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Låsningar & Lösningar: En intervjustudie med elever på resursskola kring problemsituationer och bemötande

Syftet med denna kvalitativa studie var att genom semistrukturerade intervjuer synliggöra elever på resursskola och deras upplevelser av problemsituationer och bemötande i en skolmiljö. Åtta elever i åldrarna 10-16 år vid två olika resursskolor i Skåne intervjuades för ändamålet. Tematisk analys användes för identifiering av teman i intervjumaterialet. Resultaten visade att problemsituationer och The aim of this qualitative study was through semi-structured interviewing to make visible students in resource school and their experiences with problem-situations and response in a school environment. Eight students aged 10-16 years at two different resource schools in the south of Sweden were interviewed for the purpose. Thematic analysis was used for identifying themes in the interview materia

"Det viktigaste är att få ledarna inom organisationerna till att samverka"

Since the late 1970s, public administrative management has increasingly been in-spired by corporate-inspired governance-models to have an effective management. The reforms came to be called New Public Management. Today modern manage-ment is facing new challenges and perhaps the New Public Leadership model may be the proper answer to these new challenges? This study examines Eslöv municipal adminis

Pawnshop of hearts? The dynamics of identification and meaning creation in a property management organization.

Title: Pawnshop of hearts? – The dynamics of identification and meaning creation in a property management organization. Submission Date: 22nd of May 2013 Course: BUSN49- Degree Project in Managing People, Knowledge and Change (Master level) Authors: Linnea Hansson and Mathilda Welin Brook Supervisors: Jens Rennstam and Stephan Schaefer Department of Business Administration School of Eco

Kriget mot terrorismen: Ett modernt säkerhetsdilemma

Denna uppsats undersöker begreppet säkerhetsdilemmat. Detta för att vi anser den gamla begreppsdefinitionen förlegad och inte applicerbar på moderna konflikter. Med en begreppsutrerande metod definerar vi säkerhetsdilemmats underliggande logik, för att på denna logik utveckla en ny definition av begreppet. Genom att applicera begreppsdefinitoner på en modern konflikt, det amerikanska kriget mot te

Margin of Error - A study of the use and misuse of polls in the Swedish media

The purpose of this thesis is to analyse how the Swedish newspapers' use of party-preference polls has changed over time. I study 246 articles published by Göteborgs-Posten, Dagens Nyheter, Aftonbladet and Expressen, and compare the time-period 1994-1996 with 2010-2012. Amongst other things, I look at the news-papers' reporting of basic statistical information in their polls, as well as th

Terroristen som slöt cirkeln - Terrorismdiskurs i DN och Aftonbladet efter bombdådet i Stockholm 2010

In this paper I examine the Swedish discourse on terrorism to be found in the Swedish newspapers Dagens Nyheter and Aftonbladet following the bombings in Stockholm 2010.The research question that the paper revolves around is: What discourse on terrorism was dominating Swedish media following the bombings in Stockholm 2010 and what discourse was the strongest challenger? Which are the discourses’ n

Sveriges demokratisering. En gammal process får en ny tolkning

In this study the Swedish democratization process is being examined with the help of three modern democratization theories. In order to find out which modern theory best can be applied to the Swedish case two Swedish books, covering the time of interest are being examined. The two books are standard works used as political-historical course literature at Swedish universities. Results show that non

Gitarr i tid och rytm: En kvalitativ studie av möjlighetsperspektiv inom gitarrmetodik

Syftet med denna studie är att identifiera verktyg för att arbeta med rytm inom gitarrundervisning. Min frågeställning är: Hur definieras och verbaliseras rytm och timing? Studiens syfte och dess huvudfråga har utmynnat i en underfråga som är: Vad påverkar utförandet av rytm i gitarrspel? Genom min frågeställning vill jag få kännedom om hur gitarrlärare och gitarrister arbetar med rytm på sitt insTitle: Guitar in time and rhythm. The purpose of this study is to identify tools for rhythm teaching in guitar education. My research question is: How is rhythm and timing defined and verbalized? The purpose of the study and the research question has resulted in a subquestion which is: What affects the practice of rhythm in guitar playing? Through my research question, I want to gain knowledge abo

Tvåornas kör: En undersökning av ett barnkörprojekt i Malmö; sociala, pedagogiska och musikaliska erfarenheter.

Tvåornas kör är en verksamhet som Kulturskolan i Malmö driver sedan hösten 2011 och som riktar sig till alla elever i årskurs två i Malmö. Tvåornas kör handlar om att eleverna ska träna in ett antal sånger med rörelser i sina respektive klasser, för att sedan framföra dessa tillsam-mans vid en konsert i Malmö Folkets park. Målet med verksamheten är: att eleverna själva ska vara aktiva genom att fåThe Second grade choir – an analysis of a children's choir project in Malmö; social, pedagogic and musical experiences. Author: Joakim Klüft The Second grade choir is a project that is running since autumn 2011, at the culture school in Malmö. It is addressed towards all pupils in second grade of primary school in Malmö. The Second grade choir is about letting pupils practice and learn a numbe

Comparative study of mouse induced pluripotent stem cells derived cardiomyocytes obtained from three different fibroblast sources

Abstract Background – The ability to generate induced pluripotent stem cells-derived cardiomyocytes (iPSC-CM) has raised much expectation for treatment of myocardial infarction as a stem cell based therapy. In the present study we aimed to evaluate the ability of iPSC-CM production in vitro from three fibroblast sources and verify if there is inter-clonal or inter-source variance. Methods and Res

Setup and performance test of a small-scale vertical axis wind turbine

The acknowledgement that mankind has a limited amount of resources in energy and a growing demand, joined with the awareness of the environmental impact of an only fuel-based electricity production have led to the expansion and democratization of renewable and green energies. The wind electricity production nowadays exists under various forms, differing one from another by their size, their mechan

Visibility and tholos tombs in the Messenian landscape : a comparative case study of the Pylian hinterlands and the Soulima Valley

This master thesis aims to investigate the visual characteristics of Late Bronze Age tholos tombs in the region of Messenia, Greece by comparing tholos tombs from two study areas: the Pylian hinterlands and the Soulima Valley. The study utilises cost surfaces and viewsheds created in a GIS-environment as heuristic devices to do so. With the common assumption that the tholos tombs were erected as v

Implementering av Lean på Migrationsverket

Syftet med denna studie är att öka kunskapen om implementeringen av Lean på Migrationsverket och vad Lean-filsofin kommit att innebära för verksamheten enligt de anställdas perspektiv. Studien ska undersöka vilka verktyg det finns inom Lean för att förbättra en offentlig verksamhet och vilken medvetenhet som ligger hos personalen på Migrationsverket kring den nya organisationsformen. En kvalitativ

Power of choice: The case of electricity generation in Austria and the Czech Republic

The main aim of this thesis is to explain the differences in the resources used for electricity generation in the Czech Republic and Austria from two different perspectives: geographical and institutional. First, geographical conditions and available domestic resources are compared, followed by an analysis of energy policy in both countries. The institutional perspective concentrates on the concep

Mamma och pappa i fängelse - barns berättelser. Om barns möjligheter att utveckla en trygg anknytning.

Barn har ett grundläggande behov av en förälder, en anknytningsperson, som är tillgänglig för barnet och ser till barnets behov (Bowlby, 1994). När föräldern placeras i anstalt kommer relationen mellan barn och föräldrar att ta plats inom en ram av regelverk och lagar utformade av samhället. Syftet med den här studien var att undersöka hur barns relation/anknytning till sin förälder påverkas av atChildren have a basic need of a parent, attachment figure, who is accessible to the child and ensure the child's needs (Bowlby, 1994). When a parent is incarcerated, the relationship between children and parents takes place within a framework of rules and laws designed by society. The aim of this study was to examine how children's relationship/attachment to the parent is affected by the f

Framställningen av män och kvinnor i media - En analys av tidskrifterna King och Solo

Men and women in media - an analysis of the magazines King och Solo The purpose of the study was to analyze how men and women are portrayed in media. Specifically how the magazine King portrays men and how the magazine Solo portrays women. The similarities and differences have been identified and analyzed. To be able to compare the two magazines they have been analyzed through text analysis and d

Strength and Creep Analysis of Glued Rubber Foil Timber Joints

In this master’s thesis, the possibility of increasing the load bearing capacity of glued timber joints by the use of a rubber foil was investigated. A rubber foil is believed to ensure a more uniform distribution of stresses and thereby greater load bearing capacity. The work within this master’s thesis consisted of developing material models for rubber based on experimental tests in order to en

Polens abortlagstiftning: en intersektionell studie av den legalt (o)tillgängliga aborten i Polen

This paper is about the legal access of abortion for women in Poland. The 1993 ban on abortion has resulted in a nearly total elimination of the abortion services contributed to women within the public health care system. Furthermore, the availablity of contraceptives is limited. Doctors unwilling to help and a stigmatisation of abortion has created a dangerous environment for those who cannot aff