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Trends and cycles in regional economic growth. How spatial differences formed the Swedish growth experience 1860-2009
Den svenska cement- och kalkindustrin - konsekvenser av EU:s system för handel med utsläppsrätter
Ritual Meaning
Death rituals in contemporary Sweden.
Inference for Non-linear Diffusions and Jump-Diffusions: A Monte Carlo EM approach
We propose a simple, general and computationally efficient algorithm for maximum likelihood estima- tion (MLE) of parameters in diffusion and jump-diffusion processes. This is conducted within a Monte Carlo EM-algorithm, where the smoothing distribution is computed using resampling. The results are encouraging as we can approximate the MLE well for the models studied when using simulated data. We
Dagligvaruhandelns egna märkesvaror – konsekvenser och utvecklingstendenser
Glaucoma Characteristics and Risk Factors - Results from Malmö Eye Survey
Popular Abstract in Swedish POPULÄRVETENSKAPLIG SAMMANFATTNING: Bakgrund Glaukom (grön starr) är en vanlig sjukdom som drabbar 1-2% av befolkningen över 40 år. Sjukdomen är smygande, symptomfattig fram till sena stadier med utbredd, irreversibel skada på synnerv och synfält, och kan obehandlat därmed leda till allvarligt synhandikapp och i värsta fall blindhet. Grön starr drabbar oftast båda ögoThis thesis is based on data from a large glaucoma screening, comprising 32, 918 elderly citizens of Malmö and data from retrospective analysis of glaucoma patients’ charts from the Eye Department of Malmö University Hospital. The definition of glaucoma was based on reproducible visual field defects and/or glaucomatous optic nerve head damage in both groups. In paper I, including screened individ
Implementation and evaluation of a binary mixture model and three-dimensional FE-analysis of water saturated soil
A binary mixture model for soils has been formulated and analyzed. In the model one of the constituents is soil and the other constituent an incompressible liquid. The effects of water are included by formulating a mixture model is formulated as an extension of an existing non-associated elasto-plastic material model for granular materials. This paper is focused on the balance of momentum equation
Hormone-Sensitive Lipase and Protein Kinase B; Molecular characterization in testis, adipose tissue and pancreatic beta cells.
Popular Abstract in Swedish Min avhandling är en s.k. sammanläggningsavhandling och innehåller fyra delarbeten (I-IV), vilka alla är publicerade i vetenskapliga tidskrifter. I delarbetena redovisas undersökningar av två enzymer, hormonkänsligt lipas (HKL) och proteinkinas B (PKB). HKL är ett sedan länge välkänt enzym, vars huvudsakliga uppgift är att spjälka fett (triglycerider) som lagras i fettcHormone-sensitive lipase (HSL) and protein kinase B (PKB) are enzymes that in different ways are associated with lipid metabolism. While HSL is the well-known lipolytic enzyme responsible for hydrolysis of stored triacylglycerols in adipose tissue, PKB is a recently identified serine/threonine protein kinase, ubiquitously expressed and involved in signal transduction pathways induced by insulin an
Tryckförhållanden i SFR-tunnelsystem vid driftstörningar
Multiple Energy-Conservation Bypasses in Oxidative Phosphorylation of Plant Mitochondria.
Neuroblastoma Cell Differentiation: The Role of Neurotrophin Receptor Signaling and N-myc Expression
Popular Abstract in Swedish Neuoroblastom är en av de tumörformer som oftast drabbar små barn. Eftersom tumörer lyckligtvis är relativt ovanliga hos barn drabbas inte fler än i genomsnitt 14 barn årligen av neuroblastom i Sverige. Tyvärr finns dock, trots den effektiva behandling som kunnat arbetas fram för många andra barncancerformer, idag ingen verksam behandling att tillgå för så många som hälNeuroblastoma is a tumor of sympathetic nervous system derivation, mostly afflicting young children. This thesis is focused on a group of receptor proteins for neurotrophic factors, the Trk family, and on N-Myc, a transcription factor, all important in the formation of the sympathetic nervous system as well as in determining neuroblastoma patient outcome. Expression of trkA and trkC is linked to f
Is the Vienna Convention hostile to drafting history? A response to Julian Davis Mortenson, part 2
AJIL Symposium contribution
German letters in the eighteenth century
Baltiska fysiker gör nu sina experiment i Lund
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Jesus and the Forgiveness of Sins : An Aspect of His Prophetic Mission
The Gospels record that Jesus purported to forgive sins. What significance would such a claim have had for his contemporaries and what would the implications have been for his identity as a first-century popular prophet? Tobias Hägerland answers these questions and more as he investigates the forgiveness of sins in the mission of the historical Jesus. The Gospels are interpreted within the context