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Slipped capital femoral epiphysis in southern Sweden. Long-term results after femoral neck osteotomy

Opinions differ concerning the treatment of choice for severe slipped capital femoral epiphysis, probably due to the lack of long-term follow-up evaluations on the different methods of treatment. A series of 33 patients with severe slipped capital femoral epiphysis, treated per primam with wedge osteotomy of the femoral neck, were radiographically and clinically reexamined an average of 28 years (

Thrombopoietin receptor agonist (TPO-RA) treatment raises platelet counts and reduces anti-platelet antibody levels in mice with immune thrombocytopenia (ITP)

Immune thrombocytopenia (ITP) is an autoimmune bleeding disorder in which autoantibodies and/or autoreactive T cells destroy platelets and megakaryocytes in the spleen and bone marrow, respectively. Thrombopoietin receptor agonists (TPO-RA e.g. Romiplostim and Eltrombopag) have made a substantial contribution to the treatment of patients with ITP, which are refractory to first-line treatments and

Quasi One-Dimensional Metal-Semiconductor Heterostructures

The band offsets occurring at the abrupt heterointerfaces of suitable material combinations offer a powerful design tool for high performance or even new kinds of devices. Because of a large variety of applications for metal-semiconductor heterostructures and the promise of low-dimensional systems to present exceptional device characteristics, nanowire heterostructures gained particular interest o

Steady-state analysis and design of activated sludge processes including compressive settling

A simplified activated sludge process (ASP) with one substrate and one particulate biomasscomponent has been analyzed with respect to its steady states. The ASP consists of a completelystirred biological reactor and a settler. The biomass growths according to the Monod function and the decay rate is constant. In the considered one-dimensional settler model, the biomass undergoes hindered settling

Negative correlation between serum levels of homocysteine and apolipoprotein M

Background: Homocysteine (Hcy) has been suggested as an independent risk factor for atherosclerosis. Apolipoprotein M (apoM) is a constituent of the HDL particles. The goal of this study was to examine the serum levels of homocysteine and apoM and to determine whether homocysteine influences apoM synthesis. Methods: Serum levels of apoM and Hcy in 17 hyperhomocysteinemia (HHcy) patients and 19 con

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Anti-antropocentrism i poesi av Gunstein Backe, Katarina Frostenson och Ursula Andkjær Olsen

Diabetes resistance in the BB rat maps to a body weight regulator on chromosome 2

Insulin-dependent Type 1 diabetes mellitus is the most common chronic disorder in children and young adults. The genetics, etiology and pathogenesis is complicated by the apparent presence of several genetic region; that contribute to susceptibility. The genetic dissection of Type 1 autoimmune diabetes in the inbred BioBreeding (BB) rat which closely resembles the human disorder was shown to invol

GABA(A) receptor blockade inhibits Aβ fibre evoked wind-up in the arthritic rat

To clarify the mechanisms of allodynia we have examined whether 'wind- up' of nociceptive withdrawal reflexes (NWR), a phenomenon characteristic of nociceptive C fiber spinal processing, can be mimicked by stimulation of tactile Aβ fibers in monoarthritic decerebrate spinal rats. Knee joint monoarthritis was induced by carrageenan/kaolin under halothane anaesthesia 5 h before recordings. In arthri

Functional and topographical properties of field potentials evoked in rat dorsal horn by cutaneous C‐fibre stimulation.

Extracellular field potentials in the lumbosacral dorsal horn evoked by stimulation of cutaneous C fibres in the sural nerve were explored in the halothane‐anaesthetized rat. C‐fibre‐evoked field potentials were prominent in lamina II and lamina V of the dorsal horn. These potentials had a latency of 80‐130 ms and a duration of more than 200 ms. A peak in the C‐fibre‐evoked field potential, termed

Cutaneous inputs to dorsal horn neurones in adult rats treated at birth with capsaicin

Single unit electrical activity has been recorded from dorsal horn neurons in the lumbar spinal cord of adult rats which had been treated at birth with either capsaicin (50 mg kg-1) or with the solvent-vehicle only. The responses of these neurones to electrical stimulation of A- and C-fibres in the sural nerve and to natural stimulation of their cutaneous receptive fields have been studied. In veh

Actio som förkroppsligad attityd : En burkesk och multimodal metod för analys av ickeverbal kommunikation

Denna artikel presenterar en studie av attityder som visas i en medlings­situation i en svensk reality-teveserie om grannkonflikter. Syftet är att utveckla en teoretisk och metodologisk ram för retorisk analys av icke­verbala yttranden. I artikeln skisseras en teori baserad på retorikens actio och Kenneth Burkes syn på förkroppsligad attityd. Actio utforskas genom en multimodal analys, det vill sä