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The Development and Inclusion of Questions on Surgery in the 2018 Zambia Demographic and Health Survey

Background: While primary data on the unmet need for surgery in low- and middle-income countries is lacking, household surveys could provide an entry point to collect such data. We describe the first development and inclusion of questions on surgery in a nationally representative Demographic and Health Survey (DHS) in Zambia. Method: Questions regarding surgical conditions were developed through a

Analysis of enhanced turbulent heat transfer in a sharp turn channel having novel designed endwall with longitudinal vortex generator

This work provides a new method to enhance endwall heat transfer of a sharp turn channel. Several longitudinal vortex generators (LVGs) at various spacing and aspect ratio are placed in parallel on the inner side of endwall in a sharp turn channel. Liquid crystal thermography, pressure difference measurements, and a statistical method are applied to analyze the thermal behavior, friction factor, a

Is road-side fishpond water in Bangladesh safe for human use? An assessment using water quality indices

Pond water is used in everyday life by many people in Bangladesh, however, without sufficient and reliable information regarding water quality and pollution status. For this reason, geospatial analysis and mapping of water quality indices such as metal (MI), contamination (Cd), and physicochemical water quality index (WQI) were assessed to improve the understanding of potential pollution sources.

1H detection and dynamic nuclear polarization–enhanced NMR of Aβ1-42 fibrils

Several publications describing high-resolution structures of amyloid-β (Aβ) and other fibrils have demonstrated that magic-angle spinning (MAS) NMR spectroscopy is an ideal tool for studying amyloids at atomic resolution. Nonetheless, MAS NMR suffers from low sensitivity, requiring relatively large amounts of samples and extensive signal acquisition periods, which in turn limits the questions tha

Difference in Performance of EPI Pigs Fed Either Lipase-Predigested or Creon®-Supplemented Semielemental Diet

Pancreatic enzyme replacement therapy (PERT) and fat predigestion are key in ensuring the optimal growth of patients with cystic fibrosis. Our study attempted to highlight differences between fat predigestion and conventional PERT on body composition of young pigs with exocrine pancreatic insufficiency (EPI). EPI and healthy pigs were fed with high-fat diet for six weeks. During the last two weeks

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Similarly to many OECD countries, repair has been replaced by purchasing of alternatives which has accrelated production and accompanying environmental impacts. With the re-recognition of the necessity of closure of material loops repair has been receiving renewed policy attention, both at the EU and Swedish level. There are also initiatives such as repair cafe that seek to equip citizens with too

Higher Nakayama algebras I : Construction

We introduce higher dimensional analogues of the Nakayama algebras from the viewpoint of Iyama's higher Auslander–Reiten theory. More precisely, for each Nakayama algebra A and each positive integer d, we construct a finite dimensional algebra A(d) having a distinguished d-cluster-tilting -module whose endomorphism algebra is a higher dimensional analogue of the Auslander algebra of A. We also con

Not Just Being Lifted : Infants are Sensitive to Delay During a Pick-Up Routine

In the present study we observed whether infants show online adjustments to the mother’s incipient action by looking at their sensitivity to changes as the pick-up unfolded. Twenty-three 3-month-old infants and their mothers were observed in the lab, where mothers were instructed (1) to pick-up their infants as they usually did (normal pick-up), and then (2) to delay the pick-up for 6 s after plac

Warming and Increased Respiration Have Transformed an Alpine Steppe Ecosystem on the Tibetan Plateau From a Carbon Dioxide Sink Into a Source

Cold region ecosystems store vast amounts of soil organic carbon (C), which upon warming and decomposition can affect the C balance and potentially change these ecosystems from C sinks to carbon dioxide (CO2) sources. We quantified the decadal year-round CO2 flux from an alpine steppe-ecosystem on the Tibetan Plateau using eddy covariance and automatic chamber approaches during a period of signifi

Periodic Nanoarray of Graphene pn-Junctions on Silicon Carbide Obtained by Hydrogen Intercalation

Graphene pn-junctions offer a rich portfolio of intriguing physical phenomena. They stand as the potential building blocks for a broad spectrum of future technologies, ranging from electronic lenses analogous to metamaterials in optics, to high-performance photodetectors important for a variety of optoelectronic applications. The production of graphene pn-junctions and their precise structuring at

SPIRE—a software tool for bicontinuous phase recognition : application for plastid cubic membranes

Bicontinuous membranes in cell organelles epitomize nature’s ability to create complex functional nanostructures. Like their synthetic counterparts, these membranes are characterized by continuous membrane sheets draped onto topologically complex saddle-shaped surfaces with a periodic network-like structure. Their structure sizes, (around 50–500 nm), and fluid nature make transmission electron mic