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Children As Eyewitnesses : Memory recall and face recognition

Popular Abstract in Swedish Den här avhandlingens syfte var att undersöka hur väl barn kan återberätta en bevittnad händelse och vid behov identifiera en misstänkt gärningsman i en ”lineup”, en vittneskonfrontation där en misstänkt tillsammans med fem personer som liknar den misstänkte presenteras på fotografier. Tre studier genomfördes. Den första studien undersökte barns förmåga att återberätta Through centuries, witnesses to crimes have played an important role for the police to get a conviction of the culprit. This dissertation examined how accurate children are as witnesses of events and when participating in lineups. In Study 1, participants were tested with free recall and focussed questions. Children aged 8-9 years, 11-12 years and adults in two experiments witnessed film events

Diffusion of the Balanced Scorecard in the Swedish Municipality Sector

This article examines the introduction of the Balanced Scorecard (BSC) among municipalities in Sweden from a diffusion perspective. The point of departure in the article is that there is a gap in our understanding concerning the diffusion of new management accounting constructs. Over the last decade, research has largely been based on empirical evidence regarding early adopters. Furthermore, these

Analysis and implementation of a semi-integrated Buck converter with static feedback control

The switches and the control circuit of Buck converter with static feedback control have been implemented in a standard digital 0.6 μm CMOS process. The control used is a direct large-signal approach, and the converter has been proven to be globally asymptotically stable using the theory of successors in combination with Lyapunov's direct method. One very important design parameter is the output r

An investigation of measured and simulated wideband channels with applications to 1.25 MHz and 5 MHz CDMA systems

Fading of the wideband radio channel and its implications for CDMA RAKE receiver operation has been investigated using measured wideband impulse responses and simulations with an exponentially shaped channel model. The emphasis has been on systems with 1.25 MHz and 5 MHz bandwidth, and the reduction in fading variations as well as the increased complexity in terms of required RAKE correlator branc

Distributed Receding Horizon Kalman Filter

In this paper a distributed version of the Kalman filter is proposed. In particular, the estimation problem is reduced to the optimization of a cost function that depends on the system dynamics and the latest output measurements and state estimates which is distributed among the agents by means of dual decomposition. The techniques presented in the paper are applied to estimate the position of mob

Some Contributions to Description and Validation of the Extreme Value Distribution

This thesis focuses on the validation and description of the Gumbel distribution. Since this is a scale and location parameter distribution, the generalized least squares regression of the order statistics on the expected values can be used, without the necessity of iteration, to obtain the best linear unbiased estimates of the parameters. In order to implement this procedure, we need informatio