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Your search for "*" yielded 530128 hits

Determinants of terrestrial ecosystem carbon balance inferred from European eddy covariance flux sites

Pioneering work in the last century has resulted in a widely accepted paradigm that primary production is strongly positively related to temperature and water availability such that the northern hemispheric forest carbon sink may increase under conditions of global warming. However, the terrestrial carbon sink at the ecosystem level (i.e. net ecosystem productivity, NEP) depends on the net balance

Adaptation of Multi-Segmented Body Movements during Vibratory Proprioceptive and Galvanic Vestibular Stimulation.

Control of orthograde posture and use of adaptive adjustments constitutes essential topics of human movement control, both in maintenance of static posture and in ensuring body stability during locomotion. The objective was to investigate, in twelve normal subjects, how head, shoulder, hip and knee movements and torques induced towards the support surface were affected by vibratory proprioceptive

Structure-acoustic analysis; finite element modelling and reduction methods

Popular Abstract in Swedish Avhandlingen behandlar finita element analys av det kopplade problemet bestående av en akustisk fluid innesluten av en flexibel struktur. Det studerade problemområdet kan också innehålla poröst ljudabsorberande material. Denna analys kan appliceras på flera olika ingenjörsproblem, till exempel vid bestäming av ljud nivån i ett fordon på grund av motorns vibrationer ellThis thesis investigates structure-acoustic systems by use of finite element analysis. The systems studied here are limited to those that consist of an enclosed acoustic fluid cavity, which is coupled to a flexible structure and/or a porous sound absorbing material domain. This type of analysis is applicable to a wide range of engineering problems, for example, studying the interior noise in a ve

Cultural and linguistic influence on brain organization for language and possible consequences for dyslexia: a review.

Current neuroimaging and neurophysiologic techniques have substantially increased our possibilities to study processes related to various language functions in the intact human brain. Learning to read and write influences the functional organization of the brain. What is universal and what is specific in the languages of the world are important issues. Most studies on healthy bilinguals indicate t

Novel synthetic phytochelatin-based capacitive biosensor for heavy metal ion detection

A novel capacitance biosensor based on synthetic phytochelatins for sensitive detection of heavy metals is described. Synthetic phytochelatin (Glu-Cys)20Gly (EC20) fused to the maltose binding domain protein was expressed in Escherichia coli and purified for construction of the biosensor. The new biosensor was able to detect Hg2+, Cd2+, Pb2+, Cu2+ and Zn2+ ions in concentration range of 100 fM–10

Searches for neutral Higgs bosons in e(+)e(-), collisions from root s=191.6 to 201.7 GeV

Neutral Higgs bosons of the Standard Model (SM) and the Minimal Supersymmetric Standard Model (MSSM) were searched for in the data collected in 1999 by the DELPHI experiment at centre-of-mass energies between 191.6 and 201.7 GeV with a total integrated luminosity of 228 pb(-1). These analyses, in combination with our results at lower energies, set 95% confidence level lower mass bounds on the Stan

Multifactorial risk profile for bone fractures in primary hyperparathyroidism

Primary hyperparathyroidism (pHPT) is associated with an increased fracture risk, and decreased bone density thus has been considered an indication for surgery. However, many pHPT patients have a multifactorial risk profile for osteoporosis and bone fractures. The aim of the present study was to evaluate variables associated with fracture risk within the group of pHPT patients. A series of 203 con

Het höst i Europa

Danmarks prioritering av EU-utvidgningen under ordförandeskapet i EU:s ministerråd.

Vertical distribution of major, minor, and rare elements in a Haplic Podzol

Total and 0.2 M HCl-soluble concentrations of 44 mineral elements were studied in four profiles (0-110 cm) of a Haplic Podzol, developed from a 13,000-14,000-year-old quartzite-gneiss moraine deposit in south Sweden. Depending on element and soil fraction of the element considered, concentration maxima occurred in different horizons in the soil. The E horizon was impoverished in HCl-soluble fracti

Percutaneous transluminal renal angioplasty (PTRA) and surgical revascularisation in renovascular disease - A retrospective comparison of results, complications, and mortality

Objective. To evaluate results, complications and mortality following percutaneous transluminal renal angioplasty (PTRA) and open surgical revascularisation for renovascular disease. Methods. A retrospective evaluation of 381 renovascular patients (median age 64, range 9-99 years, 152 women) treated at Malmo University Hospital during 1987-1996. Two hundred and sixty-two (69%) of the patients were

Interventions in adult children and spouses of alcoholics. Randomized controlled trials of mental health and drinking patterns.

Popular Abstract in Swedish POPULÄRVETENSKAPLIG SAMMANFATTNING För varje person som har problem med alkohol berör's i genomsnitt minst ytterligare en person. Under de senaste två decennierna har medvetenheten och kunskapen om de anhöriga's situation och hur de känslomässigt kan påverka's av ett långvarigt alkoholproblem ökat. Den stres's alkoholproblemet skapar påverkar den anhörige's samspel mRandomized studies of various support programs for spouses and children of alcoholics are few in the international literature. This thesis comprises two randomized controlled studies of intervention programs for two family groups: spouses living with an alcoholics partner (paper I and II) and university students who have grown up with at least one parents with alcohol problems (paper III and IV).

Development of a combined solid-phase extraction-supercritical fluid extraction procedure for the determination of polychlorinated biphenyls in wastewater

A combined solid-phase extraction (SPE)-supercritical fluid extraction (SFE) procedure was developed for the analysis of polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) in wastewater. The importance of cleaning and drying the filters and SPE-disks prior to eluting PCBs with SFE was studied, leading to improved recoveries for all congeners investigated. The average PCB recovery of the final procedure, at a concen

Effectiveness of a light-weight ice-vest for body cooling in fire figther´s work

The aim of the present study was to examine the effects of wearing a light-weight ice-vest (1 kg, water) on physiological and subjective responses in fire fighter’s work. The experiments were carried out in a climatic chamber, in a container under extreme radiant heat, and during simulated smoke-diving. In addition, the physical cooling effect of the ice-vest was measured with a thermal mannequin.

Production and characterization of cassava (Manihot esculenta crantz) flours using different thermal treatments

The aim of this study was to produce flours from the edible portion of cassava (Manihot esculenta Crantz) roots, treat them by heat in different forms (normal and pressure cooking, in limited and excess water conditions, and in the presence or absence of NaCl) and characterize them in their chemical composition, physical and functional properties. The flour preparation procedure affected both the