring with the Simplified Acute Physiology Score (SAPS 3) could be improved using artificial neural networks (ANNs). Methods All first-time adult intensive care admissions in Sweden during 2009-2017 were included. A test set was set aside for validation. We trained ANNs with two hidden layers with random hyper-parameters and retained the

Immune surveillance : Paraneoplastic or environmental triggers of autoimmunity

Autoimmunity associated with tumor cell development seems an important mechanism by which to prevent progression to clinical cancer. In this brief review, tumor autoantigens associated with paraneoplastic syndrome, non-HLA- associated organ-specific autoimmune diseases, and the highly cell-specific autoimmune eradication of the islet beta cells in type I diabetes are compared and discussed. It is


A study of 109 Swedish patients and 85 healthy Swedish controls with Crohn's disease (CD) by HLA class II RFLP genotyping was carried out. There was no significant association for any single DR or DQ specificity or phenotypic combination of DR and/or DO specificities among our study group of Caucasian extraction.

Personalized versus partisan representation in the speeches of migrant members of parliament in the German Bundestag

Given the increasingly polarized debates in many modern democracies over migration and integration, the behaviour of members of parliament (MPs) with a migrant background has important implications for patterns of representation. Drawing on role congruity theory, we hypothesize that MPs with a migrant background deliver more legislative speeches in debates that are of interest for citizens with a

A Digital Twin Based Industrial Automation and Control System Security Architecture

The digital twin is a rather new industrial control and automation systems concept. While the approach so far has gained interest mainly due to capabilities to make advanced simulations and optimizations, recently the possibilities for enhanced security have got attention within the research community. In this paper, we discuss how a digital twin replication model and corresponding security archit

A Computational Model of Trust-, Pupil-, and Motivation Dynamics

Autonomous machines are in the near future likely to increasingly interact with humans, and carry out their functions outside controlled settings. Both of these developments increase the requirements of machines to be trustworthy to humans. In this work, we argue that machines may also benefit from being able to explicitly build or withdraw trust with specific humans. The latter is relevant in sit

Leptin deficiency reverses high metabolic state and weight loss without affecting central pathology in the R6/2 mouse model of Huntington's disease

Body weight has been shown to be a predictor of clinical progression in Huntington's disease (HD). Alongside widespread neuronal pathology, both HD patients and the R6/2 mouse model of HD exhibit weight loss and increased energy expenditure, providing a rationale for targeting whole-body energy metabolism in HD. Leptin-deficient mice display low energy expenditure and increased body weight. We the

Framtidens klimat är redan på gång

Ledare•En sak är helt säker, framtiden kommer att vara annorlunda från hur vi har haft det, och i dag har det. Det skriver Markku Rummukainen i denna klimatkrönika. På måndag den 4 mars håller han en föreläsning om klimatförändringar och oundvikliga klimatåtgärder på Halmstads Stadsbibliotek i serien ”Klimatet & vi” som går under våren.

Single-Molecule Detection with Lightguiding Nanowires : Determination of Protein Concentration and Diffusivity in Supported Lipid Bilayers

Determining the surface concentration and diffusivity of cell-membrane-bound molecules is central to the understanding of numerous important biochemical processes taking place at cell membranes. Here we use the high aspect ratio and lightguiding properties of semiconductor nanowires (NWs) to detect the presence of single freely diffusing proteins bound to a lipid bilayer covering the NW surface. S

Premature activation of Cdk1 leads to mitotic events in S phase and embryonic lethality

Cell cycle regulation, especially faithful DNA replication and mitosis, are crucial to maintain genome stability. Cyclin-dependent kinase (CDK)/cyclin complexes drive most processes in cellular proliferation. In response to DNA damage, cell cycle surveillance mechanisms enable normal cells to arrest and undergo repair processes. Perturbations in genomic stability can lead to tumor development and

Speedy A-Cdk2 binding mediates initial telomere-nuclear envelope attachment during meiotic prophase i independent of Cdk2 activation

Telomere attachment to the nuclear envelope (NE) is a prerequisite for chromosomemovement duringmeiotic prophase I that is required for pairing of homologous chromosomes, synapsis, and homologous recombination. Here we show that Speedy A, a noncanonical activator of cyclin-dependent kinases (Cdks), is specifically localized to telomeres in prophase I male and female germ cells in mice, and plays a