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Mental beredskap för musikelever

Titel: Mental beredskap för musikelever - Vad säger musiklärare om hur de arbetar med mental träning i sin undervisning. Studiens syfte är att belysa vad musiklärare säger om hur de använder mental träning i sin undervisning. Studien lyfter, genom kvalitativa intervjuer med fyra lärare som undervisar i musik och mental träning, fram dessa lärares tankar. Resultaten visar att lärarna upplever att Title: Mental preparedness for music pupils – what do music teachers say about how they work with mental training in their teaching? The purpose of this study is to see how music teachers who work with mental training and music teaching, perceive their work with mental training in their teaching. The study is based on qualitative interviews with four teachers, who teach music and mental training.

Partnerns upplevelse i samband med ett oplanerat sectio En kvalitativ intervjustudie

Problembeskrivning: Vid ett oplanerat sectio sker en separation mellan mor och barn och partnern får då ta hand om barnet. Det finns sedan tidigare forskning kring kvinnans upplevelse av denna separation. Kring partnerns upplevelse finns inte forskning i samma utsträckning. Syfte: Syftet var att belysa partnerns upplevelse i samband med sectio. Metod: En kvalitativ metod med induktiv ansats använd

Den könsneutrala lagen, en verklighet eller myt? En kvalitativ studie av domares konstruktioner av ungas socialt nedbrytande beteende

Young girls and boys in Sweden can be ordered to compulsory care by the Administrative court if they are in psychosocially problematic situations. The purpose of our paper was to analyze how the socially destructive behavior of girls and boys was constructed in verdicts made by judges at the Administrative court. With a qualitative textual analysis we analyzed what kind of acts and social situatio

Radiologiska undersökningar och dess effekter på foster - en litteraturstudie.

Bakgrund Gravida utsätts för en ökande mängd radiologiska undersökningar som kan innebära risker för foster Syftet med studien är att kartlägga fostereffekter i samband med ultraljud, MRT och röntgen undersökningar. Syftet är vidare att klargöra olika möjligheter att reducera fostereffekter. Metoden som använts är en litteraturstudie där aktuella modaliteter täcks in av tio artiklar som underlag.

Berättelser om skolans arbete med barn i missbruksmiljöer. En kvalitativ studie.

The purpose of this study was to analyze narratives of school counselors and nurses’ on how they identify children who live in abusive environments and the actions they have taken. We used a qualitative method and the study consisted of eight semistructed interviews with four school counselors and four school nurses. We have analyzed our material using Goffmans theory about the theater metaphor an

They are always talking about history, what about herstory? - En kvalitativ fallstudie av gemenskapssidan Supersnippan och dess funktion som en parallell och kontrahegemonisk diskursiv arena, på det sociala mediet Facebook

Uppsatsen behandlar Supersnippan som en del av en bredare feministisk rörelse och ämnar besvara hur denna Facebooksida fungerar som en parallell diskursiv arena, vilka strategier som används för att sprida ett feministiskt budskap, samt vilka hinder och möjligheter som Facebook erbjuder i förhållande till medielandskapet och dess politiska ekonomiska struktur. Studien är utförd med en fallstudieme

Adoption - En kvalitativ undersökning om anknytning, separation, omvårdnad och anknytningssvårigheter

Author: Emma Lundström Title: Adoption – A qualitative study about attachment, separation, caregiving and attachment difficulties Assessor: Elizabeth Martinell Barfoed The aim of this study was to illuminate adoption and attachment and the difficulties that can occur when adoptive parents and adoptive child shall make a secure attachment patterns, seen from a professional- and parents perspectiv

”En ganska klatschig formulering” - Europa 2020-strategin och "Det öppna Skåne 2030" - ett fall av europeisering?

Denna uppsats har som syfte att undersöka om det förekommer några likheter mellan Europa 2020-strategins målsättningar och innehållet i remissförslaget till Region Skånes utvecklingsstrategi “Det öppna Skåne 2030”. Detta studeras i en kontext av europeisering - en teori om att ett medlemskap i den Europeiska Unionen på olika sätt påverkar medlemsländernas politiska system. Studiens ambition är att

Platser i nationalstatens gränsland - Om asylboendet som rum och diskursiv konstruktion

This thesis examines the discursive construction of housing for asylum seekers in Sweden. Housing accommodations for asylum seekers are located within the confines of the nation state, whilst their inhabitants simultaneously are excluded from the nation state figured as political community. This illustrates the ambiguous position of stateless individuals within the international system of nations

Psykologiska och religiösa förhållningssätt samt copingstrategier hos patienter i livets slutskede, utifrån intervjuer med själavårdare och personal på hospice

Background: Life near death is difficult foremost for the patient but also for people around the dying person. Purpose: The purpose of this essay is to investigate palliative-care patients´ psychological and religious approaches and how they cope with their situation that they are dying by interviews of chaplains, pastors, priests and personnel working with dying persons at hospice. Material and m

Nyutexaminerade sjuksköterskors erfarenhet av sin första tid som sjuksköterska

Tidigare studier har visat att många sjuksköterskor upplevde att steget från sjuksköterskestudent till sjuksköterska var stort. Syftet med studien var att belysa hur nyutexaminerade sjuksköterskor erfor sin första tid som sjuksköterska. Metoden som användes var kvalitativ innehållsanalys där nio nyutexaminerade sjuksköterskor intervjuades. Tre huvudkategorier framkom efter analys av intervjuerna:

Aktiemarknadsaktörers avvikelser från avsiktsförklaringar

I samband med offentliga uppköpserbjudanden uppstår emellanåt ett behov för aktiemarknadsaktörer att göra uttalanden gentemot aktiemarknaden avseende sina avsikter. När aktiemarknadsaktören senare av olika anledningar kan behöva avvika från denna tidigare gjorda avsiktsförklaring uppstår frågan om under vilka förutsättningar en sådan avvikelse kan godtas. Uppsatsens grundläggande syfte är således During the course of a public takeover offer, the need for a stock market actor to make statements towards the market regarding their intentions occasionally arises. For various reasons, the stock market actor may at a later stage deem it necessary to diverge from this previously made statement of intention and the question of under what circumstances such a deviation is acceptable emerges. Theref

Sverigedemokraterna -En kritisk diskursanalys av hur media framställer Sverigedemokraterna

In 2010, for the first time in the history of Sweden, a party with a racist and nazi past got elected to the Swedish parliament. The media tried to stop this by not giving the party any media exposure during the election in 2010, but that didn’t stop the Swedish democrats from getting elected. Now the Swedish democrats have been in the parliament for almost four years. The purpose of this essay

Governing through freedom and control: A Foucauldian reading of citizenship and rights in EU

More than ever before the European integration project reached a point of political and economic crisis that cannot be dismissed. The main academic and political solutions presented for the crisis is to refocus on European citizens, enhance their rights and make them part of the system, a move considered to be a response to democratic deficit. The present thesis takes the discussion one step furth

Man ändrar inte åsikt bara för att man tvingas byta linje - En studie om politisk representation i praktiken

Representative democracy is the most fast growing political system in the world. The politician, however, plays various roles within his representative assignment. This paper shows that there are divergence between the representatives’ normative position and her political actions. The aim of this study is to understand what representation is and what we can expect from the representative. The main

Populism in the Media Representation of UKIP

Populism is a phenomenon gaining popularity throughout Europe and has been enhanced by the current economic crisis. The aim of this thesis is to examine the image of the United Kingdom Independence Party (UKIP) in the media and analyse whether it can be qualified as populist. I have included an overview of previous researcher on populism, in order to define it. In addition to the theories of knowl

Brothers without Arms: Explaining Iceland’s Participation in European Union CSDP Operations

A number of non-EU members – or third states – have chosen to participate in EU CSDP operations. This thesis seeks to answer why one of them, Iceland, has chosen to do so despite not being a member of the Union and not having any armed forces which are traditionally used in such activities. States have various motivations for participating in international crisis management operations and the same

Kan den nyliberala bostadspolitiska vågen rättfärdigas?

The purpose of this thesis has been to seek, by political theoretical discussion, an effective norm or standard with to evaluate three critical neoliberal reforms in recent Swedish housing policy. By discussing the theories of what the government can and should do, 6 normative principles are formed to evaluate these neoliberal reforms. The three neoliberal reforms that are evaluated is: Marketisat

Folkets röst skapar olika ekon: Det kommunala folkinitiativet

In this paper two cases of local public initiatives have been compared. The cases, taking place in municipalities outside Stockholm with political and socio-economical similarities, turned out in two very different ways. The purpose of this paper has been to find out why that was. Institutional theories combined with theories of political adaptation were used. As a source of data, a total of nine

CSR och demokratisering - En studie av H&M:s CSR-arbete

This thesis examines how Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) can be used as a tool to influence democratization and democratic norms. In a globalized world where companies nowadays can differentiate their production and sale by outsourcing their production in a country where labor is cheaper, followed by higher demands on the transnational companies set by the surroundings, however, resulted in