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Catalytic Oxidation of CO on a Curved Pt(111) Surface : Simultaneous Ignition at All Facets through a Transient CO-O Complex

The catalytic oxidation of CO on transition metals, such as Pt, is commonly viewed as a sharp transition from the CO-inhibited surface to the active metal, covered with O. However, we find that minor amounts of O are present in the CO-poisoned layer that explain why, surprisingly, CO desorbs at stepped and flat Pt crystal planes at once, regardless of the reaction conditions. Using near-ambient pr

High-Density Channels

In the future, fifth‐generation communications system (5G) is expected to provide reasonable mobile broadband experience to high‐density users in stadium, gym, shopping mall, etc. As the fundamental limitation is attributed to the propagation environments, it is essential to understand profoundly the high‐density channels, say, the propagation channel in the environments where the user density cou

Preliminära resultat och analys av del 1 av enkätundersökningen ”Coronas påverkan på arbete och resor”

Här redovisas resultat och analyser från en webbaserad enkätundersökning som i april 2020 genomförts i fem statliga myndigheter: Arbetsförmedlingen, Energimyndigheten, Naturvårdsverket, DIGG Myndigheten för digital förvaltning och Trafikverket. Undersökningen är en första del i forskningsstudien; en uppföljande, andra enkät är planerad att skickas ut när restriktionerna på arbetsplatserna har lätt

Movement of knowledge : Medical humanities perspectives on medicine, science, and experience

Medical knowledge is always in motion. It moves from the lab to the office, from a press release to a patient, from an academic journal to a civil servant s desk and then on to a policymaker. These movements matter: value judgements on the validity of certain forms of know­ledge determine the direction of clinical research, and policy decisions are taken in relation to existing knowledge.The compl

A history of sermons and carrots but no sticks - Educational policies on second foreign languages in Sweden : Educational policies on second foreign languages in Sweden

This paper is concerned with educational policies on Modern languages or second foreign languages (SFL) like French, German and Spanish in Sweden. Using a typology from policy instrument theory, colloquially phrased as sermons, carrots and sticks, the paper provides an historical overview and a discussion of policy objectives and policy instruments since 1945 with a particular focus on lower secon

Cardiovascular drug treatment, statins and biopsy-confirmed giant cell arteritis : a population-based case-control study

OBJECTIVE: To determine whether exposure to cardiovascular medications and statins is associated with increased risk of giant cell arteritis (GCA). DESIGN: The population-based case-control study comprised a cohort of patients with biopsy-confirmed GCA linked to the Swedish Prescribed Drug Register to identify all exposure to drugs prior to diagnosis of GCA. Ten controls per GCA case, matched for

Chemoenzymatic synthesis of anionic alkyl glycosides

Growing concerns for environmental issues and product safety for users have shifted research interests towards the use of renewable resources and climate-neutral processes. The enzymatic approach having high selectivity under mild reaction conditions is promising, and the nature-originating products are well accepted. Alkyl glycosides (AGs) consisting of fatty alcohol and sugar are nonionic surfac

Exploring competence and workplace learning in supply chain management

Competence in supply chain management (SCM) is a key factor for achieving superior business performance. The top 25 companies identified as having excellent competence in SCM in the annual research reports by AMR Research/Gartner have displayed substantially higher financial results than their competitors. In line with this cognizance, human resources are increasingly viewed as enablers of SCM and

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The structure of wind energy converters secures a reliable energy production. Hence an adequate reliability of the structure and additionally permanent assessment and maintenance is required. Within this paper methods for the assessment of the important damage mechanism fatigue in combination with monitoring of the fatigue reliability utilizing damage indicators are proposed. These methods compris

Deadly violence in Sweden: Profiling offenders through a latent class analysis

BackgroundSweden has in recent years witnessed increasing rates of firearm-related violence and homicide, which has contributed to increased rates of deadly violence. Attempts to profile offenders committing such crimes are of major importance, because such efforts may contribute to better preventive measures. We therefore aimed to study the characteristics of individuals convicted and/or suspecte

Ozonation of Sitagliptin : Removal Kinetics and Elucidation of Oxidative Transformation Products

Due to the increasing use and high excretion rates, high quantities of the antidiabetic drug sitagliptin (STG) enter wastewater treatment plants (WWTPs). In conventional biological treatment, only a moderate removal was achieved, and thus, STG can be detected in WWTP effluents with concentrations in the higher ng/L range. Ozonation is a widely discussed technique for advanced wastewater treatment.

Within-Family Transmission of Alcohol Use Disorder in Parent-Offspring, Sibling, and Cousin Pairs : A Contagion Model

To determine whether alcohol use disorder (AUD) is transmitted within families as predicted by contagion, we examined parent-offspring, siblings, and cousin pairs ascertained from Swedish registries with a primary case with AUD. Our outcome variable was AUD registration in at-risk secondary cases. In offspring, risks for AUD registration in the 3 years after a parental index registration residing

Culturally Optimised Nutritionally Adequate Food Baskets for Dietary Guidelines for Minimum Wage Estonian Families

Although low socioeconomic groups have the highest risk of noncommunicable diseases in Estonia, national dietary guidelines and nutrition recommendations do not consider affordability. This study aims to help develop nutritionally adequate, health-promoting, and culturally acceptable dietary guidelines at an affordable price. Three food baskets (FBs) were optimised using linear programming to meet