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Dröjsmål i myndigheters handläggning – Beskrivning och analys

Regelverket rörande myndigheters handläggningstider är, där det ens existerar, fragmenterat och spritt över ett stort antal lagar. De generella reglerna i 7 § förvaltningslagen har mer av en målsättningskaraktär. Den stora spridningen av reglerna får till resultat att övergripande förändringar, exempelvis ett införande av dröjsmålstalan, får svåröverskådliga effekter. Om en samlad översyn gör i saThe regulatory framework regarding the authorities’ processing times is fragmented and spread across a large number of laws. The general rules of the Swedish Administrative Procedure Act concerning processing times are more of an objective for authorities to strive for. As a result of this fragmentation, it’s difficult to foresee effects of major changes to the regulatory framework. Nevertheless,

How Countries in European Union has Solved Problem of Tax Avoidance and Collection of Cross-border Transaction in an Integrated Common Market Tax Area. Optimizing Tax Collection in Indonesia, Lessons from European Union's Recovery of Collection Directive, Automatic Exchange Directive, and Savings Directive

The basic concept of capital flight regarding how easy capital can move in cross- border transactions of Adam Smith is one of the groundwork of this thesis. It cannot be denied that both developed countries and developing countries are facing the same problems regarding capital flight. However, European Union (EU) countries have been moving several steps further concerning cross-border transaction

”Sidan startade 1618” : Riksarkivets och några landsarkivs självpresentation på Facebook under 2014

This master’s thesis explores the self-presentation of the Swedish national archives as well as the regional state archives of Härnösand, Vadstena, and Visby on Facebook during 2014. The thesis applies Goffman’s dramaturgical perspective, augmented by Meyrowitz’ ideas about the “middle region” as well as marketing theory as formulater by Kotler and Keller, to understand the different aspects of th

Opting out of GM agriculture - The scope for EU Member States to restrict cultivation of genetically modified crops

Odling av genetiskt modifierade organismer (GMO) har länge varit ett omdebatterat och politiskt känsligt ämne i EU. Sådan odling väcker en mängd olika betänksamheter och frågor hos europeiska medborgare. I spektrumet återfinns bland annat frågor om risker för miljön och hälsa till socioekonomiska och etiska betänkligheter. Den här uppsatsen undersöker medlemstaters möjligheter att svara upp mot såCultivation of genetically modified organisms (GMOs) has for a long time been a disputed and politically sensitive topic in the EU. To many European citizens such cultivation raises concerns, ranging from safety and socioeconomic questions to ethical issues. This thesis examines the possibilities for Member States to respond to such concerns by imposing national GM cultivation restrictions. This i

Slå ett slag för familjen ‐ en utredning om hur barnets bästa beaktas vid vårdnads‐ och umgängesfrågor när uppgifter om våld/skyddade personuppgifter föreligger

Syftet med uppsatsen är att utreda och analysera på vilket sätt barnets bästa beaktas när frågor om vårdnad och umgänge ska prövas av domstolen och det föreligger uppgifter om våld och/eller skyddade personuppgifter. Våld i nära relationer är en utbredd problematik. Under 2012 var det ca 7 % av den svenska befolkningen som utsattes för våld i en nära relation. Vidare uppskattas att ca 150 000 barnThe purpose of this essay is to investigate and analyze in which manner the child’s best interests are taken into account by the Court considering custody and visitation when information concerning abuse and/or protected personal data exists. Domestic violence is a widespread problem. In 2012, approximately 7% of Sweden’s population suffered abuse from a close relative. Additionally, it is estimat

Traditionell ekologisk kunskap och skyddet av biologisk mångfald i Arktis

Uppsatsen ämnar undersöka förhållandet mellan bevarandet och det hållbara nyttjandet av biologisk mångfald inom Arktis och det internationellrättsliga beaktandet av den redan befintliga kunskapen om detta arbete som finns bevarad hos områdets urfolk. På det internationellrättsliga området finns internationella miljöavtal som utgår från att denna kunskap bör och skall bevaras och tas till vara. DetThis thesis aims to investigate the relationship between the preservation and sustainable use of biological diversity in the Arctic and the consideration within international environmental law of the already existing knowledge on the area that the Arctic indigenous peoples are holders of. In international environmental law there are multilateral environmental agreements that assume that this knowl

The link between the incurrence of customs debt and VAT - and the consequences and impact thereof

The link between the incurrence of a customs debt and the incurrence of the Value Added Tax on importation, have a parallel nature, as they arise from the importation of goods into the territory of the Community. This link is a result of Article 71 (1) of the VAT Directive. This article authorises member states to link the chargeable event and the chargeability of VAT on importation of goods with

Democratic Transition and The Arab Spring: A comparative study on gendered agency and women's empowerment

After the Arab spring, states in the MENA-region that were enrolled in the popular uprisings are now entering different settings. Some have been more successful, and reaching all the way to democratic consolidation. Others like Egypt are currently experiencing severe backlashes. In this post revolution context, time is starting to run out for an escape out of the transitional maze. Tunisia is not

Bara mera öppet? : Hur meröppet förändrar biblioteket som social praktik- en användarstudie

The number of self-service libraries (”meröppna bibliotek”) is increasing in Sweden, yet there is not much research in the field. The starting point of this master’s thesis is this void. The concept of self-service library means that during some of the opening hours the library is unstaffed, but users can enter and use the library services. I understand libraries as part of a complex context in wh

The sun rises in the East - A comparative case study of India, Pakistan and China’s increased nuclear stockpiles in the Second Nuclear Age

The world has entered the Second Nuclear Age. New structures and dynamics are argued to be present within the context of nuclear weapons. The states India, Pakistan and China are three cases where the nuclear stockpiles are increasing and becoming more technological advanced. The hypothesis of this paper is that the increase of nuclear stockpiles in the cases is due to a dynamic characteristic of

The VAT treatment of vouchers in cross-border trade

Under a long time in the European Union, the topic of taxation of vouchers have been highly discussed. Because of the lack of harmonized rules, the Member States have individually created both definitions of different types of vouchers, and rules on how to tax the different vouchers. However, the fact that the Member States use domestic rules is not a problem when the vouchers are used domesticall

Chinese (in)action: Seeing breathing as a means to understand citizens’ (in)action

Civic engagement plays an important role in governmental transparency – so how does transparency work in a non-democracy like China where the political and juridical systems repress public participation? Through quantitative methods this paper examines how a selection of citizens in Shanghai, China, make use of environmental information made available through the Chinese government’s Open Environm

The Power Over Private Information in Big Data-Society: Power Structures of User-generated Data Manifested by Privacy and Data Policies

The starting point of this thesis is the managing of user-generated data in the online ecosystem and expanding development of big data. Many are worried that companies and authorities are invading their online privacy, and the lack of control by the provider of data, the citizens, can be considered one of our time’s most pressing civil rights issues. At the same time, media and information literac

The celebrity politician : budskap om feminism och identitet inom internationell politik

What happens when celebrities engage themselves politically and how do they handle the criticism that they do not have the essential expertis to become political representants? In my study I want to answer those questions and further analyse how the public reacts to the rhetoric of celebrity politicians. I have therefore analysed Emma Watson’s speech where she launched the UN-based ”HeforShe-campa

Emergency Housing Programme in South Africa: The Symphony Way Temporary Relocation Area in Delft

The City of Cape Town has used and, continues to use, the Temporary Relocation Areas as a tool to tackle homelessness and poor housing. Relocation is nothing new in South Africa, but the use of Temporary Relocation Areas represents a shift in how the state attempts to fulfil their constitutional obligations to realize the right to adequate housing for all, with unclear long-term implications. Temp

The image of Diaspora in development - A study on three Scandinavian development NGOs collaboration with the Somali Diaspora

Diasporas potential to spur development have in the recent decade been discovered in the development industry along with the proliferation of the migration and development nexus. An increasing amount of Diaspora programmes within migrant’s host countries’ development non-governmental organisations (NGOs) have been initiated. The Diaspora programmes in Denmark, Norway and Sweden NGOs let the Somali

The Resource Curse on a Micro Level: A Case Study of Mining in Malawi

The scramble for Africa’s natural resources has never been more prominent. Rather than contributing to development through means of mineral rents, countries such as Malawi appear to be suffering as result of increased investment from multinational mining corporations. Also known as the resource curse, Malawi’s high natural resource endowment is hurting its citizens, rather than benefitting them. W

Ungerns bäst bevarade kärlekshistoria?

Denna uppsats undersöker huruvida Jobbiks valmanifest från 2010 är fascistiskt utifrån Roger Griffins teori om fascism. Jag kommer i uppsatsen att analysera Jobbiks valmanifest för att se hur bra innehållet överensstämmer med Griffins teoretiska perspektiv och på så sätt avgöra om manifestet är fascistiskt eller ej. Det som är grunden i Roger Griffins teori om fascism är en ultranationalism som är

Komma igång med ArchiCAD - en handbok för nybörjare

Under vår utbildningstid på LTH har vi fått obligatorisk undervisning i AutoCAD medan undervisning i ArchiCAD varit valbar. Ett problem för de studenter som velat förkovra sig i ArchiCAD har varit att det på LTH inte funnits litteratur till ArchiCAD. Det har gjort att de studenter som velat komma igång på egen hand med ArchiCAD fått svårigheter med detta. Handbokens syfte är att hjälpa andra perso