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A Novel Approach For Gas Turbine Condition Monitoring Combining Cusum Technique And Artificial Neural Network

Investigation of a novel condition monitoring approach, combining artificial neural network (ANN) with a sequential analysis technique, has been reported in this paper. For this purpose operational data from a Siemens SGT600 gas turbine has been employed for the training of an ANN model. This ANN model is subsequently used for the prediction of performance parameters of the gas turbine. Simulated

Improving Cloud Service Resilience using Brownout-Aware Load-Balancing

We focus on improving resilience of cloud services (e.g., e-commerce website), when correlated or cascading failures lead to computing capacity shortage. We study how to extend the classical cloud service architecture composed of a load-balancer and replicas with a recently proposed self-adaptive paradigm called brownout. Such services are able to reduce their capacity requirements by degrading us

Reforming the Fiscal Framework. The Case of Sweden 1973-2013

This paper explores the evolution of Swedish fiscal policy from one extreme approach to another one in less than four decades. After the demise of the Bretton Woodssystem in the early 1970s, Swedish fiscal policy was based on a Keynesian approach with the goal to stabilize the business cycle and maintain full employment using a large set of instruments in a discretionary manner. In the wake of the

Biomass in a Sustainable Energy System

Popular Abstract in Swedish Användningen av fossila bränslen såsom kol, olja och naturgas svarar för mer än 70% av dagens globala utsläpp av koldioxid vilket är det största antropogena bidraget till växthuseffekten. Energieffektivisering och en ökad användning av förnybara energislag, t ex bioenergi, är två nyckelstrategier för att minska utsläppen av växthusgaser. Ett ökat utnytttjande av bioenerThe increased use of biomass for energy is as a key strategy in reducing carbon dioxide (CO2) emission, which represents the largest anthropogenic contribution to the greenhouse effect. In this thesis, aspects of an increase in the utilisation of biomass in the Swedish energy system are treated. Modern bioenergy systems should be based on high energy and land-use efficiency since biomass resource

Physiological and clinical aspects of change in microvascular permeability

Popular Abstract in Swedish Fysiologiska och kliniska aspekter på förändrad kapillärpermeabilitet Graden av genomsläpplighet (permeabilitet) i de minsta blodkärlen (kapillärerna), där utbytet av näringsämnen och slaggprodukter sker, är avgörande för att kroppens celler skall fungera. I den svåraste fasen av sjukdomar såsom blodförgiftning (sepsis) och efter trauma är permeabiliteten ökad varvid plMicrovascular permeability is important for exchange of fluids and proteins in health and in disease. Permeability increases in critical illness, such as during sepsis/SIRS and after trauma, and may be affected by drugs. Increased permeability causes oedema and hypovolaemia. Hypovolaemia is treated with fluids, and their efficacy is determined by their intravascular retention, also influenced by t

Multiple window decomposition of time-frequency kernels using a penalty function for suppressed sidelobes

This paper presents multiple windows with suppressed side-lobes that approximate a time-frequency kernel. The multiple windows are given from the eigenvalue decomposition of the time-lag kernel. By using a penalty matrix both in time- and frequency domain and solving a generalized eigenvalue problem, the multiple windows are achieved. Examples are given and the resulting sidelobe suppression and t

Towards Efficient Call Admission Control Criterion for State-Dependent Routing in Multirate Networks

We consider a link serving multiple service classes. We evaluate the properties of the link admission control policies that are obtained from an efficient scheme proposed by Krishnan and Hubner (1997). The Krishnan and Hubner approach suggests efficient calculations of state-dependent routing criteria for multi-rate networks through state-space aggregation. Through simple examples we show that it