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Makt, inramningar och kognitiva effekter - till förståelsen av makten över tanken

This thesis attempts to develop the understanding of the relation between the concepts of power, communication and cognitive effects. In his analysis, theorist Steven Lukes suggests a “third dimension of power” focusing on power as a means of alterning the ideas and wishes of individuals through influencing perception and cognitive effects – in his view, the most powerful concept of power. This re

Politisk aktivism utan gränser

In a world where we can find and do almost anything online, social sciences are obliged to look to online activities as a way of describing how we live our lives. One of the most fascinating things is the emergence of online political activism. The author develops existing theories on hacktivism, digitally correct hacktivism and tries to broaden and problematize these concepts. The reasoning revol

Deconstructing the civilization history

This study is aimed at qualitatively and empirically questioning the established notion of a world based on civilizations. The study will take its stance in two fundamentally different theories within the Civilization Paradigm, The Clash of Civilizations by Samuel Huntington and The Clash Within Civilizations by Dieter Senghaas, and respectively compare these in relation to the empirical data cons

Democratic State-Building in Pakistan and Taiwan

This paper is an attempt to marry the focus on democracy from the study of democratization with the long-term examination of state-formation from the study of the state. The overarching purpose of this marriage is to begin to sketch an answer to how successful democratic states are formed. ‘Third wave’ Pakistan and Taiwan are compared using a common foundations paired comparison with the research

Pornography - a Social Norm : a Human Rights Approach to Reflections on the Indonesian Pornography Legislation of Women in Prostitution

The pornography legislation in Indonesia does not only present criteria for limiting pornographic images and motion pictures, it also prohibits movements and sounds considered to contain pornographic content. The purpose of this study is to shed light upon six Indonesian women in prostitution’s reflections on what the term ‘pornography’ means to them, the pornography legislation and the normative

Vill du leka krig? Hur IDF rekryterar israeliska barn till den israeliska reguljära armén

The purpose of this paper is to determine how Israeli children are recruited as soldiers or to serve with similar duties with the Israeli Defence Forces (IDF). The paper will also address the complications that occur when children are being recruited/prepared for the IDF in early childhood in relation to the CRC (Convention on the Rights of the Children). Israeli children are from their earliest s

Pilotskydd vid brand - utredning och utveckling

n this report the pilot safety, in case of an accident where an aircraft overturns and catches fire on landing, is evaluated. Laboratory tests and full scale tests have been carried out. Results from the tests, computer simulations and theories are discussed and compared. Suggestions for improvement are presented.

Fördjupad insatsplanering för nivå 775, Kirunagruvan

Working out an advanced operational plan for the 775-level of the Kiruna mine, using CFD-simulations and calculations. The advanced operational plan includes for example instructions on how to control the ventilation depending on where the fire is located. The report also investigates different, proposed fire protection measures for the level.

Systematiskt brandskyddsarbete i V-huset

This report contains identification of fire-hazards and development of fire-protection management-system in a university-building in Lund, Sweden. The identification of hazards has been done by comparing the technical fire-protection measures in the building to standards used in projecting new buildings today. Also observations for hazards within the actvities in the building has been made. The do

Hur använder personer med ett självskadebeteende de sociala forumen på Internet?

How do people with a self-injury use the social forums on the Internet? The increasing use of Internet has contributed to the opening of new "worlds" where people with a certain problem can create and / or find communities which focus on their specific needs. The aim of our study was to examine how people with self-injurious behaviour interact with each other on the Internet. We conduct

Role of endoglycosidases in carbohydrate utilization in group A Streptococcus and Enterococcus faecalis

Popular science summary: Do bacteria survive in humans by eating the defense molecules during the course of infection? Enterococcus faecalis (E. faecalis) is a pathogen that can be found in the human gut which causes a wide range of infections including urinary tract infections, cardiovascular infections and bacteremia (presence of bacterial cells in blood stream). These bacteria can also be fou

Behandlingsresultat av radioterapi och laserterapi hos patienter med tidig glottisk cancer En retrospektiv journalstudie 1998 – 2010 vid Skånes universitetssjukhus

Såväl radioterapi (RT) som laserterapi/kirurgi (LT) används med framgång som primärbehandling för tidig glottisk larynxcancer men vilken metod som föredras varierar mellan olika kliniker runtom i världen. Evidensbaserad forskning och konsensus saknas. Mellan 1998 och 2010 har 369 patienter insjuknat i larynxcancer i Södra sjukvårdsregionen och finns registrerade vid Skånes universitetssjukhus (SUS

Utrymningshiss som utrymningsväg – En analys av möjligheten att använda hissar vid utrymningsdimensionering

Elevators has for a long period of time been regarded as unsafe to use as a means of egress. This is an opinion that has shifted in the last couple of years as technical solutions has been found to the initial problems when using elevators as an escape route. This report investigates the possibility to replace a staircase with emergency elevators as a means of egress in a buildning. The report als

Hållbar mat En genomgång av utvalda livsmedelsgrupper för att stimulera hållbar utveckling

Nyckelord: Hållbar utveckling, hållbar mat, ekologisk produktion, jordbruk, LCA, miljö- och klimatsmart mat, Sveriges miljömål Problem: Den globala livsmedelsproduktionen ansvarar för en relativt stor del av världens totala miljöpåverkan. En hållbar utveckling behövs och inte minst en hållbar produktion och konsumtion av mat. Studien tar ett grepp genom att med fokus på hållbar utveckling, tolka bProblem: The environmental impact from food production accounts for a relatively high percentage of the world’s environmental impacts. We need a sustainable development, not least a sustainable production and consumption of food. The study focuses on the concept of sustainable food through a comprehensive approach. Furthermore, the study embraces different impacts food creates on the climate and e

Trademark as a legitimate barrier in trade

The relationship between Intellectual Property (IP), free movement of goods and competition law has always been complex. While IP safeguards an exclusive right that is territorial, the free movement of goods and competition principles aim to have free competition on the market and at first sight, they seem to be in conflict. Trademark rights works as a legitimate barrier for market entry and has t

Järnväg på bank eller bro över lös jord? Vilket alternativ är mest ekonomiskt ur ett underhållsperspektiv?

Över kohesionsjord används ofta bankpålning och påldäck som stabilisering av jorden. Ovanpå dessa anläggs vanligtvis traditionell bank för spårtrafik. Om pålningen är omfattande, kan det då vara lönsamt att endast påla korta sträckor och anlägga bro ovanpå? Eller är det trots allt mer ekonomiskt att påla hela stäckan och anlägga bank? Ur ett underhållsperspektiv kanske brokonstruktionen kan vara e

¿Quién causa tanta alegría? - Vem orsakar så mycket glädje?

This essay studies the role of Mary, Jesus' mother, among women in Nicaragua. The aim is to investigate how Mary is present in the Nicaraguan feast la Purísima and how that relates to Mary in everyday life. Doing so, the research intends to contribute to the research about Mary in the Latin American context. Originally, the celebration of the feast started in the Eastern Church in the 7th cent