Konflikt och samförstånd : Arbetarhistoria idag
Introduction to a volume of collected essays from a conference on labour history in Landskrona 2009.
Introduction to a volume of collected essays from a conference on labour history in Landskrona 2009.
This paper describes a solution to the application of rapid detection of bicycles in low resolution video. In particular, the application addressed is from video recorded in a live environment. The future aim from the results in this paper is to investigate a full year of video data. Hence, processing speed is of great concern. The proposed solution involves the use of an object detector and a sea
Popular Abstract in Swedish Avhandlingen analyserar sättet på vilket religiösa utsagor förändrats för att passa det moderna samhällets uppfattningar om naturvetenskap, om främmande folks religioner och om individens möjlighet att erhålla religiösa upplevelser. Som empiriskt material används en grupp historiskt och tematiskt besläktade rörelser, från det sena artonhundratalets teosofi fram till dagThe study addresses the question of how religious creativity in the West manages to adapt to the forces of modernity. The empirical data are drawn from a set of historically and thematically related movements, from late nineteenth century theosophy to the contemporary New Age.The dissertation is divided into three main sections. The first serves as a necessary background, presenting a number of th
Juggling balls’ is a multi-player game that was developed in the form of a Java Applet. The game was developed as part of a software-engineering project. The software itself was designed for the needs of an ongoing research project. The foundation ideas and further development was drawing on a research project which focuses on visualisation in relation to individual emergence in a context of doubl
The output power of a free-electron laser (FEL) can be greatly enhanced by tapering the undulator line. In this work, a sensitivity study of a tapered FEL is presented. The study is conducted using the numerical simulation code GENESIS and a taper optimization method. Starting from a possible case for the future X-ray FEL at the MAX IV Laboratory in Lund, Sweden, a number of parameters are varied
Verification of control systems is often done using extensive simulation. This gives the engineer useful qualitative information about the system performance. However, simulation cannot be used to rigorously prove stability and robustness of the system. Such properties can only be verified using mathematical analysis which for many realistic systems becomes rather involved. This paper presents the