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Inverse scattering problem on the half line and positon solutions of the KdV equation

The inverse scattering problem for the Schrodinger operator on the half-line is studied for potentials of positon type with long range oscillating tails at infinity. The inverse problem can be solved for the scattering matrices with arbitrary finite phase shift. Solution of the inverse problem is unique if the following scattering data are given: scattering matrix, energies of the bound states and

Disturbed cholesterol homeostasis in hormone-sensitive lipase null mice.

Transcriptomics analysis revealed that genes involved in hepatic de novo cholesterol synthesis were down-regulated in fed HSL-null mice that had been on high-fat diet (HFD) for 6 months. This finding prompted a further analysis of cholesterol metabolism in HSL-null mice, which was performed in fed and 16-h fasted mice on a normal chow diet (ND) or a HFD regimen. Plasma cholesterol was elevated in

On the distribution of the number of computations in any finite number of subtrees for the stack algorithm

Multitype branching processes have been employed to determine the stack algorithm computational distribution for one subtree. These results are extended here to the distribution of the number of computations in any finite number of subtrees. Starting from the computational distribution forK-1subsequent subtrees, a recurrent equation for the distribution forKsubsequent subtrees is determined.

On microchannel acoustophoresis - Experimental considerations and life science applications

Popular Abstract in Swedish Denna avhandling handlar om akustofores, dvs. om hur ultraljud kan användas för separation av celler och mikroskopiska partiklar i en ytterst smal flödeskanal. Separationen kan handla om att man vill separera en typ av celler från en annan, som till exempel när man letar efter s.k. cirkulerande tumörceller i blodprover från cancerpatienter. I ett annat fall så vill man This thesis presents experimental studies of microchannel acoustophoresis, a technique for manipulation of microscopic objects in suspension by means of acoustic radiation forces induced by ultrasonic standing wave fields. By arranging an acoustic resonance across the width of a microchannel, the path of individual cells or microparticles can be deflected orthogonally to the fluid flow. The prop

Open chromatin and diabetes risk.

A new study has identified a large number of open chromatin regions harboring active regulatory elements in human pancreatic islets. A type 2 diabetes-associated SNP in TCF7L2 was found to be located in a region of allele-specific open chromatin and shows allele-specific enhancer activity, suggesting a potential mechanism for this disease association.

När engelskan tog kommandot i skolan

Artikeln diskuterar när, hur och varför engelska språket blev första främmande språk i den svenska realskolan på bekostnad av det tyska språket. Kulturdebatt, utredningsmaterial och riksdagstryck används för att visa på den komplexa frågans hantering.

Residual force enhancement after stretch in striated muscle. A consequence of increased myofilament overlap?

When skeletal muscle is stretched above optimal sarcomere length during tetanic activity there is an increase in force that stays above the isometric force level throughout the activity period. This long-lasting increase in contractile force, generally referred to as "residual force enhancement after stretch" (Fresid), has been studied in great detail in various muscle preparations over more than