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The mid-Ordovician Osmussaar breccia in Estonia linked to the disruption of the L-chondrite parent body in the asteroid belt

The Middle Ordovician (466 Ma) Osmussaar breccia, situated along the northwestern coast of Estonia, is rich in angular chromite grains of extraterrestrial origin (>13 grains kg(-1)) and shocked quartz. The angularity of the chromite grains implies that they have not been transported or reworked to any large extent, connoting that the brecciation is the result of a contemporary impactor, either as

Magic at the marketplace: Choice blindness for the taste of jam and the smell of tea.

We set up a tasting venue at a local supermarket and invited passerby shoppers to sample two different varieties of jam and tea, and to decide which alternative in each pair they preferred the most. Immediately after the participants had made their choice, we asked them to again sample the chosen alternative, and to verbally explain why they chose the way they did. At this point we secretly switch

End-tagging of ultra-short antimicrobial peptides by W/F stretches to facilitate bacterial killing.

BACKGROUND: Due to increasing resistance development among bacteria, antimicrobial peptides (AMPs), are receiving increased attention. Ideally, AMP should display high bactericidal potency, but low toxicity against (human) eukaryotic cells. Additionally, short and proteolytically stable AMPs are desired to maximize bioavailability and therapeutic versatility. METHODOLOGY AND PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: A

Is there a demand for physical activity interventions provided by the health care sector? Findings from a population survey

Background: Health care providers in many countries have delivered interventions to improve physical activity levels among their patients. Thus far, less is known about the population's interest to increase their physical activity levels and their opinion about the health care provider's role in physical activity promotion. The aims of this paper were to investigate the self-reported physical acti

High-Throughput Monitoring of Human Papillomavirus Type Distribution

Background: There is a need for a rapid and cost-effective evaluation of the effects of different human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccination strategies. Sexually active adolescents are a preferred target group for monitoring, as effects on HPV prevalence would be measurable shortly after implementation of vaccination programs. Methods: The Swedish Chlamydia trachomatis testing program offers free Chla

In vivo magnetomotive ultrasound imaging of rat lymph nodes - a pilot study

The drive to gain a better understanding of how diseases arise and how to provide ever-earlier detection are some of the key factors for the development of molecular imaging. Compared to other imaging modalities ultrasound has not received the same attention for molecular imaging mainly due to its limited contrast resolution, together with contrast agents confined to the intravascular space. To ov

Pulse transmission using leaky lens antenna and RTD-MOSFET wavelet generator

A leaky lens antenna system for short pulse applications is designed, fabricated and characterized. The antenna has very good phase center stability over large bandwidths. The leaky lens antenna is connected to an in-house wavelet generator to transmit 100 ps pulses centered at 57.5 GHz. It is shown that the antenna preserves the reference pulse shape and has very low dispersion.

Competence integration in creative processes

Research on creativity focuses extensively on it as a personal skill or discusses how an organization can contribute to a creative environment for its staff. Rather than referring to the organization as the environment, this paper concerns interorganizational and intraorganizational interaction between different creative individuals who together shape the creative process and output. Specifically,

Transfer analysis of 210Po and 210Pb in the terrestrial environment

The transfer of 210Po and 210Pb between various compartments in the terrestrial environment has been analysed by using various published data. The average activity concentration of 210Po in soil is 61 ± 14 d.w. with a median (50%) value of 44 d.w. Ground water concentrations of 210Po in drilled wells might be as high as 6.5 Bq/l. But in regular drinking water it is just about 3-5

In Search of the Via Media between Christ and Marx: A Study of Bishop Ding Guangxun's Contextual Theology

This dissertation is the first academic treatment and systematic analysis on the theology of Bishop Ding Guangxun (K.H. Ding) who is an internationally- renowned Christian leader of the Chinese Protestant Church in contemporary China. It seeks to explore the development of Bishop Ding’s contextual theology with special emphasis on his political theology of accommodation and cultural indigenization

Are lifestyle interventions in primary care cost-effective? - an analysis based on a markov model, differences-in-differences approach and the Swedish björknäs study.

Lifestyle interventions affect patients' risk factors for metabolic syndrome (MeSy), a pre-stage to cardiovascular diseases, diabetes and related complications. An effective lifestyle intervention is the Swedish Björknäs intervention, a 3-year randomized controlled trial in primary care for MeSy patients. To include future disease-related cost and health consequences in a cost-effectiveness analys

The interaction between baseline trait anxiety and trauma exposure as predictor of post-trauma symptoms of anxiety and insomnia.

In this study a prospective design was used to investigate the interaction between baseline trait anxiety and exposure to traumatic situations on post-trauma symptoms of anxiety and insomnia in a sample of Swedish peacekeeping soldiers serving in Kosovo. The result showed that pre-trauma trait anxiety interacted with exposure to traumatic situations predicting a higher post-trauma distress. Furthe

Analytical modelling of hysteresis heating in rolling contact of rubber covered rollers

In a previous paper, an approximate model for the contact between a rubber covered roller and a rigid roller was developed as analytical functional relationships connecting geometric parameters and material properties of the rubber to nip properties such as maximum contact pressure, etc. in a two-dimensional relationship. The results from that development are used in this work, with the objective

Discussion of "Measurements of sheet flow transport in acceleration-skewed oscillatory flow and comparison with practical formulations" by DA van der A, T. O'Donoghue and JS Ribberink

The authors present a very interesting data set on the acceleration effects on sheet flow transport and compare their experimental results with different transport practical formulas. However, they omit some previous work by Camenen and Larson (2007) that we would like to bring to the authors' attention. A more extensive discussion on some aspects of the acceleration effects is also lacking in the

On the calculation of the structure of charge-stabilized colloidal dispersions using density-dependent potentials

The structure of charge-stabilized colloidal dispersions has been studied through a one-component model using a Yukawa potential with density-dependent parameters examined with integral equation theory and Monte Carlo simulations. Partial thermodynamic consistency was guaranteed by considering the osmotic pressure of the dispersion from the approximate mean-field renormalized jellium and Poisson-B

Multiplicity dependence of pion, kaon, proton and lambda production in p-Pb collisions at root s(NN)=5.02 TeV

In this Letter, comprehensive results on pi(+/-), K-+/-, K-S(0), p((p) over bar) and A((A) over bar) production at mid-rapidity (0 < y(CMS) < 0.5) in p-Pb collisions at root s(NN) = 5.02 TeV, measured by the ALICE detector at the LHC, are reported. The transverse momentum distributions exhibit a hardening as a function of event multiplicity, which is stronger for heavier particles. This behavior i