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Utvärdering av nuvarande regelverk för stoppade sittmöbler samt förslag på åtgärder

In Sweden there are currently no cohesive and unequivocal regulations regarding fire safety for upholstered furniture. In contrast to this the regulations regarding fire safety on vessels are very clear-cut and easy to interpret. The aim of this thesis is to investigate whether the current standards are sufficient, and if it sufficient to only impose requirements regarding flammability. Whether it

Placement events in Farsi : a study of caused motion in Farsi

Talmy’s typology of motion events has been studiously explored from a range of angles, but few have focussed on the domain of caused motion. The few languages that have been studied in the domain of caused motion did not include Farsi. This thesis covers this research gap, and provides a first account of one type of caused motion, namely placement events, in Farsi, with the aim of finding out if t

The pursuit of a successful climate adaptation in the Swedish context: Understanding challenges at the local level

The work with climate change must be structured hierarchically, with global agreements at the top and local authorities and individuals at the bottom. Although, while climate adaptation is recognized at the global scale, there are challenges getting the adaptive actions implemented in practice at the local level. Knowledge about climate adaptation cannot be generally communicated, rather it must a

Kriminellas revansch i samhället

Syftet med uppsatsen är att belysa vilka faktorer som är avgörande för att personer med kriminell historik inte ska återfalla i kriminalitet och hur återanpassning i samhället har gått till efter att de har blivit frisläppta från fängelset. För att söka besvara denna fråga har det empiriska materialet samlats in med hjälp av kvalitativa semistrukturerade intervjuer med personer som arbetar inom Kr

Sprickriskberäkningar med antagna och verkliga produktionsförhållanden

Examensarbetet inleds med syfte och frågeställningar samt avgränsningar presenteras. Därefter följer metoddel, teoridel, fältstudie, resultat och analysdel. Arbetet avslutas med en slutsats och förslag till vidare forskning. Teoridelen består av en litteraturstudie som ska ge en grundläggande förståelse för betongssammansättning och faktorerna som bidrar till tvång som kan leda till temperaturspr

Identity Formation Among Kurds in Sweden: A study on second-generation immigrants

This thesis concerns theories of identity formation and feeling of belonging amongst people in Sweden with Kurdish background. The purpose of this thesis is to study the processes of identity and feelings of belonging among second-generation immigrants of Kurds in the Swedish society. The study presents some theories about identity formation and diaspora making, as well as secondary theories to gi

Sufficiency Business Strategies in the Food Industry – The Case of Oatly

Food is one of the areas of consumption with highest environmental impacts. Additionally, the growing global population and changing diets in emerging countries will further exacerbate the impact of food production and consumption. The challenges of an increasingly resource constrained world pose a need to shift from a consumption-based society to a society where humans can manage with less. There

The Price, Quantity, and Welfare Impacts on the EU Following Increased Import Tariffs: An empirical estimation of 2018’s trade retaliation against the U.S.

This paper explores the impacts of EU’s retaliatory tariffs towards the U.S. on prices, quantities, and welfare. Over the course of 2018, the Trump Administration imposed tariffs on EU steel and iron, to which the EU implemented counter measures of increased tariffs on U.S. imports to the Union. Using standard economic methods, this paper finds that the tariffs were almost completely passed throug

Role of Complement Inhibitor Factor H in Monocyte differentiation

Complement inhibitors in cancer - supporting the enemy Cancer is one of the leading causes of deaths worldwide. In 2018 alone, 9.6 million deaths were due to cancer. Cancer cells themselves and the sites they colonize play an important role in cancer growth, progression and response to treatment. There are many factors that exist in body areas affected by cancer including components of the immune

Environmental reports from SQL

The main objective of this bachelor’s thesis was to develop a prototype for a system in the shape of a database with applications for environmental reports from waste incineration plants. The intent is to create a showcase and a proof of technology for ÅF Malmö’s customers who have an estimated benefit of this technology. The system needs to process data from a waste incineration plant according t

Swedish students and the phonetic component of Kanji

This thesis was written to answer the questions How much do Swedish students of Japanese know about the phonetic component of kanji? and Does awareness of the phonetic component help students guess the reading of kanji?. The phonetic component of kanji gives you the reading of kanji, and can give you an edge in correctly reading unfamiliar kanji. By doing some background research into the curricul

Skräckens arkitektur. En analys av det hemsökta huset i Hin Ondes hus (1853) och Hemmet (2017)

Ett uråldrigt hus med murkna tegelstenar som är täckta med mossa träder fram ur mörkret. Murgrönan sträcker sig över fasaden och döljer de tomma fönstren. Ett litet torn med spetsiga spiror höjer sig över taket och bryter byggnadens redan bristande proportioner. Ett stenvalv inramar en massiv träport med excentriska inristningar och förskräckliga maskaroner. Dörrens groteska portklappar är orörda.The aim of this thesis is to analyse the motif of the haunted house in Aurora Ljungstedt’s Hin Ondes hus (1853) and Mats Strandberg’s Hemmet (2017). In order to compare the motif in these two Swedish novels, Edgar Allan Poe’s short horror story “The Fall of the House of Usher” (1839), which works as a frame for my comparative study. In this thesis, I try to analyse and interpret and Hin Ondes hus

The role of variation in the filaggrin gene for the uptake of chemicals via the skin

The filaggrin gene and the dermal absorption of chemicals Filaggrin is a monomeric protein highly expressed in the outer layer of the epidermis and important for building up the skin barrier. About 7-10% of the European popula-tion have a loss-of-function mutation (so called null mutation) in the filaggrin gene (FLG), which leads to a reduction or loss of the filaggrin protein. The aim of this

YOUTUBE STORYTELLING AS A DOUBLE-EDGED SWORD-A critical discourse analysis of brand Kenya's representation on video blogs.

Africa has in the past received negative portrayal on traditional media. It has been portrayed as a continent full of endless problems. The positive aspects have been ignored and the negative aspects amplified. Thus, the discourse surrounding the continent has been majorly negative. This study seeks to understand storytelling by different groups of video bloggers on YouTube and the effect their vi

Ansvarsgenombrott - När, var, hur och varför?

Rättsläget när det gäller ansvarsgenombrott, dvs. när aktieägare blir ansvariga för ett bolags i likvidation förpliktelser ehuru vad som stadgas i aktiebolagslagen har bestämts medelst en rättsdogmatisk metod. Det går att identifiera sex rekvisit som i varierande grad skall uppfyllas för att ansvarsgenombrott skall kunna komma ifråga. Tre av dessa är de “klassiska” rekvisit som uppställdes av KnutThe present essay aims to clarify the legal position concerning “lifting the corporate veil”, i.e. situations where shareholders of a bankrupt company will bear responsibility for the company’s debts. In Swedish praxis, six conditions are mentioned as relevant for the judgement of whether the corporate veil shall be lifted. First, Knut Rodhe has defined three necessary conditions that must be fulf

Syner på mångkulturellt medborgarskap: Idéanalytisk studie av kommunala integrationsplaner

This bachelor thesis studies ten different municipal plans for social integration through an idea analysis. The purpose is to expose and describe the approaches that emerge in the empirical material and are considered important for social integration in Sweden. The method of idea analysis takes its point of departure in the analysis tool called “dimensions”. In this study, the theoretical framewor

Det förstärkta laglottsskyddet - Ett (o)modernt sätt att se på arvsrätten?

När en förälder dör har dess bröstarvingar alltid rätt till sin laglott, vilken utgör halva arvslotten. Laglotten hindrar därmed föräldern från att fullt ut förfoga över egendomen genom testamente. Regeln om förstärkt laglottsskydd i 7 kap. 4 § ärvdabalken (1958:637) begränsar även förälderns förfogande över egendom under förälderns livstid. Det förstärkta laglottsskyddet innebär att gåvor som givAccording to Swedish law, children of a deceased parent have a statutory right to a share of the inheritance. The statutory share is a half of the deceased persons assets. The statutory share prohibits the parent to, through a will, give the whole inheritance to some other person. Furthermore, the parent is also limited to disposal the estate during lifetime. Gifts can be reclaimed after the giver

Kinesiska lösningar till afrikanska problem? En kvalitativ fallstudie av Kinas Afrikastrategi.

As China’s economy and presence around the world continue to grow, so does their influence. The Chinese engagement in Africa began 70 years ago and China is now the most significant foreign actor on the continent. This qualitive case-study investigates what China’s Africa strategy is. By using the theories of Soft Power and Economic Statecraft light is shed on different explanations as to why that