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Vasoactive Peptides with Angiogenesis-Regulating Activity Predict Cancer Risk in Males.

BACKGROUND: Tumor development requires angiogenesis, and antiangiogenesis has been introduced in the treatment of cancer patients; however, how the cardiovascular phenotype correlates with cancer risk remains ill-defined. Here, we hypothesized that vasoactive peptides previously implicated in angiogenesis regulation predict long-term cancer risk.METHODS: We measured midregional proatrial natriuret

Development and Application of Pure Rotational CARS for Reactive Flows

Popular Abstract in Swedish Eftersom mer än 80% av världens samlade energianvändning är beroende av förbränning i någon form är vidare kunskap om förbränningsprocessen viktig. Fortsatt effektivisering av förbränningsprocessen är idag högaktuell för uppbyggnad av framtidens mer miljövänliga energisystem och för utvecklingen utnyttjas omfattande diagnostikarbeten. Inom området anses diagnostik med hThe thesis deals with the further development of pure rotational coherent anti-Stokes Raman spectroscopy (RCARS) for improving the capabilities of gas phase thermometry. The main effort has been to make the technique more robust when employed under a wide range of temperatures and operational conditions. A primary aim has been to investigate the impact of collisional broadening on N2 RCARS thermom

On the Forward-Backward Spatial APES

In this fast communication, we examine non-parametric data-adaptive spatial spectrum estimation using an array of sensors. We derive a forward-backward (FB) version of the recent spatial APES (SAPES) beamformer, and show that the SAPES algorithm is robust to the case of pairwise coherent sources. Numerical simulations indicate that the proposed FB version of SAPES offers higher resolution than the

A Hybrid Approach to the Modelling and Simulation of Grinding Processes

We present recent advances in the modelling and simulation of Internal Traverse Grinding, a high performance grinding process incorporating a high rate of material removal combined with a high surface quality. Due to a special grinding wheel geometry, the latter two goals are achieved in just one pass of the tool through the axisymmetric workpiece. The simulation framework we present generally con

The Making of Embrace and Exclusion: Isaiah 53 in the Light of Homecoming After Exile

Abstract This study attempts to understand what problem Isa 53 addresses and seeks to answer. The question is asked as an historical question and it is argued that Isa 53 address a specific historical problem, arising out of the conflicts created after the return of those who had gone into exile. At the end of the exile, there was hope that the deported people would return to the land, that the l

Low complexity channel estimation for low-mobility LTE using 4×4 MIMO

Multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) is a mandatory feature of the Third Generation Partnership Project (3GPP) Long Term Evolution. This work investigates the performance of a low complexity channel estimator for LTE terminals with an emphasis on the 4 × 4 multiple antenna scheme. The presented work extends a promising low-complexity 2 × 2 MIMO channel estimator to the 4 × 4 MIMO case and evaluat

Kripke on Necessity : A Metaphysical Investigation

Popular Abstract in Swedish Den övergripande problemformuleringen i min doktorsavhandling, Kripke on Necessity: A Metaphysical Investigation, kan formuleras på följande sätt: På vilka metafysiska grunder rättfärdigar Kripke giltigheten och existensen av nödvändiga a posteriori och kontingenta a priori satser? Jag visar att Kripke-paradigmet för den metafysiska essentialismen vilar på ett fundamenI undertake a metaphysical investigation of Saul Kripke's modern classic, Naming and Necessity (1980). The general problem of my study may be expressed as follows: What is the metaphysical justification of the validity and existence of the pertinent classes of truths, the necessary a posteriori and the contingent a priori, according to the Kripke Paradigm? My approach is meant to disclose the log

The Chinese Conception of Human Rights. The Debate on Human Rights in China, 1898-1949

This thesis studies the introduction of the idea of human rights to China, and traces the continuing debate on human rights during the period 1898 to 1949. The writings of advocates of human rights such as Zou Rong, Chen Duxiu, Luo Longji and Zhou Jingwen, among others, are discussed and analysed, as are those of critics of the idea of human rights, such as Liang Qichao, Sun Yat-sen, and Wu Jingxi

Cervical Radiculopathy: A Study With Selective Nerve Root Blocks

Popular Abstract in Swedish Symtomgivande nervrots påverkan i halsryggen diagnostiseras via sjukhistoria, klinisk undersökning och magnetkamera undersökning av halsryggen (MRI). Hos flera av patienterna som genomgår denna utredning infinner sig svårigheter att identifiera den/de nervrötter som är ansvariga för patientens smärta. Detta beror på att den kliniska undersökningen och undersökningen medCervical radiculopathy is diagnosed by history, clinical examination of the patient and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) of the cervical spine. In many of the patients undergoing this diagnostic strategy, the nerve root/roots responsible for the radicular pain is difficult to define as clinical examination and MRI investigation does not provide information enough. The information from transforamin

Providing QoS Guarantees in Ad Hoc Networks through EDCA with Resource Reservation

As the use of WLANs based on IEEE 802.11 increase, the need for QoS becomes more obvious. The upcoming IEEE 802.11e aims at providing QoS, but its contention-based medium access mechanism enhanced distributed channel access (EDCA), provides only service differentiation, i.e. soft QoS. In order to provide hard QoS, we have proposed an extension called EDCA with resource reservation (EDCA/RR), which